Domination And Submission

The day was going slower than ever. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours as my eager mind wondered what was on the agenda. I knew I had a little over an hour until you would return home, so I decided to take a shower to freshen up for the occasion. Tonight was the night to try something new. Tonight would be exciting, because we had finally decided to explore our sexualities in their deepest and most erotic forms. We decided to play out the submissive and dominant roles for a change, and see how they would go.

The shower was almost cruel. My parts felt sensitive from the thoughts that bounced around in my mind, but I knew that it may ruin the surprises of later if I touched myself, so I fought the urge. I made sure that my hair smelled sweet like flowers, and my body had the fresh scent of the vanilla lotion that I use to keep my skin so soft. I crept out into the bedroom, naked except for the towel that I held around myself. I peaked into the closet, looking through it for something to wear. I felt that the whole schoolgirl routine was getting a bit old, and I knew a corset would cause great discomfort in most positions. So what choices remained? I could always throw on a sexy night gown, but I wasn't sure how exciting that would be for you. I decided on a more regular outfit, rather than the regular whorish attire that I normally wore during these special nights.

I choose a simple shirt that was made of a very thin material. It had no design on it. It was red and low cut, so I decided that a push-up bra would work well with it. Now all I had to do was decide what to wear for the bottoms. I figured a skirt would work out well. One that was black and tight to my figure, but could easily but lifted to reveal my ass, and could easily be pulled off. Beneath it I picked out panties that matched the design on the bra, which was red and black plaid. Feeling satisfied with my outfit, I changed into it quickly and put on some makeup. I decided to throw on some knee high socks to tease you, knowing how you hated it when I toyed with you and playfully refused to take them off.

The makeup that I used was also simple. I decided to wear eyeliner, but with no eye shadow. I used a small amount of blush and a glossy color on my lips, just to make them shine a bit. I didn't want to over do the outfit. I brushed my hair until it felt soft and was completely free of knots, then ruffled it a bit. When I was happy with my appearance, I went into the living room and laid on the couch. I browsed the channels and noticed the time. You would be coming home any minute now, and I was happy with that thought. I couldn't stop myself from sliding my hand up my skirt and briefly rubbing my sex, feeling the warmth from it already.

I stopped when I heard a car door slam, and grinned knowing that it was you. I stayed on the couch, laying on my side and staring blankly at the tv, not really paying attention. I pulled a blanket to cover half of my body, and looked back at you as I heard you coming in the front door. "Home so soon? How was your day?" I grinned, rolling over onto my back and stretching my arms out above my head. I noticed your eyes wandering over my body as you approached me, and gasped as you grabbed my arm, pulling me so that I was sitting up. You sat next to me and then pulled me down so that my head was on your lap.

"Same as usual... how was yours?" You bent down, briefly touching your lips to mine as you waited for my answer.

I let out a small sigh and shrugged. I went to sit up, but you stopped me with your hand on my breasts, pushing me back down onto my back. "So, cook anything good?" I shook my head no, reaching up and grabbing your hand with both of mine, not yet giving you a chance to explore my shirt.

"I figured we could go out somewhere... it's been a while, you know?" I smiled at you, brushing your hand against my cheek.

"Go out? But I thought you wanted to stay home tonight? I thought that was why you were all dressed up..."

I rolled over onto my stomach, resting my head on your leg as I looked up at you with pouty eyes. "Yeah... we have all night to do that... Maybe you should go get dressed for now, and take me somewhere nice."

I grinned, quickly jumping up so that I was kneeling on my knees on the couch next to you. "Hm, well.. if you insist."

I watched you get up and head for the bedroom, and laid on the couch as I waited for you to get ready. I heard you turn on the water and knew that you would want to take a quick shower before going anywhere nice. I curled up in the blanket and fell asleep as I waited, jumping slightly when I heard you calling my name. I was happy to see you wearing a white dress shirt with long sleeves, black dress pants, and even a tie. "You look nice.." I said, throwing the blanket off of me and standing before you.

"As do you..." You wrapped your arms around me, pulling me in close for a long kiss, sliding one hand down the small of my back and to my ass, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Ready to go?" I grinned as I gave you a tight hug.


We headed out to one of the nicer restaurants in town, having a nice evening that consisted of an appetizer and dinner, and a lot of playing footsies under the table. We had small conversations about what we would do when we got home, and we were both expecting the same thing. We had discussed different safe words, and decided on two. Amber was to be used if I wanted you to lighten up, and red was to be used if I wanted you to totally stop. On the drive home, I toyed with you through your pants, watching you squirm as you attempted to keep your main focus on the road. "Quit! Seriously... don't do this... not right now."

Your pleas didn't seem to be working. Deciding to try out your dominant role, you gently slapped my hand. "Amber, stop." You said, and for the first time your voice sounded more stern. I smirked and pulled my hands back, resting them in my lap.

"Yes Sir." You reached over, pinching my thigh lightly and clearing your throat.

"You're going to be in trouble when we get home... do you really think I am going to let you get away with all of this teasing?"

When we got home, I watched you go directly to the couch as I turned around to lock the door. I threw the keys down onto an end table as I kicked off my shoes. "Amber..." You called, your voice having a certain tone that made me feel quite interested.

"Yes Tony?" You glanced up at me as you rolled up your sleeves, shaking your head and scolding me.

"From now on tonight, you'll call me Master or Sir. Now, it's time to deal with your little teasing frenzy from earlier. Come on." You patted on your lap, waving for me to come to you. As desperately as I wanted to, I found that I was almost completely unable to move. My arousal had jumped from 0 to 10, and my mind began to race. "My little pet... please allow me to remind you that any disobedience will only make your punishment worse." You smirked, knowing what your words were doing to me, and enjoying it very much. "Now come and lay across my lap so we can deal with this properly." Once I recomposed myself, I almost felt an urge to disobey. I wanted to be defiant or act pitiful, maybe try to pout my way out of things, but why ruin a perfectly good chance to make a long awaited fantasy come true. I approached you slowly, crawling onto your lap and squirming until I found a position that offered a bit of comfort. I felt you resting your left arm on the small of my back, pinning me down as you rubbed my ass through my skirt. "Oh, and Amber... why are you wearing socks?" I laid still, deciding that it may be in my best interest not to answer you. "These are just messing up your outfit, darling... allow me to fix that..." You grabbed my legs, one at a time, raising them and grabbing the high socks to pull them off.

I knew the reaction that my soft, bare feet would cause. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle as I felt your excitement through your pants. I knew you heard me, and your response was a sharp slap on my ass. "Shut up, you little brat... let's see if you still mock me when you're unable to sit." I laid still as you began spanking me, letting out a small sigh of relief at the fact that it didn't hurt nearly as bad as I had always imagined it would. I fought the urge to laugh and say something sarcastic, knowing it would only get me into more trouble. I could tell that you were not satisfied with my response to such a light spanking, and I felt you gripping the bottom of my skirt and sliding it up. "Hmm, well at least you know how to pick out a good pair of panties..." I began to squirm a bit as you continued spanking me, now only having the little bit of protection that my thin panties offered me. This hurt much more than through the skirt, and was also louder. I began to whimper slightly, unable to hold back from the pain now.

I would have lost track of the time, but there was a clock hanging on the wall in the direction that I was facing. I glanced at it every once in a while, wondering how long my punishment would last. I could feel your slaps getting harder, and the sting was becoming greater. I began to whimper much more now, squirming as you continued with a fast rate of slaps for about two minutes. You slowed a bit, seeing that my bottom was becoming red and hearing my whines, although it was hard for you to tell if they were whines from pleasure, or pain. I knew they were from both, and I had grown very sensitive. More than anything, I just wanted to slide my hand down my panties. I felt that a silent prayer had been answered as you slapped my thigh harshly and roughly pushed my legs apart. "Spread them, bitch." This tone was unusual coming from you, but I enjoyed it. I complied, quickly opening my legs for you and letting out a loud moan as you traced a finger down the middle of my panties, feeling the dampness and warmth. I could tell you were happy with my reaction, and began to squirm even more as you teased me, rubbing a few fingers over my panties.

However, it was not yet time for me to be pleased. Now was the time for punishment, so you pulled your hand back and gave me a few more swats on the ass. You tugged my panties down slightly, seeing the redness that you were creating and rubbing it lightly. "Does that hurt baby? Do you regret being a teasing little slut yet?"

I felt that I needed to use some sarcasm. It wasn't like me to just take everything. I needed to be bratty. "Nope! I'm just fine. You can keep going, but I doubt you are going to be able to hurt my ass." I smirked, "Does your hand hurt yet?" You gave me ass a few hard swats.

"You brat... Maybe I need to try something else." You tugged up my panties and pulled me up so that I was sitting next to you. I grinned at you, reaching over and rubbing you through your pants, feeling how hard you were becoming from all of this. You gave me a quick slap across the face. "Not yet you little brat! Now come on." You grabbed me by the hair, pulling me up off the couch and toward the bedroom.

Once we got to the bedroom, you threw me down roughly onto the bed. I squirmed a bit, feeling that my ass was still stinging from the spanking, though I would not admit it. I bit my lip as I watched you, knowing that you were trying to think of something else devious to do, but your mind was drawing blanks. "Don't move! Just stay right there until I come back." You left the bedroom to look through the house for something, though I was not sure what. You came back with a few of my silky scarves, and set them down on the edge of the bed. "Lay down, on your back, now." I quickly listened to you, eager to find out what the next phase of my punishment would be. You crawled over me, pinning me down with your weight and grabbing my arms, one at a time, and tying them to opposite bed posts. You did the same with my legs, making sure they were tight enough so that I could not get free, and my body was stretched out. I felt very vulnerable in this position, and very turned on.

"I will be back in a few minutes. Don't try to get out of here, and don't make any noise." I watched you leave the room, and shivered when you turned out the light. Though I knew nothing would happen to me, I felt nervous being left alone and tied down, in the dark. After about five minutes went by, the nervousness grew and it became difficult not to call out for you. I tried to convince myself that you would be back soon, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. It felt like hours passed before you returned, but I knew it had only been a few minutes. I was relieved as you came back in the room, flicking the light back on and approaching the bed quickly. You had a few items with you, but I wasn't completely sure what.

You climbed on top of me, holding a knife just beneath me chin as you stared into my eyes. We both knew that the clothes that I had one were cheap, and would not be missed if you were to tear them. I whimpered slightly as you pressed the peak of the blade into the middle of my shirt, making a small slit down it. "Shh..." You dropped the knife on the bed next to me and grabbed at the slit you made in my shirt, roughly tearing it open. I could hear the material ripping all over and eventually the shirt fell into shreads. As you moved down, you did the same with my skirt. I now only had on a bra and panties. You laid the knife down on the side of the bed and kissed from my neck down to my breasts. reaching beneath my bra to squeeze my boobs and toy with my nipples. I wanted to rub my legs together to relieve some of the tension you were causing between them, but they were tied apart.

I let out a moan as you moved a hand down over my stomach and just brushed it against my panties. You moved your hand down, just pulling along the edge of my panties to tease me. I whimpered, looking up at you with a desperate expression. "Please?" I said quietly.

"Please what, my little puppy?"

I swallowed hard, trying to push myself into your hand as you continued to tease along the outer edges of my panties. "Please rub me.. please... I need you to.."

You shook your head, smirking. "Do bad girls get to cum?" I whimpered as I heard this, shaking my head no. "Hehe, that's right puppy, they don't... only good girls do." You slid your hand down into my panties, rubbing lightly for a moment, watching me tense up with pleasure. When you thought I had enough to tease me, you pulled your hand out, moving it up and tracing one finger over my lips. "Clean my fingers off like a good puppy..." I licked at your fingertips until you pulled them away, tasting myself and only becoming more aroused.

You climbed off of me, grabbing the knife and setting it on the end table. You reached over to unhook my bra, which was no problem since it hooked in the front. It fell to the sides, revealing my large breasts to you. You stared for a brief moment, but didn't let it distract you. You moved down toward the bottom of the bed and grabbed the whip, which made me squirm. "Now maybe you will start to regret being a bad girl..." You lightly swatted at my thighs with it, moving up to my stomach and landing a few harder swats. I squirmed, unable to block you at all. I began to whimper as you moved up and began to whip my breasts. Though you were only whipping them lightly, they were much more tender than my thighs or stomach. I squirmed and cried out as you began hitting harder, leaving slight marks from the whip on my chest.

As you moved back down toward my stomach and thighs, you hit even harder, now leaving red slashes from where the whip was hitting me. "Mmf, please Sir!" I began to squirm as you continued hitting me with the whip, focusing on my inner thighs, knowing how tender the flesh was there. I fought back tears as I felt my eyes growing wet. I didn't want to pansy out and use a safe word, so I bit my lip and help back from whimpering too loud. "Pleeeease!" I squirmed more, pulling at the scarves that were binding me. I knew I wouldn't be able to free myself, but it felt comforting to try. Throughout all of this, I was becoming even more turned on. I had never imagined you in such a demanding and punishing state, and it was all very sexy to me. I wondered how long you would continue to whip me, and glanced down, I could see red marks across my stomach and thighs.

"Have you learned your lesson yet, you little slut?"

I screamed as you gave me one last, harder hit across my breasts. "Yes Sir... yes." My eyes were watery, though I was not yet crying.

You climbed back onto me and kissed my forehead. "Amber.. you're taking your punishments very well... I love you." I felt comforted from this. "Don't forget that you can use the safe words at any time if this becomes too rough... I won't be mad." I nodded to you, and you quickly got off of me.

I could hear you put the whip down and when you crawled back onto me, you had another piece of cloth. "Lift your head..." I did so quickly, no longer wanting to add more to my punishment. I felt a bit more nervous as you tied the cloth around me as a blindfold. I could no longer watch to see what you were going to use next, and now I didn't know what to expect. The blindfold certainly made the situation more intense. Suddenly I felt you using the feathered end of the whip to tickle me. You started by tracing the toy around my nipples, which only tickled a bit, though it did sooth the stinging from the whip. You moved it along my chest and down my sides, being quite good with it as you moved your hand back and forth quickly to make the feathers brush gently against my skin. I was giggling a bit, though it was not drawing out the reaction that you were looking for. Throwing it to the side, you grabbed the knife and began to run it along my skin.

This tickled much more than the feathers, and I began to squirm as you gently slid the peak of the blade down my side, then back up, then back down. I could barely stay still as you moved down, going over my inner thigh with the tip of the knife, seeing me squirm more and more as you continued to tease me. I can feel the knife being pressed gently against my thigh as your bare hand moves down my leg. I figured that you were happy with the fact that I was freshly shaved, and my skin was so milky and smooth. I could feel your hand sliding down to my ankle, and eventually you took away the knife. You began to tickle the bottom of my foot with your hands, and I could hear you let out a small laugh as I began to giggle more and squirm. I felt helpless, not being able to pull away from you. "Tony.. uh... babe please! I can't take this!"

I could hear you smirk, "Yes you can... suck it up you little bitch."

I began to squirm more, whimpering and hoping that maybe my cuteness would get me out of this one. "Please... please... I can't..." I laughed quietly, biting my lip as I tried to hold back. "Stoppppp please Sir?" After a few more minutes of tormenting me, you finally stopped and decided to move on to the next phase of my punishment. Still having the blindfold on, I was nervous and unsure of what to expect. Without warning, I felt the cold wetness of an ice cube being placed against my nipple. Being startled, I couldn't help but scream. "What the fuck! What are you doing that's freezing!" You slapped my thigh,

"Shut up... did I give you permission to talk?" I could tell you were using one hand to tease my nipples with the ice cube, and the other was running along my panties. You gave me a gentle slap through my panties, causing me to jump again. "Did I?" You sounded angry, but I knew that it was all just an act.

"No... Sir."

"I didn't think so..."

Though I could not see, I knew that by now my nipples had become hard from the cold. I desperately wanted to orgasm, but knew that I would not be able to until my punishment was through, and I knew that wouldn't be happening until after I had satisfied you. "Sir..." I heard you sigh and felt you take away the ice cube and climb back on top of me. I was surprised when I felt you grinding your hardness against me, and I moaned quietly.