Dominated by the Maid Pt. 05
The night of 'The incident' finally came to a close and a new day was approaching. It was safe to say none of the three people involved got any proper sleep that night. One of them was busy discovering a variety of new pleasures to indulge in, while another was too disturbed by the day's events and slept fitfully out of worry and the last one was uncomfortably trussed up and was barely able to catch a wink of sleep. Each had a myriad of thoughts passing through their minds as they contemplated how the week would end.
Cal had finally managed to get some sleep, two to three hours of sleep, before being woken up by the sound of his alarm. He stirred in his bed for a bit as he rolled around to turn it off but could barely move.
'Oh... forgot.'
He bent his knees inwards and pushed himself up into a standing position and tried to snooze the alarm with his hands behind his back but could barely reach the table much less the clock on it. After a bit of fumbling he gave up with a sigh. He was about to call out to his mom when he heard the sound of footsteps on the floorboard outside his room.
"How many times do I have to tell you to turn that thing down, some people need their beauty sleep you know."
Jenna walked into the room bleary eyed and with a deep frown. Cal in turn looked at her pointedly as he gestured to his bound hands.
"Oh... right. For a second I thought all of that had been just a really bad dream, but I guess not."
Jenna walked in and turned off the alarm and leaned on the table looking upon Cal's bound form.
"That must have been uncomfortable to sleep in."
"You don't say."
"I see you're already starting to forget what we three discussed yesterday. So much for respect. You do need some proper training on that front."
Cal looked away from his mom as he was reminded of yesterday's events.
"I guess we'll have to find a more effective solution to this problem. Considering how you can't seem to control your... urges... damn it's hard to talk about this stuff with your own son. Either way we'll need some kind of restriction. I'm not gonna let you turn out into some kind of sex maniac, not on my watch. We can think up something more comfortable."
Jenna went over to one of the shelves and pulled out a pair of scissors and started cutting away at his bindings.
"Damn there's so much, did she use the whole roll?"
"You could have let me out last night mom, not like Lara would have known."
"You said you would follow her wishes for the week Cal, I didn't think you were the kind to go back on your word."
Cal could sense the disapproval in his mother's tone. Jenna was big on promises and hated people who renege when the going gets tough.
"Of course not mom, you know that much about me, I just meant the one week period starts from today. Logically speaking."
"That's just semantics Cal and you know it."
"Well it didn't exactly happen as she said it did mom, I wanted to tell you that but I couldn't. That sock was straight up nasty."
Looking at Cal's scrunched up face made Jenna giggle. She had given up on finely cutting off the mass of tape and had resorted to making jagged cuts in hopes to unravel the binding.
"You looked kind of cute with your cheeks puffed up, reminded me of you in your childhood days. Can't believe my cute little boy has turned into a pervert."
Cal blushed at that as he had no words to rebut her.
"I'm not... it wasn't intentional mom, it was an accident. A horrible one but an accident."
Jenna continued snipping away contemplating his words.
"Cal... what if I told you something like that happened to me too? That a man once pushed me into one of the maintenance rooms whipped out his dick and rubbed it on my face and ejaculated on me, then wiped his dick off on my blouse and walked away?"
"Mom... who was that fucker!!? I'll kill him, I'll bash him up and make him bow down before you then sue him until he's out on the street!!"
Cal could barely comprehend what his mother had said, he felt rage overwhelm him as he pulled his hand away while looking into his mom's eyes.
"I'm kidding sweetie, of course I wouldn't let some random man do that to me, I obviously can fight back. I'm not gonna just sit there and take it."
Cal relaxed a bit after realizing she was just giving an example, but he flushed with shame that his mom equated the two scenarios as very similar in her mind.
"Do you see now? What happened yesterday was just as bad, I guess since you have known Lara for a long while you didn't register how humiliating it must have been for her. but she must have felt so."
"I see.... I just wanted to apologize and pay her off, but I guess it must have felt demeaning for her to be treated like that. I promise I'll be nice to her as long as she doesn't push too far."
'Even if it is so, don't think Lara felt that mentally distressed, considering how she went on to play with my dick. But saying she did that to mom now would be hard to prove and make it seem like I'm undermining Lara and making her out to be a slut.' Cal was deep in thought and conflicted on how to behave with Lara moving forward.
"Good, just be nice for a few days and maybe this will all blow over."
"Wait, I don't know why but I feel a sudden itch, like I missed something important..."
"Hmmm... what's up dear?"
"I don't know.... wait, about what you said before.... what did you mean when you said 'any random man'?"
His mom suddenly flushed at the question and turned away.
"Tch... why did you have to be such a smart boy."
"No way...."
"Of course I wouldn't let some random man do that... Can't say the same for the one I married."
"Eww.... that's so gross, I would've preferred if you had just acted ignorant."
His mom finally cut off the last pieces of tape binding him.
"Whatever. You better get ready, Lara will be here pretty soon. Stretch yourself a while and clean yourself up. No more than five minutes in the bath."
Cal was too delighted at finally being released that he didn't even bother with a snarky comment. His arms had gone partially numb from the tight bondage, though it hadn't been cruelly tight, it still restricted his blood flow considering he had to sleep in a very awkward position.
"Off you go."
Cal stretched his arms and legs as he felt his blood flowing again, he did a few of his morning exercises and went off to get cleaned up for the day. By the time he was done with his shower Jenna had already made breakfast and was reading the newspaper.
"Lara called while you were in the shower, she's on her way now. She wanted to talk once more before we got into the arrangement. Eat up, she'll be here soon."
Cal had a sinking feeling in his stomach as he pondered about the rough week ahead. He gobbled up the pancakes and egg as he was famished from not eating since yesterday. He was just about done when the doorbell rang twice.
"You should get that, it's probably her."
Cal got up and went to answer the door knowing the person on the other side would hold power over him for the coming week. He was greeted by an unexpected surprise. Lara looked stunning. She normally looked pretty good in her usual well worn clothes she saved for her work, but Cal had hardly ever seen her in brand new clothes much less in formal ones. Lara was wearing a tight white shirt and a black pencil skirt which hugged her body tight, showing off her impressive curves. She had also worn make-up and he could smell a faint perfume wafting and encircling him. Cal just stood at the door gaping without uttering a word.
"Not gonna greet me Cal? you look shell-shocked." Lara giggled as Cal quickly came to his senses.
"Ah... Hi Lara, you look... great."
"Thanks dear, but I don't think I want to hear that from a perv like you though."
On any normal day Cal would have lashed out at her for that but he held himself in check since he knew she was provoking him. Instead of lambasting her and getting into more trouble he decided to go with a bit of truth and charm..
"I'm sorry you feel that way about me, Lord knows I deserve it after what happened... with what I did yesterday, but I really mean it... You look ravishing in that dress."
Lara looked into his eyes and seemed to sense it was an honest compliment. She blushed slightly and mumbled her thanks before moving past him and into the house.
'Score. I can be charming when I want to be, it comes out mostly when I'm drunk or want some action though. I just have to be nice to her for a few days and hopefully she'll forgive me and this will all be behind us.'
Cal closed the door and went off to the living room where his weird new week was soon to begin.
A few hours before....
Lara stood in front of a full length mirror posing and modelling her hair, trying out various new dresses from the stash in her closet.
"I need something perfect for today. First impressions are everything after all."
She tried on various combinations of shirts and shirts before deciding on a classic white and black pair.
'When in doubt go with the classics. White over black, seems to send the perfect message of authority, I can't wait to see the look on Cal's face when he sees me.'
She entered her bath and luxuriously washed herself before putting on some Violet perfume. She had a spring to her step since the night's events. Even though she had caught just a wink of sleep she was too excited to care. She could barely wait for the clock to strike 8 before locking up and leaving for Jenna's home.
She got on her bus and soon reached the home which held her future slave.
"Hey Lara, you look gorgeous dear."
"Thanks Mrs. Adlair. I'm in a bit of a hurry, I'll see you later."
"Sure dear, bye."
Lara could barely contain her excitement as she rang the bell and waited for the door to her new life to open. She had been awake most of the night thinking of ways to make Cal submit to her. She could hardly wait for Jenna to leave her alone with her slave.
'I'll do it, I'll make him into my submissive bitch who wants nothing more than to be my pleasure slave who chases my skirt and licks my boots.'
Just the mental image of Cal's proud head in between her legs made her pussy stir. She could barely compose herself before the door swung open.
Just the look on Cal's face was enough to make up for all the trouble she went through to doll up. She allowed herself a teasing smile and a giggle as she looked at Cal's dumbfounded look.
"Not gonna greet me Cal? you look shell-shocked."
"Ah... Hi Lara, you look... great."
"Thanks dear, but I don't think I want to hear that from a perv like you though."
She was waiting for the comeback, the instinctive arrogant retort that was almost second nature to Cal.
'Let's see... what should your first punishment for disrespecting me be....'
Lara was pondering to herself when something completely unexpected occurred.
"I'm sorry you feel that way about me, Lord knows I deserve it after what happened... what I did yesterday, but I really mean it... You look ravishing in that dress."
Lara had not expected that, Cal complimenting her with a straight face put her off her game a bit.
'He thinks I'm ravishing'.
She could feel her cheeks heating up a bit at the thought. She looked down and pushed past him and into the house after mumbling her thanks.
'Hmph... the little boy has learned to play the game a bit better. I was sure he would lose control and retort back. This is going to be fun. I'm going to have so much fun enslaving him, and doing it with his mom keeping a watchful eye on us is going to be such a thrill.'
She heard Cal shut the door and follow her into the living room.
The three of them were seated around the hall on different seats. There was an awkward silence as no one wanted to bring up the elephant in the room.
"So Lara... you look amazing. You have an interview or something? Don't tell me you are going to quit working for me? I'll understand if you do though."
"Not really, I have an interview for my scholarship which I applied for to attend college. It's been a long break between my studies but I think with this I can complete a one year business management course like I always wanted. I aced all the tests and essays just the one interview and I'm set."
"Oh, is that the one my husband recommended you for?"
"Yeah, I can't thank Dan enough for all his help. You too, for hiring me and paying me so well. Don't think any employer would be as supportive as you."
The conversation made no sense to Cal as he had no idea what they were even going on about.
"You look confused Cal. I guess that's what happens when you have someone work for you for two years but don't even bother to learn anything about them. I guess my boobs and ass were too distracting for you to get past and try to get to know me."
Cal blushed slightly and looked down as she had caught him staring at her breasts and ass a couple of times, she never really said anything, just gave him a knowing smile which only spurred him on more.
"How could you Cal, these things are common courtesy. She couldn't do any PG courses because of her family situation and had to get a job which was too hectic and hardly gave her any time for extra studies. I helped her out by hiring her as our maid but also supported her by letting her study at our home during work and asking your dad to help secure a scholarship. I guess you were too busy playing with yourself to even take a peek at what she has been doing."
Cal felt like burying his head in the ground like an ostrich after hearing mom talk about his masturbation habits.
"You'll have to leave for work soon Jenna, so let's get this going... Basically Cal will take over for me as the house maid. We'll treat him as a servant and slave for the rest of the week as he learns about the hard work we do in this house and learns to respect us for it. It will be an attempt to fix his twisted attitude. Any sort of misbehavior and disrespect during the week will earn him a set punishment. I'll be his taskmistress who monitors him and reports to you. We'll make a new decision based on his behavior throughout the week. Have I left anything out?"
"I guess that sums it up... what about you Cal? Anything to add?"
"Nothing much I guess."
"I guess we are all agreed, well then Cal I think we should begin?"
"Oh... Okay."
There was a moment of silence as nobody moved.
"I said begin Cal, you are a slave now. Not Jenna's son but a servant in this house. What slave sits on the same level as their superiors. Get on your knees! "
Cal felt himself involuntarily obey Lara's harsh order but caught himself in time as he was halfway down. He looked at both Lara and his mom and could see the expectation in Lara's face while his mom had a slight smile at his reaction with a glint of amusement in her eyes. Cal let out a sigh as he lowered himself and kneeled down which caused Lara to smile down at him.
"Oh my look at his face, he looks like he just swallowed the bitterest pill in the world."
"I know Jenna, but this is the first step I thought of, he needs to let go of his arrogance and pride for him to respect us properly."
"Good idea. Now sit there silently while the grown-ups talk."
His mom and Lara started talking amongst themselves and made plans while completely ignoring him. He was always used to having a say in everything and the feeling of being left out intentionally was really frustrating. But he didn't dare to speak out as he knew they were waiting for him to do so. He could see them glancing at him from time to time while talking about him and his bad qualities as if to goad him into saying something.
'No, I won't give you guys that satisfaction.'
This went on for a few minutes before it was time for his mom to leave for work. Cal's face was scrunched for the duration of the conversation and could barely resist the urge to barge in the middle of the talk and give them a piece of his mind.
"Good little boy, See, I told you he wouldn't cause any trouble once he's accepted something."
"Maybe not outwardly but his face tells a different story."
"Either way, I better get going, Need to meet my potential investors. When is your interview Lara?"
"Around 3 in the afternoon. I'll make sure to teach him all he needs to know before leaving."
"Great, I forgot to buy the dishwasher you wanted yesterday. I'll get it on my way back."
"Oh, you don't have to do that. What's the point of having a slave if you do all the work yourself. Just give him a list and he'll get it done."
"I guess you are right there. What do you say Cal? help your mom out will you?"
"Sure mom. I'll swing by the store and buy some of the stuff."
Lara cleared her throat dramatically making the mother-son duo turn towards her.
" Firstly, Cal's a slave now Jenna, you don't have to request him, just order him to do it. If you don't follow up and reinforce his demotion to a slave and our superiority he won't start learning his lesson like we planned. Second, slave, what did you call Jenna just now? she's not your mom anymore. She doesn't have a disrespectful son like you. What are you supposed to call her?"
".... Ma'am."
Cal could barely get it out as a whisper as it was viscerally humiliating to do it.
"Look at him Jenna he can't even call out to you respectfully, I don't see what's wrong with calling a beautiful, talented and successful mother like you Ma'am. he can barely say it."
Jenna flushed at Lara's compliments and smiled at her before turning towards Can and looking down at him with her hands on her hips as she nailed him with an angry stare.
"What do you have to say for yourself, Ca... slave. You think I don't deserve to be called that?"
Cal looked up dumbfoundedly as the situation had turned against him unexpectedly after just a few words from Lara. He inwardly cursed at himself for relaxing a bit after how smooth things were going. Lara who was facing his mom's back gave him an infuriating smirk as she silently taunted him.
'Damn, I should've known she would pull something like this. Damn bitch.'
"I'm sorry Ma'am, it slipped my mind. I'll make sure to remember."
"I asked you if I deserve to be called that? Are you ignoring the question? should I take that as a no?"
His mom's voice rose an octave as she glared at him. Lara's smile widened at the worsening situation.
'Shit, get your head in the game Cal. How could you make such a stupid mistake. How could I forget mom's temperament. She's pretty calm in general but when she gets angry it's best to diffuse the situation quickly or else her anger just piles up with each new slight until she erupts. She and sis always had such colossal fights as they both were of the same temperament. "Like mother like daughter" is apt for them. Nice try bitch but you're not the only one who can butter people up'
"Of course Ma'am, as a successful entrepreneur and the mother who taught me from a young age there is no shame in me calling you that."
"Hmm... you better remember it."
Jenna's temper seemed to have cooled a bit as she relented a bit. Cal let out a sigh of relief as he aimed a cocky smirk at Lara when his mom turned to check the wall clock. Lara surprisingly mimed a clapping action as if she were applauding him for his efforts before giving him a wider smirk than before which caused a sense of foreboding to well up in Cal.
"You know what will make him surely remember? A punishment."
Cal was pissed off at Lara's deliberate attempts at getting him into trouble with his mom. He looked at his mom and his heart sunk as he noticed his mom's pondering expression.
"I guess that makes sense. Nothing like a little whipping to teach a little boy manners, my mom always used to say that when she was disciplining my brother."