Dominating Annie at Work

He meets her in the back room for a new type of inventory.

[Author's note; This isn't a prequel or sequel specifically, just another story]


It was that time of night. The rush of the commuter crowd had faded into a slow trickle of truck drivers and workaholics at the roadside diner. Annie had only started her shift three hours ago and had a long night ahead of her, but a young girl needs money and the burger joint needed cashiers.

Tonight was going slowly, so slowly her manager Brian had sent the other cashier home early, leaving just the two of them alone for the rest of the night. Annie quickly served the remaining handful of customers and got into some cleaning to pass the time. After wiping over every square inch of counter space Brian noticed her boredom and spoke up.

Annie had told Dom about Brian before, who had begun to refer to weedy supervisor as the '40-year-old virgin'. Her boss was thin and plain, with a school-boy haircut and nervous disposition, so nervous, in fact, that Annie still didn't know how he got the manager job. His quiet voice had no authority and he still blushed brightly when the day-time cooks joked about sex. But he was the manager and Annie had to do what he said.

"Annie, will you get out back and start on the inventory?" He asked meekly."There's sweet nothing happening out here." By now even the truckers had gone back to work, leaving the shop totally empty. A very naughty idea flashed through the young nymph's mind as she nodded and said she'd get right onto it.

She brushed past Brian on her way to the storeroom and could feel his eyes swoop down to her ass. Although her tacky uniform wasn't especially flattering it did show off the curves of her young buttocks and hips with a spectacular subtly. Dom described her ass as "hand crafted by the god of anal-sex", and although Brian would never use such language he would probably agree.

Sensing the opportunity for a bit a fun she spun around quickly and caught him half way though his perving. Instantly the man jerked his head away and blushed, turning back to the register where he pretended to be busy. Annie continued on her way to the store room with a smile; it was kind of sexy having that kind of power over a man twice your age.

As soon as the door clicked shut behind her she yanked out her mobile phone and shot off a message to Dom.

"Dom, im at work. meet me at the back door in 10 for a tumble. hurry!" she laughed out loud as the message sent, imagining what excuse Dom would throw out at his room mates as he scrambled to make her booty call. He managed to text back in record time.

"i'll be there. I hope you have a plan for 40yo virgin though. I'd hate to be interrupted before we we're done ;)" His reply reminded her of the potential problem lurking out the front of the shop.

Brian hadn't been in to check up on her yet but it was only a matter of time. He always seemed to walk in just as she was bent over or picking something up, with her ass high in the air, sometimes showing off the top of her black thong underwear. Sometimes just for kicks she'd look back at him and give him a wink; predictably he'd blush and turn away to avoid eye contact, but was never quite able to hide hard-on raging against his pants.

Knowing that time was short Annie began to clear a space in the dim storeroom. She dragged a chair out from the office, ready to jam it under the door handle when the moment came. In a flash of inspiration she cleared some boxes from a shelf and pushed a desk up close, creating a perfect platform for her deviant purposes. This was going to be a shift to remember.

Stepping back Annie admired her work. It was the perfect make-shift fuck-board. The thrill of what was about to happen made the hair on the back of her neck prickle, sending a shiver down to her crotch and putting a pink tinge to her cheeks.

Although Annie was no stranger to risky fun this was a new feeling for her. Her and Dom had done some crazy things, both in public and in private, but there had never been a real risk of her loosing her job because of it. Oh well, she thought, even if the worst happens it'll make an exciting story.

Now she just had to deal with Brian. Easy enough, and mention of sex would make him embarrassed enough to leave her alone. Just as she predicted he poked his head in shortly after she had finished her construction. Looking around quizzically he asked what she was doing, and why she hadn't started counting burger wrappers yet.

"You see, Brian, I'm waiting on my boyfriend to arrive. We'll probably start with a 69 and finish up with a round of hardcore anal sex from behind and I like a bit of space." She answered with a smile, knowing that this wasn't far from the truth. Brian gaped at her, and mumbled "just get on with it", as he turned and left.

She grinned at her performance. It might buy her and Dom the time she needed. Annie smoothed her shirt when she heard the shuffle of feet in the gravel by the back door. A quick tap on the door soon followed, and she lunged over to let her lover in. Less than 8 minutes after she had sent him the message she was planting a passionate kiss on Dom's lips and dragging him into the dingy storeroom.

"Wow, I'm amazed at how quick you made it!" She whispered.

"I was already in the area. You must be horny as hell to risk this sort of thing." He marvelled at her, amazed at how lucky he was to have her in his life.

"Yeah, well, you know." She smiled and winked. "Brian's the only one here and I don't think he'll be bothering us. Even if he does, it's not like this sort of work is hard to find. Now lets get into it, we should probably be quick."

She didn't even wait for his reply before she jammed the chair up under the door handle and dashed back, beginning to tug off his belt. Still overwhelmed at the craziness of the whole situation Dom just stood there for a second before coming to his senses and helping her with the pants.

She undid the zip of her work-skirt and wiggled it down to her knees, kissing Dom's neck and shoulders all the while. Her blood was pumping hard as the reality of it all kicked in; they were both here at her work about to kick off an impromptu fuck-session while her supervisor was just on the other side of a door. The sheer naughtiness of it all was making her sex tingle through her cotton panties.

After pulling his pants down just past his underwear Dom forcefully pushed her round, making her hands hit the table with a flat thud. She began to breath quickly as he groped her tits through her work shirt, raggedly exhaling down the back of her neck.

"You are such a dirty girl, Annie, calling a boy to come fuck your ass while that pencil-neck supervisor watches through the keyhole. Look at you, bent over, pussy ready for fucking."

Dom's dirty talk got her juices going. He pawed her tits all the time he was talking, winding her up like a jack in the box, waiting for her to snap and spring for his cock. Sliding one hand up to the back of her neck he held her head down and sent his other hand to caress her pussy through her underwear.

Pushing her down onto the platform Dom tore the panties off her tight ass and screwed the ruined underwear into a ball. In one quick motion he shoved the whole lot into her mouth, forcing a moan to escape her as she inhaled her own musky sex-scent.

"I know how loud you can get, Kitten, better gag that sound or Weedy out there might hear you cum." He whispered to her, his breath tickling her neck. "The only question now is what slut hole of yours I take first..."

She moaned as he held her down, the sound effectively muffled by the pussy-juice soaked panties she held in her mouth. Dom's hand still danced around her swollen lips, sending sparks up her clit every time his fingers brushed against it.

By now Annie was bucking like a horse; shaking and quivering and moaning non stop. The ever increasing risk of being caught kept her at a heightened level of sensitivity, with every sound, movement and feeling amplified by her raging hormones.

But Dom knew Annie too well, and slowed down just when she was about to burst, sending her even further into this state of absolute wanton lust. Without the barrier of her lacy panties her pussy juice had begun to run down her leg, adding to the amazing combination of sensations she was already feeling.

Together Dom and Annie were the perfect fuck buddies; both young and tight, open minded and trusting, filthy dirty and constantly horny. But it was in one particular area they had the most fun, and after sloshing his fingers in her wet cunt for a few seconds Dom plunged two fingers straight into her loose ass hole.

Even through the gag Annie's moans were almost as loud as a shout. As Dom's fingers slammed into her anal ring she felt a thrill of dirty pleasure sear through her pussy and clit. It was a secret Dom had uncovered early into their relationship; Annie was one of those girls who enjoy anal fucking more than vaginal sex, and came harder from it too.

Even though her pussy juice was dripping down over her ass hole Dom bent down and spat theatrically onto Annie's puckered hole, and continued shoving his fingers all the way down her back passage. Long months of hard fucking and large insertion had left the girl with loose, well-fucked sphincter, which thanks to a controlled diet was never messy. Dom could, and many times had, fuck Annie's ass with anything for hours.

But now they didn't have the luxury of time, and after opening and lubing her dark, wet hole with spit and pussy juice he took his cock into his hand and paused at the tip touched her swollen anus.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it, Kitten? You get me here so I can bend you over and fuck that ass, so you can be pounded and pumped like an anal whore." He teased her, knowing exactly what combination of dirty talk would set her off, and he wasn't wrong. Annie rocked back against his cock, trying to get it inside her, but he only let the head pop in her hole and held her hips firmly.

"Ah ah my sexy little slut, you don't get it that easy." His cock plopped out of her ass, drawing a frustrated grunt from the gagged girl bent over the table. Lining his cock up with her ass hole again he told her she was a good girl, and that she could have him now.

She sighed relief as she pushed back against him, feeling each inch slide up into her veteran anal cavity. Leaning forward she let most of his shaft slide out, before pressing back faster, starting to pump Dom's prick.

After letting Annie get into a rhythm Dom squeezed harder on her hips and began to fuck her back. The smell of sex was already thick in the room, and Annie's non-stop moaning was drowned out by the sound of the furniture creaking back and forth under their fucking.

She felt a major orgasm start to rumble in her pussy and ass, each slap of Dom's balls on her cunt sending her closer to ecstasy. But before she could relieve the pressure of the orgasm the pair were bought back to reality with a sharp tap on the door out to the front of the shop.

Immediately the pair froze, and Annie saw her impending dismissal in her mind's eye. Here she was bent over a desk in the store room with some guy's hard cock buried to the hilt in her ass and her own panties in her mouth when she was supposed be working; she could kiss this job goodbye.

"Annie?" Brian asked from the other side of the door. "I hear noises, what's going on in there?" She could see the door handle turning helplessly as the chair kept the door closed. Annie threw her head back to Dom, who put his finger to his lips, telling her to keep quiet. She shuffled nervously, Dom's cock still raging in her ass.

Brian's attempts to get into the room were getting frantic. "Annie, let me in! Annie what is this, some game?" He was almost shouting now, jiggling the door violently. Annie's eyes went wide as the chair blocking the way slipped out of position and fell with a rattle, letting Brian burst through the door with a flourish. He froze at the scene being played out before him.

After gaping for a second her glanced back over his shoulder to check the shop was empty, and stepped into the storeroom, closing the door behind him. Annie moved to get up but Dom already had a plan and pushed her back to the table.

"Brian," he said casually, "have you ever fucked a woman's ass before?"

Both Annie and Brian blinked in amazement at Dom's response to the situation. Annie made a weak struggle against Dom's cock in her ass, but he held her tight as he waited for her boss to reply. Brian still stood in awe, unable to decide to flee or fuck.

"Brian, I asked you a question. Do you want to feel Annie's tight, hot, ass hole ring squeeze that cock of yours. The one I can see growing harder through the dicky pants of yours." Dom slowly started thrusting back into Annie's ass, drawing a moan from her still-stuffed mouth. "Dom, no..." She protested weekly, but he held her firm and kept sliding back and forth, teasing all the nerve endings of her hole. Brian finally came around and feebly tried to assert himself.

"What the heck is this? This isn't some brothel, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. And Annie, you're... fired." He trailed off as Dom's fucking became more intense. Brian just stood there watching, his hard cock raging against his pants now.

"How about you go lock up out front, and when you get back I'll share this tight little ass hole with you. Annie tells me you're quite a fan of her ass. It must be the way you're always drooling over it. Go and be a good boy now."

Even through the fog of the her arousal Annie could hear that Dom was in complete control of the situation. Despite the fact that Brian was more than a few years older than them both,, and was technically her boss, Dom had him in the palm of his hand. That isn't to say the confused supervisor wasn't without his doubts. Every class on ethics and managerial conduct flashed before his eyes as he saw the tight young girl with a cock up her ass in his storeroom. It was too much, and the poor guy stood flabbergasted.

After giving poor Brian a moment to respond Dom pushed on harder with his fucking and really began to give it to his anal nymph. Annie remained slumped over the desk with her ass high in the air, her eyes blank as she remained lost in the feeling of Dom's prick in her ass.

In contrast to Dom's cool and Annie's abandon Brian remained stupefied, externally at least. Behind his uninspiring exterior he was going totally berserk. The object of so many fantasies, the gorgeous Annie, in such a compromising position was so far away from reality, but yet right in front of him.

Finally Brian's testes sent a jolt of electricity to his stunned body. The opportunity in front of him, the sight that had held him captivated made sense and he knew what he was going to do; he would fuck that tight, young ass hole.

Lurching over to the fucking couple his animal brain took hold. He could feel his dick growing in his stay-pressed manager's slacks. Groping at his fly as he staggered the final steps to the party Brian managed to free his now hard cock from its underwear. Grasping all 5 inches with one hand Brian motioned to Dom to move over and share the young slut, but Dom had a different idea.

"Hold on there, hero," he said between thrusts and heavy breaths. "How about you head round the front and have Annie lube up that cock of yours before you fuck her tight, little ass hole."

Brian gave a dumb nod and headed round to Annie's front. He reached one hand out and touched her cheek, slowly moving the head of his prick to her mouth. He only an inch away from his employee's lips when suddenly Dom pulled her body upright and yanked his cock from her ass. Both Annie and Brian gasped a little; Brian especially.

"But... my cock?!" He sputtered.

"You fucking moron, pin-dick." Dom replied. "Did you honestly think I'd share the sexiest creature in the world with a pencil-neck fucker like yourself? Annie quits, so take a good long look at this tight little body because your never going to see it again."

By the end of Dom's speech both he and Annie had pants on again and were practically out the back door. Annie was blushing still from being exposed, but remained composed enough to hurl one last insult back at her old boss on the way out, who had started to wave his finger in a menacing way.

"You ever say anything to anyone about this and I'll cry rape so loud you'll be the one getting fucked in the ass every day from prison, got it? Have a nice night."

Brian seemed to get the point, and Annie just saw him put his cock away as the back door clicked shut behind them. As soon as it was closed Dom turned to her.

"You OK?" He asked.

"Yeah. But fuck you for winding me up like that!"

"You little whore! Come with me right now!" Dom laughed and dragged her to a thicket of trees just behind the back of the fast food building. "I think I'll have to fuck that slutty ass hole right here and now, dirty little girl!"

"Oh really? You are in a mood tonight!" Annie laughed as Dom pulled her toward the heavy bush.