Domination Missed Opportunity
I often think of one particular ex girlfriend. Not that I want to get back with her. We split up because I could not see myself with her long term, still never could. When I split up with her she was really upset, she begged me to not to drop her. She said she didn't understand why, that she thought we were so good together, that she would do anything I wanted. I said no. She tracked me down a few days later and begged me again, said she would do anything, get my name tattooed where ever I wanted, give anal when I wanted, do anything I wanted. Her pleading didn't work on me at the time.
Looking back on this I regret not taking her offer. Not that I'm particularly into tattooing or that anal is such a unique offering, that is not my regret. I regret not taking the opportunity to more fully indulge my dominant side. I could have taken her back, put up with her for a year or two, on the condition of complete and total obedience.
I would have had her wear the clothes I wanted, spend time with the friends I wanted for her, cut off the friends that I didn't want for her, greet me after work every day with a blow job, wear a butt plug of my choice every day, post naked pictures on the internet, get tattooed as I liked, get pierced as I like. Get the hair style & color that I like. Change her diet & exercise regime as I like. Make her get laser hair removal all over (she needed it). Have her pay the rent, have her pay the car payments. I would have her dress super conservative and smart for her 9-5 life and like a slut in the evening/weekend/vacation. At home she would be naked or wear body stockings or lingerie only. Maybe if she was very obedient I would buy breast implants for her. I would have her suck off my friends on their birthdays. I would occasionally offer her to strangers if the mood took me. I would bring home other women and have her watch me fuck them. I would advertise on Craig's list for wife swaps and swingers meets and hand her off in exchange. I would want unconditional obedience. She would have a choice, I would never force her to do anything, but the choice would always be between obedience and loneliness.
She would take a few days to think about it maybe ask a few questions, try to negotiate, and then she would accept my terms.
I imagine the first day would be spent going through her wardrobe and throwing out all the garbage clothes she wears. Second day would be her buying new clothes of my choosing, suits for work with white fitted blouses and micro thongs, tight lycra for work outs, slutty tops and dresses and skirts for evenings. High heels all round. Then stop at the sex toy store, get a range of butt plugs progressively increasing in size, she will wear one every day from now on, a constant and intimate reminder of our contract. Don't want to stretch her out too much, just enough to make her usable. Next, waxing (all over). Then longer term tackle her diet and her weight, if I'm going to stick with her; she has to get in shape. Sugar free, fat free, yoga and circuits, swimming, jogging, 24hr fast once per week. Day three would be to sit her down and watch proper 100% quality blow jobs on internet non-stop for a couple of hours, get her to learn to properly suck, deep-throat, facial, swallow. The arrangement wouldn't last unless she could offer good face. Then same to teach her to take anal properly. There would have been photo sessions, frequent photo sessions, different types, classy and slutty every kind I could imagine. And sex videos.
She would be a better person after all this. She would be better at her 9-5, I would encourage that, one of the things that was off putting was how rubbish she was at her job. I imagine if she was obedient and without any control or freedom at home then she would grab any control she could get at work and make the most of it. She would probably be the CE-fricking-O after 2 years of my domination. She would be fitter and healthier, without a doubt. She would be more 'stylish' in her evening wear ;-). She would be more comfortable with her own body and her own nudity. She would be more capable and more experienced in bed. These are all strong life skills that she could thank me for.
Some of it would have been hard for her to take, but I think she would have done it with a bit of coaching. I imagine any area that I observed that she exerted any free will in I would have dictated her behavior and eliminated her exercise of free will. I would always push her in a way that made her more professional/fitter/sluttier. The dichotomy of that would, I think, have been confusing and hard to take. He loves me, he's helping me to be professional, he's making me healthy, but he is making me into a slut.
There would no doubt be lapses in obedience from time to time. There would have had to be rules and discipline. I imagine for minor transgressions she would be verbally chastised and made to apologize. Maybe cuffed or spanked or held in a stress position for an evening. Maybe public humiliation, like posting nastier than usual pictures on-line or maybe a slut walk. For more serious transgressions there may have been extended periods of punishment, like 1/4 rations for a week, flogging, rope bondage. I don't think I would share her as a punishment, need to maintain plausible deniability of its unpleasantness, being shared would be presented as a challenge or a reward, not a punishment. In each case I would be careful to make sure she accepts her punishment, that she was expressly choosing to accept it, she always has the option to break the contract and have me walk out the door. She would have taken the punishment every time. The submission is rewarding, I believe it is its own reward, but it is necessary for it to be difficult in order for it to be meaningful. She would have learned all this.
I think the sharing would have been the most challenging for her, I would have to introduce that gently but I think she would have done it. I imagine one would have to call it something different initially, "free love", "alternative lifestyle", "00 generation" then after the pattern of behavior is well established, call her out, label her a slut, make her face what she has demonstrably and undeniably become. Then watch her process it, accept it, and continue to live it - on my terms.
Until I get board of her, then move on. I reckon 2 years would have done it.
There you have it. Not particularly a nice story but that's what I think about when I look back on that period of my life. She missed out. I still check her facebook every now and then, if she ever gets a divorce I might look her up.