Dominated in the Mall
This story is about a girl being more or less forced into sexual acts in a public location, despite her having a boyfriend, and her beginning to enjoy them.
I asked a friend for some random Key words (like "public location") and then wrote this story around them.
I am not native to the English language, so there might be some issues, especially with punctuation.
This is a work of fiction and I in no way endorse the behavior of the characters. I do however, find it hot. Exercise common sense and all that.
She checked herself in the rear mirror of the car, seeing emerald green eyes looking back at her, she nervously putt a black strand of hair that had somehow gotten lose back in place.
She really had no reason to be nervous she scolded herself, she was just going to meet an old friend nothing more!
An old friend who made you scream with pleasure the last time you saw him, which you still keep secret from your boyfriend. A sarcastic voice from the back of her head snarled at her.
Alright so maybe he was more than just a friend, but that kind of thing would not happen again!
She loved her boyfriend, and she would stay faithful to him. This was just a quick meeting, to catch up, nothing more, she didn't even care about him anymore. And besides, HE had a girlfriend now too, so he wouldn't try anything anyway.
Yes of course, the sarcastic voice inside her chirped in a sweetly tone. You still masturbate when your boyfriend is not around thinking about that night last year, thinking about all the ways he could take you that your loving gentle boyfriend never could, because you are so very faithful. And you picked such a public location in the mall, because you are so very sure of your willpower to stay so. And of course you would never wear that overly sexy dress with those high heels, he likes so much, thougher with the skimpiest underwear you have for meeting him....oh wait... you did.
The dress is not overly sexy! Just a little short maybe, and I just happened to like this underwear.
She thought as she stepped out of the car and into the mall, having to dodge around an older couple carrying a heavy looking bag between them.
Sure, Sure. The voice replied and she imagined an evil looking version of herself with black lipstick leaning back in a high chair in front of a fireplace and sipping wine.
Focusing more on reality and less on her over active imagination she began looking for the ice cream parlor.
She immediately spotted him: Tall, Blond with muscles clearly visible through his t-shirt, and handsome as ever...which she did not care about in the least.
"Hey, great to see you again, it's been way too long." He said, smiling, and she felt her heart skip a beat.
"Yeah great to see youuumpf-"
Her sentence was cut short when, what she had thought to be friendly hug, had turned into a strong and deep kiss. With lips parted from the surprise, as well as the word she had been saying, he simply slipped his tongue into her mouth. It was an amazing kiss, and she felt her toes trying to curl up in her high heels and lost her balance as a result.
With one hand on her back and the other firmly gripping her ass, he casually caught her, while at the same time forcing the kiss even deeper. Biting into her tongue.
It took her long moments until she fought off pleasure and shock, and pushed him away....well tried to anyway. He let her push him away, she was pretty sure he could have kept holding her no matter how much she struggled.
You would like that wouldn't you?
She glared at him outraged.
"What the fuck are you doing, do you ev-"
"You are as beautiful and sexy as ever." He said smiling warmly to her, cutting off her tirade.
Oh you like that, you are getting wet...or was that from the kiss, I can't really tell.
Shut up, shut up shut up. She yelled in her head.
"Why don't we sit down, you seem a bit flustered."
Distracted, she sat down, before it came to her that probably just slapping him and stalking away would have been the correct path to take. But now she was already sitting, standing up again and slapping him now would seem stupid, wouldn't it...
Before she could decide on what to do, he had already launched into conversation. And seeing how things had apparently normalized, she just kind of followed him leading the conversation.
It did not stay that way for long though, only minutes after they had ordered, she felt his foot (he had apparently taken of his shoes) running up and down her leg, and no amount of angry glaring or shifting her legs away could persuade him to stop.
As if you want him too.
And after their ice cream had arrived, the conversation soon shifted to her sex life. Interspersed with compliments about how beautiful she was, and how much he liked her pale skin, he began asking her things that made her ears glow crimson red, and made her look around worriedly if anyone had overheard, which of course, it was much too noisy for with all the people around them.
And even though she hardly answered anything, he somehow seemed to know exactly what it was she had not said.
"It really is a shame he does not know how to tame you the way you should be. But I do."
He said grinning, and she felt blood rushing to her head.
And to your pussy, don't forget that.
"Shut up, we are in public! ...and I don't want to hear that from you no matter where we are!"
"Of course I'm so- Ah dang it."
He said still grinning when he brushed against his glass, and spilled water over the table.
The glass had been almost empty so only a few drops ran down the table and dripped onto her dress, in this hot weather they would probably dry up within minutes.
"Let me help you with that." He said.
And before she could do anything he sat next to her on the bench, spreading a large paper towel across her lap. He began rubbing with the paper towel, directly above her clit, stimulating it through the fabric.
"Stop this at once!" She hissed, grabbing his hand with both of hers.
"You wanna know what I think?" He whispered into her ear.
"I think you are here because you want me to have my way with you. Because your boyfriend just doesn't have what it takes to satisfy a dirty little slut like you."
"You are an arrogant prick, and if you don't stop righ-"
And then he just grabbed her hands with his, and under the paper towel, lifted her dress and pushed a finger that had been rubbing her clit a second ago past her underwear and into her opening.
She bit her lip, to stop the soft moan that tried to escape her.
He pulled the finger out and held it before her face. It was glistening from her wetness.
"Oh look, I was right." He said and pushed the finger against her lips.
This was just too much, her mind just couldn't keep up with his actions.
She opened her mouth and sucked her own fluids from his finger.
Sooo, finally done lying to yourself?
No, my boyfriend, I have to ik-.
She lost her train of thought when he pulled the finger from her mouth with a soft plop, and joined by another finger, pushed them back into her, starting to thrust rhythmically.
He let go of her hands, and scooped some of her ice cream with a spoon, holding the spoon to her mouth.
"Come on, people might get suspicious if you don't eat."
She opened her mouth, sucking on the spoon if only to stop the moans that his hand between her legs forced from her mouth.
The whole situation was just too bizarre. There where people all around them some of them looking in her direction and smiling or quickly looking away when they saw her being spoon fed ice cream by what they probably assumed to be her boyfriend. While he was finger fucking her under the table.
She came, hard. And with her legs twitching she leaned against his chest, while he wiped her mouth clean. And then made her lick his fingers clean. She almost died from embarrassment when the waitress came over to take the check and saw her doing it.
"Would be a shame to waste the ice cream just cause I'm a clutz." he laughed, and generously tipped the waitress, who smiled and agreed with him.
She was still recovering from her orgasm when she saw a glint from the corner of her eye and heard a ripping sound, seconds before she felt a tugging sensation, followed by a cold breeze on her wet pussy lips.
She stared in disbelieve at him holding her cut up panties in his hand.
"Don't worry pet, I will buy you new ones. But you have to earn them. Now kiss me." He demanded.
And she stretched her neck kissing him hungrily. Trying to wrap her head around the situation.
He has got you now. The voice laughed, and for the first time today, she had to agree with it.
He drew back further and further, forcing her to follow him upwards, until she was standing, on wobbly legs, still kissing him.
He broke the kiss.
"Come on let's go." He said, putting an arm around her, and firmly grabbing her ass.
She felt extremely conscious of the fact, that she wasn't wearing panties as they walked through the mall. Only enhanced by his hand on her ass, and him pulling up her dress little by little, until it barely covered her ass anymore.
He led them into a public bathroom and into one of the stalls. Pulling down his pants he stood there with his erect cock, which was about double the size of her boyfriends. Grabbing his dick he slapped her cheeks with it.
"Time to earn yourself some new panties." He said.
She licked his shaft, kissing the top of his penis, before she opened as wide as she could and took him into her mouth. He was just too big. She heard him laugh and looked up at him, her jaw already beginning to ache as she blew him.
"You still think I'm going to be gentle with you."
He laughed, before he grabbed her head with both his hands, and forced his huge cock down her throat in one go.
She gagged, with her nose against his stomach, and he began to move his hips, fucking her face.
She could not breathe and began drumming her fists against his legs, to no avail of course.
He pulled his cock out and she took a deep breath that was cut short by him forcing his dick back into her mouth.
She had no idea how long he continued doing that, her entire world had shrunk down to his penis, straining for breath, and an aching sensation between her legs. The fluid trickling down her legs told her, that she needed his cock inside her.
And that you will to anything to get it, won't you?
His thrusts started to increase in speed, growing more and more frantic, as she struggled for air, to no avail.
Then he held her against him, and she felt his dick spurting out hot semen directly into her throat, as her eyes rolled up in her head and the world went black.
He slapped her and she came to in an instant. Gripping her hair he forced her to stand and shoved her out of the stall.
She saw herself in the mirror, and barely recognized herself.
Her makeup was ruined, her black hair completely disheveled, thick fluids hanging from her nose and down her chin. And her dress pushed up to her hips, exposing her shaved cunt, with her wetness running down her legs. And above all, the needy look in her eyes.
Him standing behind her holding her by the hair. She saw a flash of light.
"A little commemorative photo." He laughed, running his hand between her legs. S
he gasped and shivered, being on the brink of orgasm just from this light touch. He turned her around.
"You love this. Being degraded, and used. You are a wild thing, and I'm going to tame you."
"Yes" she moaned, and tried to rub herself against his hand, and then against his leg, when he pulled his hand away.
She did not care that she looked like a bitch in heat, humping her master's leg, she just had to come.
You are bitch in heat, humping her master's leg! The voice laughed.
"Not so fast kitten. You did well." She beamed at his praise. "So now it is time for your reward."
He said, pulling her dress down and wiping the snot and spittle from her face.
"No, please. I don't care about the panties, I just want you to fuck me!!"
"Finally being hones I see, but a promise is a promise. Now fix your makeup."
And soon he led her out of the toilet, still firmly holding her ass, this time under the dress.
She thought she saw some passerby's looking after them and frowning, which send shivers down her spine. Who did he think he was, parading her around like this?
Oh please, if he told you to lie down in the middle of the Mall and spread your legs to get fucked you would do it.
She felt blood rushing to her head and to her lower body as she imagined him doing just that.
She was ripped out of her fantasy, when they walked into a lingerie store, and he began picking out outfits for her. He made her try them on and present them for him. She looked around nervously as she stood before him in plain view, wearing see-through bodies and other kinds of lingerie, as he was taking photos of her.
Maybe, if I please him, he will finally fuck me. God I think I will go insane if he keeps this up.
She posed for him begging him to take her with her eyes.
"Have I ever told you how beautiful and hot you look when your entire mind is consumed by the need to get fucked?"
"No." She replied, lowering her eyes and blushing.
"It does feel much better to be honest with yourself like this. Admitting you're a dirty slut, who needs a strong man to take care of her." He said, caressing her cheek with one hand.
"Yes." She whispered, closing her eyes pressing her cheek against his hand.
He moved the hand, and she followed, trying to keep it touching her face.
Then he pulled her into him, pressing her against his chest and kissing her hungrily, demanding her surrender. Her eyes still closed she relaxed, focusing her entire existence und his teeth on her lip, his tongue in her mouth, the overpowering smell and feel of him.
She groaned into the kiss, as she felt three fingers push inside her, and then groaned again when one a different finger pushed inside her asshole.
She stood there as he demanded all three of her holes, overwhelmed by the three different amazing sensations, emanating from her mouth, pussy and asshole.
It was wonderful, more than she had ever felt before, but it wasn't enough, she needed to be fucked by him, needed to feel his giant cock inside her, and she didn't care if everyone in the shop saw it! Not that there was anyone around right now.
She felt dazed as he broke the kiss, all the sensations vanishing at once, and barely realized as he pushed her into the changing stall. Tying her hands to the railing with his belt, he moved until he was standing only centimeters away from her, his face filling her entire field of vision.
"Tell me what you are, what you need."
"I'm a-no....I'm your dirty slut, and I need you to fuck me with your giant cock. Please oh please please please."
"Hmmm, and what will you do for me, your master, to be granted that privilege?"
"I will do whatever you want....master. Anything! Just please pleasepleaseplaease-"
"Alright then." He said laughing, lifting her legs up so he was holding her up, and positioned himself before her entrance, rubbing his dick up and down on it.
"Oh yes, yes please."
She couldn't wait anymore, he had to take her nyyyrrrgh.
She came as soon as he pushed his tip inside her, spreading her out, and rubbing her insides in all the right ways.
She moaned loudly, shuddering from the orgasm that washed over her, and he pushed her previous cut up panties into her mouth laughing.
"Shhhh my dear, you don't want anyone to hear you, now do you" He said as he began pushing deeper inside her, she curled her legs tightly around his waist and moaned into her panties, as the ebbing orgasm was renewed instantly.
She screamed, muffled by her gag, when he finally buried himself completely inside her.
She felt painfully full, helpless, at his mercy...she felt whole, whole, as she had never before in her life. She was hanging in his hands, no escape from the pleasure, from him.
Not that you want to escape.
Not that she wanted to escape.
This was where she belonged.
He began moving her up and down, fucking her against his giant rod.
She had no idea where one orgasm ended and the next began, to her it felt like one continuous orgasm, renewed every time he made the slightest movement inside her, making her twitch and tremble uncontrollably.
By the time his thrusts grew frantic and he came inside her, she just hung there limply in his arms, every bit of her energy spent, her eyes half closed, panting hard trough the gag inside her mouth.
He stepped away, leaving her hanging by her arms, taking out his phone and taking another picture, as she felt his cum dribble out of her and down her legs. She tried to look at the camera, at him, and smile, as her brain slowly rebooted.
He pulled the gag out and smiled back at her.
"I think we have made some good progress towards taming you, don't you think kitten?"
It took her a moment to figure out how to speak.
"Yes, master" she mumbled.
"Of course it will take a bit longer, to break you completely and make you mine, but we will get to that in due time."
"Yes, master." She smiled and her world went black.