Dominant Warfare Pt. 05
This was originally titled Quicksilver Messenger, but based on some ideas from readers I have made some changes and retitled the series. In addition, I have a new editor that helped clean up some of the speed bumps in the story. Thanks to Glenn514. It is still the same basic story and the changes are not massive, but to me it is enough to warrant a new version. I hope you enjoy the series and please give me feedback.
Chapter 13
Steve stood from the chair holding his naked princess in his arms. Her face was still nuzzled against his neck and her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders. She needed to feel his strength right now, but things made an abrupt turn when he whispered in her ear, "Where is your bedroom my love?"
April sniffed back her tears and shifted in his arms so that she could look into his eyes. She saw a warm, loving compassion, but also a firm hunger ready to test her strength again. With that one look she felt the yearning in her body return, with her nipples hardening and a steamy heat between her legs.
She looked down at her nude body nestled in his arms and she felt sexier than she ever had. Her breasts jiggled desirably on her chest with her nipples pleadingly hard. Her concave belly led to her appealing, but still swollen pussy lips, glistening from her incredible orgasms. His huge hands and massive arms holding her seemed to make her look much more delicate and diminutive. Her tongue licked her suddenly very dry lips as she breathlessly whimpered, "The first door at the top of the staircase."
April felt her body humming, feeling more alive than she ever had. She felt loved, treasured and sexually wired lying naked in his arms. She couldn't wait to feel him inside her making love to her like a real man should. Her romantic dreams of having a big strong man whisk her off her feet were coming true. He had seized the opportunity, knowing what he wanted from her and taking it. As he carried her towards the stairs she shivered in anticipation, already imagining his huge cock splitting her in two.
Steve carried her up the staircase as if she weighed nothing and as he reached the bedroom, he gently laid her on the bed. April's eyes never left his, and she was suddenly impatient for his next command. Steve looked at her with a hard dominant look and asked, "Where are your toys? I want you to show me how you pleasure yourself. You may not cum, but I want you to watch you get yourself as close as you can without cumming."
April's eyes popped open and her jaw sagged as she heard his demand. This was certainly going in different direction than she had planned. She didn't know if she could do that. Pleasure herself while he was watching, it was too embarrassing and humiliating. She knew she couldn't do that and she knew he would understand. "I can't do that with you watching. It's too ... personal."
Steve's face turned hard and his look said, "Don't cross me." April responded with a whimper and a reticent look that said, "Please don't ... it is too embarrassing." Then she orally responded, "Please, I can't do this in front of you. Please make love to me!"
Steve put his arms across his chest, gave a hard stare and said, "April, you will do as I say or there will be dire consequences. Remember the conditions, you belong to me tonight and you will obey my every command, or else I will have to punish you."
April was still lying naked on the bed, cowering from his sudden change. Her face was a confused mishmash of lust, embarrassment, fear, humiliation and passion. He had already punished her once and although she loved it, she didn't want a repeat, at least right now. She was still feeling the smoldering heat coming from her ass, but she knew she couldn't do as he asked.
Steve could see all the emotions running across her face from when he started carrying her up the stairs. She had been hot and bothered, with passionate anticipation ruling her body. His demand had stripped the lust from her face and now she had an embarrassed yet fearful look on her face.
He knew he could talk to her softly and persuade her to do as he asked, but he felt like April needed to be ripped of her prideful arrogance. He gave her a stern look and said, "I am going to get a chair and when I get back you better be ready."
Steve turned and walked to the door, where he stopped and looked back at April lying on the bed. She was laying in casual splendor and unintentionally she was being suggestive in a raw steamy kind of way. She wore her nakedness like a Vera Wang gown: proudly, with a lofty arrogance. Yet her face was frozen in fear and she looked at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
In a soft but firm tone he said, "You have been the unbeaten champion of your life. No one has been able to breach the walls around your heart. Those days are over, because I'm the warrior that will scale those walls and triumph over your heart, no matter how long it takes. You have been waiting for someone like me all your life and now I'm here, so you need to trust me with your heart, mind and body. Only when you trust me, opening your mind and heart to me, will you achieve the paradise you've looked for all your life."
He started to turn to leave but looked over his shoulder adding, "April, if you let it, tonight can be life-changing and you would never think about love the same way. I want you to feel emotions you never imagined, passion you never thought possible and love you always craved. I want to know your fears, your mind, your body, understand your pain and I want you to trust me to take care of them. April, if you trust me, let me guide you, and do as I ask."
Steve turned to leave the room going down the stairs to retrieve one of the dining room chairs and his gym bag. He was thinking he may have to use the articles in the bag sooner than he had thought.
When he left April sitting on the bed she began wondering what she should do. She smiled as she thought he might spank her again and the memory of those incredible orgasms made her shiver. However, her ass was still burning and he could also have other plans for her. His looks had hinted at things she wouldn't like. She opened the drawer on the bedside table and pulled out her two favorite vibrators.
April turned back to the doorway and saw Steve watching her holding a straight back chair and his gym bag. She blushed and automatically used her hand to cover her toys. His looks did things to her and made her feel like a schoolgirl waiting for the head master to admonish her. Sitting nude in front of his hungry and demanding gaze sent ripples of desire coursing through her body.
No one had ever made her feel this inadequate or this impassioned and she didn't know whether to run away or beg him to fuck her. Usually she only had to give someone the promise of showing them her body, a kiss, or even a hug and they would bow down and give her whatever she wanted. She still didn't know what it was about him that made her yearn for his attention.
Now she was sitting on her glowing red ass, totally nude, gloriously exposed to the man she desired and he just watched her. She could feel his eyes studying her, watching every muscle twitch with nothing escaping his probing eyes. When he looked into her eyes she could feel him probing her heart and drinking in her darkest fantasies.
She desperately wanted him to take her, but she didn't know what to do or how to act. She only knew she didn't want him to stop and she urgently wanted to feel his hands touching her skin again. In fact, she felt feverish with need and would do anything if he would only make love to her. Well, she would do anything except masturbate in front of him.
Steve slowly walked towards her with his eyes taking in the fearful and mortified look on her face. Her posture was a cross between wanting to run away, and submission. He could easily tell she frantically wanted him to continue to take her and make her feel more of what she had just felt. However, she was still prideful, humiliated and cowering from him, unable to release herself to him. Steve knew that until she learned to trust him completely and open her heart, she could never feel the bliss they both yearned for.
Steve stood by the bed with April anxiously staring at him, silently pleading with him to cease his demands and just make love to her. Nothing in her life had felt like the spankings and orgasms earlier and she wanted more. Much more. She felt him trying to bend her to his will, but submitting to him was difficult. She was, after all, April Hunt, queen of Brewster County.
Steve glanced at the open bedside drawer, and his eyebrows rose in interest. Inside were floggers, leather restraints, nipple clamps, and handcuffs. When April saw him looking in the drawer she tried to kick it shut with her foot. Her whole body turned a deep shade of crimson with humiliation. Her secret fantasies were exposed and there for him to look at.
Steve's eyes grew hard and angry as she moved to cover her dark dreams. He grabbed her foot and dragged her across the bed until she was firmly in his grasp. Then like a cowboy bulldogging a calf he whipped out some soft, thin leather straps from his gym bag and trussed her hands in front of her. He threw a rope over the exposed beam in her room then bound her hands to the rope.
When he dragged her across the bed April's excited tremors took over her body. She felt his masterful dominance as he bound her hands and many of her fantasies flashed through her mind. Her caveman/cowboy was taking her and he was going to give her the fucking she yearned for. Then he threw the rope over the beam, tied it to her hands and her excitement was replaced by fear then she began to fight. She twisted, swinging her hands and feet, turning and trying to run away, but it was too late.
Steve pulled on the rope, yanking April off her bed and he kept pulling until her feet were barely touching the floor. She screamed, yelled, twisted and kicked at him trying to get away. Her fear had turned to terror with tears streaming down her face as she fought to save her life.
April felt her back pop as Steve pulled her off her feet and her shoulders ached as he pulled her higher. He kept pulling until she felt as if she was in ballet class perched on her toes. She was stretched and as painful as it was, her elongated body felt oddly sensual and alive. Her every sense seemed heightened and she was aware of every color and sound that surrounded her.
Steve tied the rope to the leg of the bed leaving her hanging, cursing and fighting. He pulled the chair over and sat down to watch her. Again, his studies of her unnerved April and some of her fear began to dissipate, only to be replaced by anger. She began to calm as he watched her and she waited for him to make a move.
Steve had seen beautiful women before, but April was the most stunning woman he had ever seen. Hanging from the rafter she was beyond gorgeous. Her fit athletic body was stretched taut, hollowing her tiny waist that flared into her suggestive womanly hips with runner's legs. Her toes were only skimming the rich wood floor and the strain only made her legs look more perfect. Her firm fleshy ass cheeks were tight with the strain and they made Steve want to run his hands over her reddened skin.
Then of course there were her remarkable breasts. Her D cup breasts were always the focus of every male's attention, but stretched and pulled high on her chest they were simply stunning. Her hard breathing made her breasts mouthwatering as they wobbled insolently. Her hard distended nipples seemed to be pleading for his attention, and they were about to get it.
Steve focused on her eyes and saw that she had a confused, arrogant and scared look. She seemed to have no idea what was going on, so he asked, "Do you know why I am doing this?"
April defiantly shook her head. Steve responded harshly, "You will answer me when I speak to you!"
April still defiant, but a little softer said, "No I don't."
Steve gave her a passionately dominant look, and April's defiance seemed to melt from her face. In a disappointed voice he said, "From the moment we tussled over our first kiss, I knew we would wind up here, lovers fighting for control. Yes, from that first kiss we were destined to be lovers and I don't just want your body. I want you, the real you and all of you. I want you to stop hiding from me and show me all your inner beauty, desires and secrets, because I will not accept anything less. If you hold back we both loose. So I want all of you, without misgivings or hesitation. It is what we both should accept and settle for nothing less."
"That's why you're here. I have given you an order to masturbate in front of me and you disobeyed it. The masturbation would have shown me what you like and where you're sensitive spots are. You made everything so much worse when you tried to kick your toy drawer shut. Not only were you defying me in that moment, you are also trying to hide things from me. So I must punish you and teach you that hiding from me will not be tolerated."
Steve stood in front of her, looking deep into her eyes. April felt as though he could see her very soul and she couldn't hide from him. All of her desires, perversions and fantasies were there for him to see and appreciate. The heat in his eyes told her that he was going to make everyone of her dreams come true. The fire in his eyes filled her with desire, but also a belief and trust in him.
It was at that moment, bound, stretched and hanging from the rafters, that she knew she belonged to him. His eyes told her that he would never hurt her, only fill her with the kind of blissful emotions she never knew existed. Bound as she was, she knew she didn't have a choice; he was going to rip her long hidden desires from her. After her incredible spanking and orgasms, she would've given herself to him anyway. However, she knew she had to fight him, if for no other reason than for him to earn her submission. Even though she craved it, her pride still fought his dominance.
His deep penetrating eyes and strict mouth told her he would leave no desire unexplored. All her life April had longed for a man like Steve. The man that would eagerly take what he wanted from her and make her feel like a woman. She also wanted a man that would uncover and explore her deepest needs. She quivered inside with both fear and anticipation on what this night would bring. As she looked at him with pride trying to cover the desperate longing in her eyes, Steve knew she was ready to discover her inner most desires.
April suddenly sucked in deep breath as his fingers roamed over her tightly stretched skin. That seemed to be all that it took. His fingers on her skin made her forget about everything. All her thoughts and doubts disappeared as his touch filled her with desperate need. His fingers insistently roamed her legs, hips, belly and breasts, cajoling blistering cravings from her body. April's eyes burned into his, desperately begging for more and she whimpered passionately.
Steve whispered to her, "When you put your hands behind your back without being told I knew you would be mine tonight. Then when you knelt when I told you to and shattered when I spanked you, I knew you wanted me to conquer you. From the first moment we met we've had a passionate connection that neither of us can deny. Both of us are smart, strong willed people used to getting our own way. However, I want you to trust me enough to submit your heart and body to me. It takes a strong woman to put her body in the hands of her lover and that's what I'm asking you to do."
Steve stepped back from her, took off his shirt and stood in front of April so closely that she could feel the heat emanating from his chest. Her face still had the prideful hard hungry look and began to soften as she felt the hairs of his chest provoking her nipples. She could feel his hot passionate breath on her face as his eyes reached inside her and began tearing down walls around her heart.
She felt his fingers once again lightly caressing her tightly stretched skin, roaming over her hips, belly and breasts. Her skin seemed more sensitive now and each light caress chipped away at her humiliation and feigned anger. She ached to feel his hands on her skin and found herself pushing with her toes trying to lean into his caresses. Her pride wouldn't let her admit it, but she knew she hungered after his domination.
Steve's tongue came out and licked her lips, but when she reached for more he pulled away. He gently kissed his way across her cheek until he nibbled at her ear. As he leaned in, the hairs on his chest maddeningly nuzzled her nipples and breasts. In his deep bass and gravelly voice he whispered into her ear, with each word pulsating inside her.
"You are your own strong and intelligent woman. I respect and admire that. You are incredibly beautiful and sexy, full of hidden desire and passion. You fill my mind with wondrous possibilities and my heart with the desire to protect you, even from yourself. Tonight, I will be your lover, your master, and your teacher as I discover all the passion you kept hidden from the world and yourself. Tonight I will train you, fuck you, possess you and find my own pleasure in you as we explore your long-hidden desires. Remember what I told you, when tomorrow morning dawns you will know love, desire, and you will be mine."
Steve backed away from her, leaving her mind spinning and her body throbbing. Her anger and humiliation were totally gone and now she only wanted him to fulfill his promises. She wanted him to teach her, to break down the walls inside her and let her finally feel love and ecstasy. Oh God, she wanted this, but she was scared and her pride wouldn't let her admit that she wanted this. Her heart and body desperately craved what he was saying, but her mind fought him. Steve knew that was his objective, to quiet her mind, push her into subspace so the needs of her heart and body prevailed.
Steve went over to her toy drawer and pulled out all the toys, laying them across the bed. Then he brought his own gym bag and added a riding crop to the mix. April looked at all of those toys with anxious butterflies in her stomach. She had bought almost all the toys wanting to feel their painful yet erotic bite, but she never had the courage to use them. Now he was going to make it happen. There was fear inside her too, but that only seemed to make her cravings that much stronger.
"When you hide your toys from me or try to slam a drawer to hide your toys, you're holding back. Your embarrassment is a way to hide from me and it means you don't trust me to love you the way I should. From now on you will never lie to me, hide things from me and especially hide your feelings from me."
"Therefore, I have no other choice except to punish you. When you trust me totally, then together we can find the ecstasy and happiness you always yearned for. So now we begin!"
Steve walked up to her and let his hand weave through her hair at the back of her head. It was chillingly sensuous to have his hands meandering through her long silky hair and she pushed her face into his arm acknowledging the luxurious feel. In the span of a heartbeat his hand closed in a fist, pulling her hair and knotting it behind her head. She felt his raw masculinity controlling her as he bent her head back. Only then did his lips descend on hers in a primal mating kiss. The kiss was coarse and indecent, as it sent ripples of primitive desire surging through her body.
She was hanging helplessly in her own bedroom with a man twice her size, taking whatever he wanted from her. It felt so fearfully delicious as his lips brutalized her mouth and his hands roamed at will over her naked body. With anyone else, she would have feared for her life, but with Steve she knew he would take what he wanted, but he would never hurt her. She realized that she did really trust him and she would be the ultimate recipient.