Dominated by the Maid Pt. 07

Cal and Lara entered the Supermarket. She had made him wear a cap partially covering his face - which raised several alarms in Cal's mind - before entering the mart hand in hand, Cal had tried to wrest his hand free but Lara held on to him with an iron grip and gave him a threatening glare to silence his protests. They got a trolley and went about buying items from the list Jenna had left behind. The mart was pretty empty, a few people here and there, spread out. By the time they were done collecting the items the counter was empty.

Cal found most of the stuff on his own and the ones he couldn't were picked out by Lara. She also bought many chocolates from the goodies section and told him that he would be paying for those. Cal found her craving for chocolate amusing.

By the time they were done with their shopping the counter had emptied out. The clerk was a cute girl probably in her 20's. She was probably a college student working part time at the mart. She saw the two of them approaching and seemed to check Cal out. Cal noticed her actions and couldn't help but smirk in secret. He did have a pretty good build, he worked out regularly and kept himself in shape. He was around 6 feet but wasn't so bulky that he towered over others but was built well enough that he looked solid, stable. He rarely had trouble picking up girls but that first date barrier seemed too high for some reason, they kept bailing on him after the dinner date. Some of them used to leave in a huff after getting offended for random reasons, blaming him for being rude. His thoughts were derailed by a sharp pinch on his butt, apparently Lara had noticed the clerk's actions too.

"Hello, how are you?"

The clerk gave a cheerful smile as she looked at them, well mostly Cal. Her lapel said Rose.


Cal could hardly say much without letting the proverbial cat out of the bag. He looked towards Lara but was met with only a smirk.

He pushed the items on to the clerk and gestured for her to bill them up. Rose's smile waned a bit but was replaced by curiosity at Cal's weird actions. She tallied the items one by one all the while sneaking peeks at Cal all the while ignoring Lara. While Cal was flattered he was also anxious for he wasn't sure if Lara might get pissed off and do something rash. He in turn took a few hidden peeks at Lara but could only see a slight smile on her face and could hardly read her thoughts.

"Here you go, that will be $20."

Cal silently pulled out his wallet and paid her in cash.

"Thank you, have a nice day."

Cal silently accepted the receipt and started unloading the items into his bag. Rose looked on with some hesitation in her face but couldn't seem to hold herself back.

"I'm sorry to ask, but are you dumb by any chance... ah, I mean mute?"

She gestured with her hands trying to get the message across. She looked towards Lara for confirmation as well.

Cal felt like crying, a girl was interested in him but he could hardly respond back. He held himself in check and shook his head indicating no, which seemed to puzzle her even more.

Cal finally glared at Lara making Rose turn to her for an explanation. Lara had a hard time holding her laughter in as she laughed out loud before turning to Rose

"Don't worry dear, all his parts are working just fine. We're just having a little bet. Take it as a vow of silence until I say otherwise."

Rose finally seemed to comprehend the situation before looking back and forth between Cal and Lara.

"Ah... I see."

"So, do you like what you see.?"

Lara gestured to Cal while questioning Rose. Rose stiffened at her question, she wasn't above looking and flirting with committed guys but not really willing to get into a confrontation with their girlfriends just for that.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped."

"Nonsense, it's a honest question, don't worry, I'm not his girlfriend if that's what you are afraid of."

Rose seemed to relax at that as she took another once over at Cal before blushing a bit.

"Yeah, he seems well built and handsome, I'm a bit partial towards older guys, can't really see his face properly with the cap and mask but facial features are irrelevant in the dark. I'm sorry."

Rose seemed to realize she had run her mouth off and apologized promptly.

"It's okay dear, I get what you mean. But I just saved you from an unpleasant time. He may not really look it but he's a really prideful prick with a nasty mouth, constantly disrespecting women and seeing women as inferior. That's the reason for the bet, to see if he can hold his tongue for a day and not deride any women."

Cal felt like he was watching a train wreck was happening in slow motion. He was pretty happy with Rose's description of him. He did have an okayish face, a 7 out of 10, maybe an 8 depending on the girl's preference. He had been thinking of returning to the mart later on to talk to Rose before Lara started spouting shit about him trying to sabotage his chances.

He let out a low groan but could hardly refute her claims with the sock in his mouth.

"Is that so? That's really sad."

Rose seemed genuinely disappointed as she took one more look at him before giving him a glare. Cal shook his head to refute Lara's claims but it must have seemed like the standard denial that all accused give when their crimes are pointed out. Rose snorted at his denial, refusing to believe him.

"But worry not, I'm in the middle of training him to be better. Hopefully he'll become a better human being after that."

Rose didn't seem to understand what she meant as she looked on questioningly. Lara leaned in and whispered in a conspiratorial tone so that only the three of them could hear..

"Oh, you know, guys like him need a firm hand to fix their ways. He is pretty cute though when he is silent. The thing is, prideful assholes like him are just balloons of hot air, they secretly have feelings of inferiority but they blow themselves up and speak harshly in order to hide that part of them. He can tell himself it's for the bet all he wants, but see, I have him so well trained that after just one day he's now sucking on a pair of my gym socks with love.

Lara suddenly pulled down Cal's mask which instantly made Cal freak out. He had expected her to pull something but nothing so blatant as this. He didn't expect her to break her promise so soon. He quickly replaced the mask into it's original position but was still too late. Rose had seen the silvery strips of duct tape on Cal's lips holding something in. Lara grabbed Cal's hand and picked up the bag and went for the exit with fast strides leaving Rose in stunned silence.

Cal followed along quickly and as they reached the door they heard a yell from behind which made Lara giggle and Cal sigh deeply in his mind in dismay.

"Thank you for your patronage, Please do come back again. I would love to talk some more!!"


Cal and Lara walked away without turning back, and went back home without saying a word to each other, only one of them could speak in the first place. Cal felt the urge to rip off the gag and go ballistic on Lara but held himself back as there was a small stream of people around them at all times. They soon reached home and as soon as Lara unlocked the door Cal pushed past her and ripped off the mask and tape and winced at the tightness before spitting out Lara's sock onto the floor.

"How could you do that? You literally told me you wouldn't reveal anything in public and that you would not ruin my reputation. Just 10 minutes after? You did just that. We are done, admit defeat and prepare to serve me for a week."

Lara didn't say anything and let Cal rant off for a while until he got it all out. She bent down and picked up her gym socks which were a bit wet from Cal's saliva but otherwise the sweat had been sucked clean.

"One, I didn't break my promise, because Rose never saw your face, what with the cap and the duct tape, so your reputation is safe, she's a part timer, she's not gonna live in this neighborhood forever, without your face she can only make guesses, there are a lot of men with similar build to yours, second I specifically said I wouldn't publicly humiliate you, but if someone notices something odd and questions you about it then that's on you. You should have answered her questions wisely if you wanted to get out of it without my intervention.

"How do you expect me to answer her with my mouth filled with your nasty gym socks?"

"You could have always acted like you really were mute. Said yes, got some sympathy and chocolates and got away, I never said you had to give honest answers.

Cal's chest was heaving but he couldn't refute her answers. He had after all gestured for Lara to answer Rose's queries.


He instantly regretted saying it for it was a sign of helpless acceptance and showed he agreed with Lara, at least subconsciously. A part of Cal wanted to rage on Lara, but the logical part had run the answers and agreed with Lara's suggestions. Lara gave him a knowing smirk which infuriated him even more.

"All this could have been avoided if you had thought with your brain rather than your dick. Can't believe you actually wanted me to help you hook up with that girl. Your brain must have turned to mush after sucking my sweaty gym socks clean."

"I don't care, you broke your promise to me. How can I trust you to uphold your side if I win? The bet is off."

"Oh, don't be such a baby. I'll help you hook up with that girl if you really do end up winning. You won't get past the first date anyway even if you did try now."

Cal was stunned by her knowing his past dating history.

"Promises promises, you make 'em then you break 'em. How did you know about my dating history?"

"Oh, it was your mom, she was lamenting about the fact that you've never had an actual girlfriend. Atleast not one you've brought home."

Cal silently cursed his mom for being such a blabbermouth.

"Fine, I'll give you a reward at the end of the day as an apology, if you are good and complete all the work I give you. The naughty kind of reward, if you are really good,"

Cal felt his dick stir at Lara's words. Lara casually glanced at it and smiled at his body's acceptance to her offer.

"So now that that's out of the way, let's get back to the task at hand. I'll have to leave soon for my interview. You better start with the chores I taught you."



Cal deeply felt that one as his head stirred a bit as he looked at Lara askance.

"You forgot something."

"Yes Miss Lara, I'll get to work."

"Better. I'm off then, see you after. I'll inspect your work once I'm back."

"Yes Miss."

Lara stood there with one foot in front and was impatiently tapping her feet on the ground.

"Oh, then I'll start working, Miss."

Cal turned back and started walking towards the kitchen before being pulled back by Lara.

"You forgot something."


"It's a slave's duty to welcome and bid goodbye to their Miss. Make them feel welcome and happy."

Cal's face scrunched up a bit but he stayed silent as they were just words at the end of the day.

"Also, I think I got something on my heels when we went out. Clean them for me would you? It would be criminal to go to my interview like this."

Cal looked down and couldn't find anything on them and knew Lara was making stuff up to humiliate him. He went into the kitchen and brought out a clean cloth before kneeling down and cleaning her hells as Lara stood there. She barely moved as he went around cleaning her heels for her. He could feel Lara towering over him, watching him as he wiped her heels clean of imaginary impurities. He couldn't see her face or her expression, he could take a look but was too afraid of being ridiculed. He wondered what kind of expression she held at the moment.

'Probably amusement, at my predicament, the cocky smirk of a winner. Fuck. I'll get her for this, just you wait Lara.'

He was done wiping the heels down in a few minutes and was about to get up when he felt Lara push him back down to his knees.

"Kiss them."

Cal knelt on the ground dazed but was swiftly awoken by another slap to the face.

"Kiss them and show me they are clean enough."

Cal resigned himself to Lara's rough treatment and noted it down in his mind as one more reason for him to get revenge on Lara.

He placed chaste pecks on the toecaps of both her heels making Lara giggle.

"Good, you'll do this every time either me or your mom enter or leave the house. You'll kneel down and lovingly wipe down our shoes and kiss them as a show of respect to us."

Cal was through fighting her at every point, he just wanted to blaze through the week and get his reward. He would have fun then.

'Oh such fun I'll have breaking you my dear Lara. I just need you to willingly fall into my hands. I'll humiliate you so much that you'll feel all of these things you did to me were a joke in comparison. Endure, Endure Cal.'

"Oh right, open up, my sock still stinks a bit."

Cal resignedly opened his mouth allowing Lara to prod the pair of gym socks in. She went on to poke her fingers into his mouth and scratched the insides of his cheeks making it all tingly.

"Suck your mistress' finger slave, lick it like you would like me to lick your cock. I'll need you to teach me how to do it, especially if you want me to get on my knees and pleasure you someday. Work that finger which stinks of my sweat and clean it."

Strangely Cal liked the tingly sensation from Lara's fingers on the inside of his cheek, he could feel himself getting horny from Lara's words. Lara made him suck for a few more minutes before withdrawing her hand.

"Hold those socks in your mouth while you work, I want you to think only of me when you are working. I'll check on my lingerie and socks, They'd better have been sucked clean or else... don't want to know. You'll get your reward like I promised if you do a good job."

Cal grimaced at the thought of having more of Lara's socks in his mouth but held it in.

"Okay, I'm off then wish me luck."

Cal popped the socks out of his mouth as he remembered Lara's recently introduced rule.

"Goodbye Miss, hope you do well in your interview."

"I will sweetie, get to work now."

She waited expectantly as he pushed the socks back into his mouth making Lara grin which in turn made Cal blush.

'Damn she looks hot in that dress, if only she wasn't such a bitch... but that's hot in a way as well. A stern sexy older woman pushing me down and having her way with me.... I can see the appeal. Damnit, focus Cal... You need to win this thing. I'm gonna have her on her knees and make her suck me like I sucked her finger. Just you wait Lara I'll gently teach you this weekend once you submit to me. Maybe we could include Rose as well, a threesome for my first experience how wonderful that would be. One younger and one older.... He he he...'

While Cal was daydreaming his little fantasy Lara had already left to catch a cab. Cal closed the door behind him before walking back in and slumping down onto a chair in the hallway.

'Fuck, finally, some peace and quiet.'

He pulled Lara's sock out of his mouth and gagged at the taste and smell.

"Damn that woman, she probably hasn't washed these in days. I can't believe she expects me to clean them with my mouth. Hmmm... so tempted to just hand wash it."

Cal was reminded of the day's events and thought back to how Lara was adept at bending the rules and her words.

"Better not risk the reward. Damn I'm so horny, She's such a tease."

He lounged around for a few minutes before walking off to do the chores. He hesitated for a few seconds but eventually ended up stuffing the gym socks back into his mouth with a grimace.

'Damn, this is nasty. But... maybe... if I complete these chores early, I can then watch some porn and masturbate. I'm itching to release all this pent up stress. He he... she maybe smart but she never gave any explicit orders for me to not watch porn or prohibit masturbation, it was implied but never said out loud. I can bend the rules too.'

At that happy thought Cal went off to complete his chores obediently not realizing that he had subconsciously placed completion of the chores and following Lara's orders as his primary goal and demoted his own pleasure to something secondary.