Dominated by the Maid Pt. 10

This part's pretty short. Haven't really been able to write for a while now.


The small sound crushed Cal's soul as the thought of being caged and chastised scared the crap out of him.

"Nice. That's a good pet."


Cal squirmed and writhed glaring at Lara.

"Okay, let me get this gag off before you start frothing at the mouth."

Lara unwrapped the scarf and pulled out the wad of socks making Cal cough and wheeze.

"What the hell are you doing, get this thing off of me!!!"

"Do you want me to stuff these back in your mouth? I can't say I really appreciate this attitude of yours."

Lara looked down at Cal menacingly, making him shrink back a bit. But the current scenario was too much even for Cal to just back off after a snarl.

"Get this thing off me and explain yourself."

"It's called a chastity belt silly, it's meant to make sure you don't masturbate and are under my thumb. I told your mom there was a simple solution to your problem and she tacitly approved. She doesn't exactly know you were gonna get caged, just that the solution was harmless and that it would curb your bad habits. You are free to go tell her that a girl locked your cock up and that you want her to intervene and get you free."

Cal was huffing both in part rage and part humiliation.

Just the thought of going to his mom with this was cathartic. But he finally calmed down as he knew getting angry and screaming wasn't really going to solve the problem for him.

"This is too much Lara, you know it is. I've let a lot of shit slide but I can't go through with this. Did you even stop to think I might have hurt myself?"

"Yes, I did, I'm not as cruel and heartless as you paint me out to be. I looked up all the details online and what do you know, a lot of men are into this sort of play, they don't have any problems leading a normal life."

"Well I'm not 'a lot of men' so take it off now."

"Can't believe you are going back on your words so quickly. Didn't you just promise to submit and obey me if I let you cum?"

"I didn't agree to this shit you bitmmmpph".

Lara clamped her hand over Cal's mouth and looked him in the eyes.

"Language, Cal. How dare you speak to your superior like that."

Cal rolled his eyes but flinched when Lara started pinching his nipples. He couldn't help but be slightly aroused by her domineering ways but the dastard cage started pressing down on him.

"Tell you what. You keep this on for the rest of this week and I'll grant you one wish, any wish... within my capacity and it shouldn't breach any of my limits or morals."

Cal paused for a second and knew this was more of the same old trick she pulled last time. But given that she had come through on her last promise he was more inclined to believe she would keep her word.

'But a whole week in this cage...'

"Tick tock Cal, if not I might withdraw this offer in 10, 9, 8..."

Cal's mind blanked at the ruthless countdown initiated by Lara.

"Fine, I accept you minx."

"Perfect". Looking at the ecstatic Lara smiling triumphantly while looking down on him made his cock stir once more and his cheeks blush as he looked away.

"Okay, get in bed my little slave, I'll tie your arms in front of you and tape your mouth shut before tucking you in."

"Why? I'm already caged as is."

"Just because, it makes me feel good knowing I can tie you up whenever I want."

She untied and retired his hands in front after letting him dress up and put a piece of tape over his mouth. Cal could have easily got it off, it was more of a gesture, a power statement more than anything.

"Good night my pet, I'm looking forward to the next few days."

Cal, tired from the arduous day, quickly fell asleep and had a peaceful night.


Cal woke up when he felt harsh slaps to his butt, courtesy of his mother who was looking down on him with her hands on her hips.

"Get up young man. You have duties to attend to."

Cal stirred slowly and noticed that his mom had untied him. She must have tried but failed to wake him from his deep sleep.

"Sorry mom. I just had a long day yesterday."

"I know. That's why I'm cutting you some slack. Get freshened up and you can start you duties as our slave. Remember that's Ma'am to you.


Jenna slapped him on the butt once more before giggling and leaving the room.

Cal almost snuggled into the sheets and slept off, but the thought of the harsh punishments that would await him if he did so kept him from dozing off.

He got up and pulled down his pants to see the abominable thing still attached to his dick.

"So it wasn't just a bad dream in the end..."

Cal went on to do his daily business in a glum mood. It took him 30 mins to freshen up and get ready.

He made some coffee and served it to his mom as she was reading the paper on the balcony. The scene was in stark contrast to what usually used to happen a week before.

It was Cal who used to read the paper at the balcony while his mom made them both coffee.

"How life changes so drastically..."

Apparently his mom had had the same thought as well as she smiled and gestured for him to kneel down.


"On your knees dear, I would like you to massage my feet while you are at it. You'll be punished for that though, wait till I get my belt on your ass that'll teach you your place and the proper way to address me. You are still a slave, even if Lara isn't here... my slave."

"I'm sorry Ma'am."

Cal was reluctant but decided to submit as he didn't want to make things worse. He got on his knees and started kneading his mothers feet. He could feel her relax and sip her coffee as she leisurely enjoyed herself.

"Don't worry dear, the balcony railing is high enough that no one can see you. Only one who is remotely close is Mrs. Adlair next door. If your luck is good enough she won't notice you from between the cutouts of the balcony railing."

They had one of those stone balconies with diamond shaped cut outs in the wall. hard for anyone to see if Cal was kneeling down as they were in the top most spot. Mrs. Adlair next door had their balcony a few meters below.

He continued his massage for a few minutes when he felt his mother shift and stiffen a bit.

"What are the odds..."

Cal had a bad feeling as he knew what was coming next.

"Hello Jenna, how is it going?"

"Hello Lilli, I'm good."

Cal fell flat on the floor and started to crawl out into the room but he felt his mom's foot press down firmly on the small of his back pinning him there. He looked up to find her grinning mischievously. Cal had a very bad feeling about this as he shook his head but the foot on his back only pressed down harder indicating for him to stay.

Jenna went over to the table and placed the newspaper all the while pressing her toes across his lips. she started walking back to the balcony but not before throwing a threatening glare at him and patting his ass twice with her feet.

Her message was vague but understandable. She wanted him to crawl down and lick her feet and that he would be punished if he refused to do so.

Jenna was having some light conversation with Mrs. Adlair when she felt Cal's tongue streak across the top of her feet.

Cal knew she was smiling at the small victory as he heard Mrs. Adlair ask why his mom was so happy and smiling this morning. The conversation was pretty short but it felt like an eternity for Cal as the fear of getting caught and the humiliation of it all was going to his head.

He was just about done with both the tops of her feet when he heard both the women say their goodbyes.

He felt his mom walk back into the room laughing, all the while watching him crawl back in.

"Oh dear... what kind of state you have been reduced to. I admit all this slave business is getting my old sadistic tendencies back on track."

Cal looked up at her with his face blushing at the humiliation.

"Don't worry dear, I won't let anything bad happen to you... well, I guess I should say I won't let anything too bad... but I do have to admit that Lara is right, some submission to the right women will do you a lot of good."

Cal had a lot to say in protest but decided to hold it in as he knew anything he might say might be used against him.

"Good, you are finally learning. Okay, get ready... Lara will be here soon."

She started walking out of the room before stopping and turning around.

"Oh, I completely forgot... I spoke to your sister yesterday, we had a good long heartfelt talk and have patched things up a bit. She was very intrigued by this new setup that we have going on."

Cal's was gaping at the implication that his older sister was now privy to one of the most humiliating days of his life. He had meant to take the contents of this week to the grave.

"She'll be here tomorrow. Get her room prepared for her will you?"

With that Jenna left the room, leaving Cal in a stunned daze.