Domination Wrestling


The XX is a society entirely controlled and run by women. In this society, men are seen as subservient to women and are taught to follow the lead of strong women.

Domination wrestling is a form of wrestling that is popular within the XX. It is a sexual kind of wrestling where women fight against men or other women, and the goal is to dominate the opponent and score as many points as possible.

There are two kinds of points in domination wrestling: domination points and shame points. Domination points are awarded to a fighter that controls and dominates their opponent and shame points are awarded to a fighter that gets humiliated on the mat. Shame points are worth double the value of domination points and take away from the total value of the points. Sexual acts performed on a controlled opponent is considered domination, and being forced to have an orgasm results in shame points.

There are different classes of domination wrestling, with different rules and requirements for the wrestlers. The clothing level decides what the wrestlers are allowed to wear. Accessories, like handcuffs and gags, are allowed to be used to restrict the opponent, but they come with a point penalty. Handcuffing the person you are wrestling with can be tough, but it can help generate a lot of points if used correctly. For high level matches, the wrestlers are usually unable to apply them because their opponent will not allow it.

To get the stats noted for a match, a referee has to be watching the match and calling out points as they are scored. These stats are then used to rank the wrestlers, and the highest ranked wrestlers of each class get awarded with prize money every month. The leaderboard stats are then reset for the next month.

Most domination wrestlers are women since women are generally thought of as tougher within the XX. Also, men have a harder time getting into the right mindset to fight for control since they have been taught to obey and submit to women for as long as they have been a part of the society.

Punching and kicking is generally not allowed in domination wrestling, but slapping and hits to the crotch are allowed. This, obviously, gives females the advantage during mixed fights since they are allowed to attack their male opponent's genitals. For higher clothing levels, cups are allowed to be worn to protect males from getting hit in the balls, but they are also allowed to be removed by the female (and most female fighters will, if they get the opportunity). This disadvantage for males is another reason that there are not many men involved in the domination wrestling scene.

This story described the first domination wrestling match for a couple living in the female dominated society. This couple consists of a man, Tony, and a woman, Sarah, who have both recently joined the XX. Even though they have not always been a part of the XX, Sarah has always been the one in control of the relationship. When they decided to join the XX, it was her idea. She was intrigued by the idea and wanted them to become a part of this matriarchy.

Since there are not many male wrestlers in the domination wrestling scene, getting to the top of the male or couples leaderboards is a lot easier than getting to the top of the women's leaderboards. This has motived Sarah and Tony to start wrestling as a couple. Sarah has previous wrestling experience and they figure that they will be able to reach the couples leaderboards with some training.

Sarah and Tony have, after practicing wrestling each other, decided that they are ready for their first real match. They are meeting a more experienced wrestling team, consisting of two bisexual women. This fight will be a one-on-one tag team, consisting of two 20 minute rounds. The clothing level for this match is "none", which means that no clothes are allowed during wrestling.

The story is told from Tony's point of view.


When we arrived at the location, the other team and the ref were already there. The ref told us to remove our clothes, put on robes and then meet them in the wrestling room. Sarah was currently training me to abstain from orgasm, so I had a chastity cage on. She removed this for the match while we were in the locker room. Chastity cages were not allowed for a match of this type.

We got out of the locker room and entered the wrestling room. The room was small and had a padded mat covering most of the floor. Along one of the walls, there was a large cage and some accessories for the match. When we entered, we were greeted by the two women in robes that we were about to fight and the ref. Their names were Natalie and Samantha. Samantha was and tall and had short, blond hair, while Natalie was shorter and had long, brown hair. Samantha was slim with breasts that were of average size and Natalie had a curvy body that resembled the body of my girlfriend, but Natalie definitely had larger breasts. The referee was a woman wearing a black, tightly fitting top and black shorts. She had a notepad in her hands and a whistle hung around her neck.

When we had been introduced, it was time for the first round. I was up against Natalie, the brunette. We stood facing each other in the middle of the mat and removed our robes. Her body was just as good looking as I had imagined. Her round breasts seemed firm and her pussy was cleanly shaved. She giggled when I nervously removed my robe, seeing my cock for the first time. It was the first time I had been let out of my chastity in a week, and it was rock hard.

"Unless you want to get shame points right from the start, I suggest you calm yourself down," the ref said. Having a hard cock when not being in control was apparently awarded with shame points.

I breathed deeply and avoided looking at my naked opponent, and soon my dick was no longer erect. I would have to remember to keep my excitement down during the fight. We then got in the starting position, facing each other.

"Ready? Go!" the ref said and we tumbled to the ground. We rolled around and I was finding out that she actually at least as strong as I was.

"Get her Tony! Don't let her get to your balls," my girlfriend shouted from the side of the ring. We both knew that she was going to try to take me down by getting to my balls, so I made sure to not make them available for her to hit.

We both struggled to get on top of the other. I somehow got on top of her back as she was on her stomach and pushed my weight down on her, making it hard for her to get out. I lowered myself so that I was laying on top of her back and put my right arm around her neck. She mas moving around under me and before I had locked my arm around her neck, she had managed to turn around to her side. She pushed herself out from under me. I grabbed her leg and pulled her closer again and then crawled over her legs and grabbed her arms. As I pushed them down to the ground, I felt her leg moving up between my legs. I had left my balls vulnerable for her to attack, and she was taking advantage of it. Her knee hit them with a smack.

I groaned in pain and collapsed to the ground beside her, reflectively clutching my crotch. I needed a few seconds to recover and she had the opportunity to get the upper hand. I heard her move and then felt her legs wrapping around my head. As I looked up, all I could see was her naked ass in front of my face. She locked her thighs around my neck, drawing my face towards her ass. To my dread, she now had me where she wanted me. She moved herself closer to my legs and reached for my crotch. My girlfriend was shouting at me to get out and I desperately tried to pry her legs open. I hadn't noticed before, but she actually had quite muscular legs and forcing them open proved to be almost impossible.

I kicked my legs and moved my lower body away from her body. She followed with her upper body. I twisted my body to the side, away from her, making it harder for her to reach my genitals. I hoped that this was enough, but it wasn't. My heart sank as I felt her hand grasping around my balls. She grabbed around the base of my cock and balls so that they were forced out from my body and as soon as she had a good grip she started to slap them with one hand while holding them with the other.

"Looks like I got him by the balls now," she laughed and Samantha cheered her on. The ref called out domination points as I pulled at Natalie's legs and tried to pull my head back through them.

"Stop trying to get away," she said and forcefully punched my trapped balls as punishment. I whimpered and calmed down for a while, recovering from the pain. I then tried again and once again she sadistically punched my balls. Any further effort I made to get away was immediately punished by a vicious attack of my increasingly aching testicles. This made me stop trying to pry her legs open. I was caught. I was having trouble breathing and was becoming weaker from the lack of oxygen.

After a few minutes of holding me down like this she switched position to a sideways body scissors while her right hand was still keeping a firm grip on my balls. She leaned in over me and pressed her left breast against my mouth. She told me to suck it. Her fairly large breast rested on my face. I hesitated, causing her grip to tighten on my balls and I reluctantly opened my mouth and starting sucking on her nipple. I heard that the ref called out shame points to me and domination points to her. As I sucked on her nipple I felt that she awarded me by loosening her grip on my balls. She still had a good grip on them, but now it didn't hurt as much.

"Good boy. That's it, suck on your mommy's nipple," she teased. "I own your cock and balls now. They're MINE. Do you understand? You have proven that you can't protect them from my crushing fingers and therefore you no longer deserve to own them. If I wanted to, I could have castrated you right here on the mat and you would have been powerless to stop me."

To my surprise, I could feel that her domination over me was turning me on and my cock stiffened right there in her hand. She giggled and the ref called out more points to her for getting my cock erect without stroking it. The shame was unbearable.

"Such a true, horny submissive. Look at how quickly he became hard by getting dominated by a powerful woman! Is he always like this, Sarah?" she called out to my girlfriend, who did not respond.

"I guess so, huh," Natalie said to herself. I was ashamed that she had so easily trapped me and that she was forcing me into becoming submissive to her.

The seconds ticked by. Every time I tried to get out of her vice-like grip, she would punish me by squeezing and slapping my already sore balls. She made me suck on her other nipple after a while to complete my humiliation. I tried to control my arousal in order to stop my cock from being hard. She was getting points for as long as it was erect and the humiliation of being visibly aroused as I was getting defeated by a woman was unbearable. I was here to fight, not to get dominated! I tried to not think of what was happening, but as long as her beautiful breasts were in my face, my cock stayed hard. I made another attempt to free myself by rolling and twisting my body away from her, but I could not escape from her legs around my stomach or her vicious hand around my genitals. This attempt resulted in a hit to my balls harder than any of the previous hits and I groaned in pain.

"Do you think that was bad?" she asked. "Because if you keep misbehaving you're going to know what it feels like when I get angry. Are we going to have a problem here?"

"N-no," I whimpered, feeling defeated.

"Good," she said. "Now continue sucking my nipples. I like having your fragile balls in my powerful hand, ready to squeeze them at any resistance, as you worship my breasts and remain under my control."

We remained in this position for the rest of the round, with her making me suck on her nipples and threatening to crush my balls if I disobeyed. At the end of the round, Samantha threw her a pair of handcuffs that she used to lock my hands behind my back. I did not resist this. I figured that the round was already lost and there was no need for any more abuse of my balls. When the buzzer finally sounded at the end of the round she had gotten around 500 domination points and I had gotten 200 shame points. She released her scissor hold, but her hand remained around my balls. She told me to get up and led me like this to the side of the mat. Sarah would have to completely dominate her opponent for us to get even at this point.

I watched as Sarah and Samantha walked up onto the mat and assumed the starting position for the second round. They took off their robes and threw them to the side. Our opponents got their first look at my girlfriends naked body and I got my first look at Samantha's slim body. Samantha was taller, but Sarah seemed to have the weight advantage.

"Get ready. Go," the ref said.

Samantha approached Sarah, who put one leg behind Samantha and tripped her. She fell to the mat and Sarah was quickly on top of her, sitting on her stomach. Sarah put her legs on the outside of Samantha's body and tried to get her legs under her, so that she could trap her in a body scissors. Samantha did not want to let that happen. She resisted and made in hard for Sarah to get her legs under Samantha's back.

From the side of the mat, Natalie suddenly threw a leather hood to her partner. Samantha caught it quickly worked it over Sarah's head. It was a tight fit, but she forced it down all the way over Sarah's head. This happened so fast that Sarah had no time to react. The hood had an opening for her mouth so that she could breath but no opening for her eyes. Sarah rolled off of Samantha and struggled to get the hood off. Samantha crawled onto her stomach. She grabbed Sarah's arms and pushed them down to the sides of Sarah's body, and then put her legs over them, preventing Sarah from trying to get the hood off. Samantha leaned down and kissed and licked the face of her helpless opponent, forcing Sarah to get her first shame points. I suddenly realized that Natalie was stroking my cock. I was afraid that I would be punished if I resisted, so I let her continue.

On the mat, Sarah was struggling to get free under Samantha. She managed to kick Samantha off and rolled away. She sat on her knees, leaned forward and started forcing the hood off. Samantha confidently walked over, stood over Sarah and forced my girlfriends head between her legs. She then locked her legs together around Sarah's neck and dropped down, trapping her in a head scissors. From behind, she then went for Sarah's pussy and started rubbing it. Sarah moaned softly as she struggled to get out of the hold, but I could tell she was quickly becoming aroused.

As soon as Sarah's pussy had become wet, Samantha stopped rubbing and instead pushed two fingers in and started finger fucking her. The points kept coming her way. Much to my dismay, I heard my girlfriend moaning louder and louder in arousal and I realized she would be made to cum if she did not get out of this hold soon. She bucked wildly as her opponents fingers were working her pussy over with skill. She managed to roll them both over, but Samantha's fingers were still stubbornly penetrating her wet pussy and causing her a lot of unwanted pleasure. I heard that her moans got shorter, which meant that she was getting close to orgasm. She gathered some strength, and in a final push got her head out from Samantha's legs and rolled away. She was breathing heavily and her arousal was evident to everyone in the room. Once again she tried to get the mask that her opponent had blinded her with off, and this time she succeeded. The mask came off just as Samantha was putting her arm around Sarah, and Sarah pushed her away in disgust.

"Get away from me, you bitch," Sarah said and backed away.

"Just come here and let me finish you off," Samantha said. "I know that little slit of yours is craving my long fingers. Just look at how wet and welcoming it is."

"The only person my slit craves is my boyfriend," Sarah said, "and..."

"Just keep telling yourself that," Samantha interrupted. "We all know how aroused you are and how much you are going to love it when I take you down again and force my fingers inside that slutty hole of yours."

"Oh really," Sarah said. "Well, I guess we won't find out since that is not going to happen. The only reason you trapped me was because you cheated. We all know I'm stronger than you. This time, you're going down."

Sarah lunged herself at Samantha and pushed her to the ground. With a thud they both landed on the mat with Sarah on top of Samantha. This knocked the wind out of Samantha and Sarah quickly crawled up her chest and was now laying on top of her upper chest. She trapped Samantha's left arm between her legs and moved Samantha's right arm up to her head as Sarah repositioned herself upwards so that she was no longer laying on top of Samantha's chest. Now, she was just above Samantha's head, and her weight pressed down Samantha's head into the mat. Samantha's right arm was now trapped in Sarah's armpit, her left arm between Sarah's legs and in her face were Sarah's breasts. This left Sarah with her left arm free. As Samantha caught her breath, she felt Sarah's left hand starting to rub her pussy. Her legs wriggled and squirmed but did not stop Sarah from rubbing her pussy. The ref called out our first domination points for the match. Samantha changed tactics and instead pressed her legs together as tightly as she could to give Sarah as little access to her pussy as possible, but even this did not stop the ongoing sexual assault. The tables had turned, and now Samantha was the one who was moaning at the hands of her opponent.

"Fight back, baby," Natalie shouted. "Don't let her do this to you."

Samantha started to struggle again after hearing this and Sarah realized she had to act quickly. She forced two fingers deep inside Samantha and began thrusting them in and out. We received more domination points. The finger fucking seemed to reduce Samantha's efforts to get free. She seemed to be fighting her own body and mind instead of physically fighting Sarah. This, too, was a battle that she lost and her moans soon filled the room. In her ecstasy she hungrily reached for Sarah's right nipple and passionately licked and sucked it. It looked like Sarah really had her now. Things were finally going our way.

"Don't worry, boy," Natalie suddenly whispered to me. "Even I cannot normally make Samantha cum against her will when we are fighting at home. She has an amazing willpower." I looked at her confused. Was she not seeing what was going on on the mat, I thought to myself. As if she knew what I was thinking, she then said, "She's also very good at deceiving and making her opponent feel safe, only to strike when her opponent least suspects it. I know, because she's done it to me many times."

As I looked back to the match, I did not like what I saw. Samantha had got her left hand up Sarah's legs and her whole hand was slowly being forced inside Sarah's tight pussy. Sarah was still finger fucking Samantha, hoping that she could make Samantha cum before Samantha forced her whole hand inside of Sarah's pussy. However, Samantha's moans had quieted down and the only sounds that were made were from Sarah's fingers pounding Samantha's pussy and the sound of Samantha sucking on Sarah's nipples. We were at least still getting points since Sarah was still in control.

Soon Sarah was moaning from the pain of having her pussy stretched out as Samantha's hand slowly but ruthlessly penetrated it, inch by inch. Sarah made a last effort to make Samantha cum by taking the weight off her right arm and instead using her right hand to simultaneously rub Samantha's clit as her left hand fingered her. This caused some moans from Samantha, but now that her right arm was not trapped anymore, she could use it to grab Sarah's right arm and stop it from rubbing her clit. Sarah realized that the position was not working for her anymore and swiftly rolled away from Samantha. The both got up and faced each other again.