Dominated by the Maid Pt. 08

Cal continued to toil away at his chores zealously in the hopes of completing them early and earning some well deserved free time. No matter how many character flaws Lara and Jenna had to complain about Cal's behavior, no one could ever call him lazy or unmotivated. He was the kind of person who strove to achieve excellence in whatever he put his mind to. It just so happened that he was currently striving to suck and clean Lara's used panties and complete all his chores efficiently.

He went through each of them, thoroughly sweeping the floors, cleaning the dishes, doing the laundry, and watering the lawn. Contrary to what Lara thought of Cal's cooking skills he was actually a pretty good cook from his years in college. He prepared a few portions of the latest chicken steak he had been wanting to try out. It was pretty fancy for a 3 person dinner but he wanted to blow them away with his culinary skills.

'Mom's gonna love this dish, she's an avid meat lover. This should be enough to get her onto my side. Plus, I want to see Lara's face when she tastes it and can't help but crave for more.'

Cal was finally done with all his chores and was left with 30 minutes to spare before Lara was expected to arrive. He quickly rushed to his room and turned on his laptop for some much needed reprieve. He was looking forward to this...

"What the fuck, Noooo!!!"

Sadly to Cal's utter fury and dismay all his folders had gone missing, years of hard work in collecting all kinds of his favorite porn gone in an instant. There was only one folder remaining and the name of the folder made Cal want to rage but also cry at the same time.

"I'm holding your porn collection hostage, my horny little virgin slave."

"I'm going to kill her, I fucking will definitely kill her for this. She's not getting away this time."

Cal was barely containing himself at this point, but it wasn't just all rage. There was something about how Lara seemed to have Cal in the palm of her hand that turned him on, but admitting it only served to make him even angrier. He couldn't bring himself to admit it but he was deeply intrigued by Lara and her ways.

"I can just go online, it will have to do for now. I'll think about how to slowly get back my collection later on."

Once again sadly, Lara had covered all her bases. The Net Nanny software logo was seared into Cal's brain as he looked at it with deep hatred. It was just a trial version for the week. But it was a sign the next week was going to be an excruciating few days.

"Fuck, fuck and fuck."

Cal let out a deep breath to relieve himself of all the pressure. He knew he needed to keep his temper in check and make sure he doesn't mess up anymore. Lara had been ahead of him in all fronts as he was too emotional to think straight.

"Well, it's not like I'm addicted to masturbating, I can go a week without watching any porn." But there was a strain in his voice at the last few words as he tried to convince himself he could really do it.

He quickly switched his stock analysis software to divert his attention. He started working and soon got into the rhythm, soon forgetting his past worries. By the time the doorbell rang it had already been close to an hour. He had made a few more investments and sold some old ones making a good amount of money. Making money always did get him into a good mood, it was the next best thing at least.

He hurriedly stuffed Lara's sock back into his mouth as he knew she would inspect it as soon as she entered him. He had thoroughly sucked the socks dry of Lara's foot sweat and saw no point in humiliating himself when he was all on his lonesome. The doorbell had already rung a few times by the time he fixed himself up and opened the door. He saw Lara standing on the porch in her professional attire with her hair a bit astray due to the long day. She was somehow even more beautiful than in the morning for some reason. Maybe it was the casual secretary vibe that was very much to Cal's likes. He opened the door wide and let her in before locking it shut.

He immediately pulled the sock out of his mouth and placed it on the floor before kneeling down in front of her. He didn't want to give her any more opportunities to mess with him. He picked up a washcloth and started cleaning her shoes without looking up into her eyes. He knew he wouldn't be able to contain himself if he saw even a hint of ridicule or superiority on Lara's face.

"Welcome home Miss Lara, how was your interview today?"

"Hah, you actually remembered the greeting I was half expecting you to glare and yell at me after what I did to your porn collection."

Cal stiffened at the mention of his collection, his years of hard work stolen in a moment by this swindling witch.

"Either way, it's good you are learning your place in the scheme of things. But a slave doesn't need to know things like what I do with my day and how my interview went now does he? Your only job is to wish me well and please me in every way possible."

Cal was dumbfounded for a moment as he finished wiping her heels clean to shiny perfection before looking up at her with a doubtful expression.

'What's she going on about? That's so contradictory as fuck.'

Maybe Lara sensed it too as she let out a sigh.

"My bad, that was uncalled for. It was wrong of me to put you down when you were showing interest in my life unlike how you've been till now. The interview went really well, I think I can look forward to getting a full scholarship. I should know in a day or two."

They both held thier silence as they pondered about the good news.

"That's great Lara, I'm sure you'll get it. I do admire you for persevering and finding a way out of your bad family situation and finally fulfilling your goals."

"Hah, buttering me up now are we? Don't think I didn't miss you calling me Lara just now. You should prepare yourself for the incoming punishment.

"No, really. I mean it when I say I admire you in this, I definitely have some beef with your behavior the last few days but I'm not lying. It would be a cliché if someone like me who has never faced financial difficulty, who only had to study well and everything else was handed to him said I understand. But I have an inkling that it wasn't that easy to rise above all that, so, I am glad you will be getting that scholarship. Nobody deserves it more."

Cal always did have a soft spot for hardworking people who overcame hardships, he tried to help such people as much as he could by making secret donations and sponsoring kids with talent but no funds to back them up. Surely it was a small sum of money since he had just started working himself and was saving up most of his earnings but it made him feel good and felt it was the thought that counted. his parents had always been involved in that sort of thing and it just seemed natural for him to follow through too. After listening about Lara's circumstances he had considered silently sponsoring Lara in case she didn't get the scholarship but that was a wasted thought now if she was about to succeed.

Lara silently digested what he had said, her face looked conflicted as if not sure what face to show or how to respond.

"Thank you."

The awkward silence continued for a while before Lara cleared her throat, breaking the impasse.

"That was some nice sweet and flowery, make a girl weak in the knees talk there, virgin slave. Can't believe you couldn't get even a single second date with such skills."

Cal was about to retort before staying silent as he realized she was just saying it to fill in for the happiness and embarrassment that she felt from his praises. Her charming smile and slight blush told him all there was to be said.

"Now, get to kissing the toe caps of my heels, little slave. We have yet to evaluate your work performance."

Cal bent down and gave her feet a few pecks, inhaling the scent of the leather. After the morning's incident he had gotten past the mental barrier of such acts but it was still hard to kneel in front of his former maid and do such humbling acts.

"Now pick up those socks and spread them out for me to look at. Hmm... you must have sucked each drop of my sweat out lovingly, it feels almost as good as new." She thoroughly inspected the socks before giving her approval.

"Now, I've got something else for you to chew on. Open up."

She took off her heels and started to pull off her black nylon stockings. She bunched it up into a thick wad such that the gusset and toes were bunched together. She gently clasped it over his face, caressing it across his face and nose, forcing him to smell them.

"How is that? The gusset was just a few inches away from my pussy. If you sniff hard enough maybe you can catch a whiff of my pussy."

Cal stubbornly held his breath as he knew if he gave in now, he might as well submit to her whims completely.

"Fine, be that way."

She pinched his nose shut forcefully and clamped the wad of nylon stockings over his mouth making him panic. He had held his breath for so long that he was almost out of air and started to squirm. He was on the edge of losing all air when she finally let go and instantly clamped the nylons over his nose forcing him to draw bursts of air through the nylons. He had been right in that Lara had been trying to trick him, all he smelt was her rank sweaty toes mixed with her perfume giving off a unique scent.

"Good boy, now open your mouth unless you want me to do that again, this time I won't stop until you've passed out. Try that with me again and you'll face much worse punishment than some sweaty nylons. Got it?"

Cal swiftly nodded his head as he opened his mouth, obediently letting Lara stuff her sweat drenched stockings into his mouth. She pushed and prodded until the entire wad was in his mouth.

She opened her bag and reached in to pull out a few scarves and a roll of tape. She made a knot in the middle of a long pink scarf and shoved it in his mouth so that the stockings were stuck in his mouth. She wrapped his wrists together roughly with some of the duct tape before pushing him away and inspecting him.

"Much better, I liked your sweet talk but I think I prefer you when you are only seen but not heard. Let's wait for your mom before we have a look at the chores. We'll inspect it thoroughly so you can have a once over to make sure you didn't make any mistakes. Go on hop to it."

Cal let out a moan at the rough treatment but gave up on any thoughts of resistance as he wriggled his tied up and gagged body and left to check everything was okay while Lara went to wash her face and freshen up for dinner.

Cal went through each area except the lawn, it was cruel of her to tie him up and send him to re-examine everything as he wouldn't be able to do anything with his hands bound behind him. Thankfully he didn't find anything blatantly wrong with any of the chores. He soon heard the doorbell ring and knew his next dose of humiliation had arrived. He went off to unlock and was standing in front of the door before realizing his hands were taped up. He had to struggle a whole lot before being able to unlock the door with his back turned.

"What took you so long... Oh my, I see." His mom giggled looking at his current state.

Cal made lots of groaning noises as Jenna closed the door behind her. He tried to indicate his gag to her which didn't take long for her to grasp.

"You want me to take off the gag? Don't know if I should though..." His mom's cool attitude at his predicament and mischievous grin was starting to irritate him a bit.

"Okay okay, don't be a grouch. Come here."

She soon untied the scarf and fished out the stockings in his mouth by the edge of her fingers.

"What is it? I was kind of starting to enjoy your continued silence, I have lots of rank stockings which I go through everyday. I might just implement this punishment later on. Earn myself some quiet time and keep you out of harm's way at the same time. A two in one."

Cal looked at his mom in wonder and disbelief, she was really getting into this subjugating her son scenario that Lara had drafted.

"I'm sorry to trouble you Ma'am. I just wanted to greet you. I hope you had a good day. How did it go with the investors?"

"I'm liking this new routine dear, I hope you'll continue to do this even after the week is done. I had a great day today, I think the investors are just rearing to invest in us. We should be able to expand pretty soon at this rate."

"That's great mo... Ma'am."

Cal almost had a slip of the tongue but quickly corrected himself. Jenna gave him a quiet smirk but didn't point it out to him.

"It's okay Cal, you don't have to always be a slave like Lara insisted, You are still my son after all. I think we should still share some Mother-Son time, which has been long overdue. If you ever call me mom or when I call you Cal it's a signal for a timeout. But this can only be a rare privilege from your side, only when you have something important to say. I'll talk to Lara about it. But other than that I'll be treating you like Lara wants, like a slave who is here to work for our pleasure and not as my son, you'll work hard and be trained and punished so that by the time the week's done you'll be remolded into a new man. I have been meaning to take you to task for a while now but have been busy with the investors and such, but I'll be making use of this week to punish you for all the times I let you slip away before."

Cal gulped and the ominous undertones but only inclined his head in a silent plea for mercy. He suddenly remembered Lara's directive and kneeled down after picking up a nearby washcloth, scaring the hell out of his mom. She looked puzzled as Cal went about cleaning her shoes diligently.

"What's this?"

"Miss Lara told me I should serve my superiors like this when they are either coming or leaving."

His mother looked on for a while before yelling for Lara to come to her. Cal was almost done with his cleaning by the time lara arrived.

"Hi, Jenna. How was your day?"

"It was fine dear, what of your interview?"

"It went great, pretty sure I aced it."

"Nice. Can you please tell me what this is all about?"

She pointed to Cal on his knees wiping her heels clean."

"Oh, I see you ungagged the slave, I was hoping he would forget to greet you with it on. I just thought we should ingrain some values of respecting the matriarchy into him, hope you like it."

"Oh, that I do, I haven't seen him this humble in a long long time. I was wondering if I should order him to shine all my other heels too."

"That's a great idea. Finish up quickly slave, we don't have all day. So... you heard her, what do you say?"

"Thank you Ma'am, I'll work hard to make it happen."

Though his words said one thing his face looked disgusted at the thought of cleaning the dozens of nasty shoes his mom owned. It was one of her habits which he never liked, she liked to buy a lot of shoes which she rarely used or just threw into the closet without cleaning. That closet was almost like a dump which nobody dared to open.

"Oh my, my slave seems to abhor his work. I get it, that dump has been bothering me too. I don't have the courage to sift through all of that. Good thing I have a slave who is willing to do it for me."

"He'll need some more training, a slave should accept any order given by his mistress without any resistance. We'll get there though, within the week."

They both giggled to themselves at that prospect.

Cal was secretly fuming at his mother for milking the situation and his services as a slave for all it was worth. He was stuck in a hard place where he couldn't retort without getting the shirt back from Lara, and he needed to convince his mom to hand the shirt over to him after Lara gave it to her. Basically he was at their mercy until the shirt reached his hand.

"Would you give us a minute Lara? I'll be right in with our slave in tow."

"Sure, I'll change and start with the inspection, then dinner after."

"That sounds great."

Cal's mother went over to the sofa and sat down placing his gag, the stockings and scarf on a nearby table. She seemed to be in thought for a while about something, before leaning over and looking at her son who was on his knees in front of her.

"Mother-Son time dear, If you have something to say to me the limit is within the next 5 minutes."

Cal looked uncertain on what to say exactly before shaking his head.

"I have a lot to say but I need to think on it if you are going to be mean about it and give me only 5 minutes to talk as equals."

"It's the way things will be for this week, I don't want to interfere too much into Lara's wishes unless they are completely against my morals."

"Geez... I wonder where does strict bondage and gagging, slavery, whipping, and foot kissing lie in your moral compass."

"Much lower than low-key sexual assault and unwanted facials for sure, especially when they are as recompense for said assault. Even if it was accidental."

Cal stayed silent after hearing her response, he honestly didn't have any rebut her claims. Jenna let out a sigh and stroked his hair for a bit like she used to when he was young. Cal reached to shake her off as was their usual routine before realizing he was still bound.

"Heh.. that's plenty convenient. What did you mean by foot kissing though?"

"Oh, just another one of 'Crush Cal's ego' rules by Lara, I am to kiss her feet whenever she comes or leaves."

"Hah... that girl's got a knack for this stuff. Wait... what about me then?"

"She included you too but that seems too weird for me to follow through with."

"What's wrong with pampering your dear old mom's feet? Your dad used to do it too after some of my long hours."

"I really did not want to know that."

"My point is it hasn't really changed much, we are still the same people you've known so don't think too much about it. I'll be expecting my pampering right after this break."

"This is getting crazier with each moment. Can't believe you are diving into this shit Lara's plotting head first."

"Oh honey, I'm not as dumb as both of you would like to believe I am. I just play along as long as neither of you cross the line. I think Lara is tired of all the hurdles life has thrown at her and this is finally her breakthrough from all that. She's a good kid, she just needs some rest and someone to take care of and pamper her for once. The slavery thing is just her way of getting what her weary mind wants, either way, it's quite understandable, what woman hasn't wanted her own devoted slave who attends to her every need and whim. Especially if it's the boy who only viewed her as a sex toy to fuel his delusions."

'I guess some of our blatant manipulations were pretty easy to see through. Still she hasn't completely figured Lara out either. Considering the sexual diva she is on the inside I'm not convinced. I'm sure she has some other goal which reaches past just this week.'

"We'll just have to agree to disagree. But that doesn't explain your involvement in all this. Using your own son as a house slave...?"

"Hey, I'm a business woman. I never let go of any opportunities. Besides with your dad being away for months on end and after having to put up with your stuck up attitude I believe I deserve some pampering. On a side note you have only 30 more seconds to talk to me as a free man."

Cal gaped at Mom's shameless assertions. The time limit which he had forgotten about reminded him of his current predicament.

"Listen Cal, I am your mother no matter what happens, so believe in that I'll always protect you and love you. This whole scenario just gave me the chance to vent my frustrations about you. I have also been thinking about some of my talks with Lara about your sister... Maybe I was a bit unfair to her and too partial to you. Since she and I were distant I wanted at least my young one to love me, hence not disciplining you properly for your indiscretions like I did with Hana..."