Dominant Warfare Pt. 04

This was originally titled Quicksilver Messenger, but based on some ideas from readers I have made some changes and retitled the series. In addition, I have a new editor that helped clean up some of the speed bumps in the story. Thanks to Glenn514. It is still the same basic story and the changes are not massive, but to me it is enough to warrant a new version. I hope you enjoy the series and please give me feedback.


Chapter 9

April didn't even remember the drive home. She walked away from Steve's room with her body pulsing and throbbing with desperate need. Her mind was lost in an erotic fog and she drifted through the hallways of the hotel oblivious to her surroundings. She didn't even notice when the bottom of her coat flew open from a gust of wind revealing her virtually nude body to any onlooker. Despite the late hour there were plenty of onlookers, and they definitely got an eyeful.

April suddenly became aware of her surroundings as she stopped her car in front of the ranch house. She sat in the car for an additional 15 minutes before she finally walked into the house. She was trying to figure out exactly what had happened. She knew once again that Steve had foiled her plans to tease him and make him grovel for her. She so wanted to put him in his place, but somehow the reverse kept happening.

None of that had worked out. In addition, he kicked her out of his room, refused the offer of her scintillating body and finally he had given her orders for the next day. Her body had been so electrified by his teasing touches that she had taken his banishment without complaint. Inside, she had desperately wanted him to just throw her on the bed and fuck her, but she submitted, even telling him yes, she would obey his rules. She had no idea what he did to her, but oh, my God, she had never been this turned on. Even over an hour later after their battle her nipples ached, her pussy wept and her body vibrated with need.

April ran upstairs to her bedroom, stripping off her coat, vest and loincloth as she went. By the time she jumped on top of her bed she was gloriously naked. Her soft duvet reminded her of Steve's hands on her skin as she squirmed on the bed. She quickly opened the bedside drawer and pulled out two of her favorite vibrators.

The first one was hard plastic and it had a deep throbbing pulse that she achingly teased her nipples with or had it deep inside her slot. The other was a big, black corded, wand vibrator with a large floating head that devastated her clit whenever she used it. Her body was still tingling as she used the hard plastic vibrator to trace Steve's fingers over her body. She remembered the feel of Steve's caresses as the vibrator stoked her body's still smoldering fire.

April worked the hard plastic vibrator through her lips, sinking it deep inside her ravenous pussy. Her hips squirmed, feeling the vibrator buzz inside her, and they began to lift off the bed. It was as if her hips were reaching for something and they would be reaching for the glorious rapture just out of her grasp. Her orgasm was building, but it was still slow. April needed relief, so she grabbed the wand vibrator, turned it on and pressed it against her clit.

Almost immediately, her hips strained upward, reaching for her cum that was just out of sight. The combination of the vibrator inside her and the clit stimulator was overwhelming her senses. She closed her eyes as she envisioned Steve doing this to her, but then she heard his voice telling her she was not allowed to cum. She struggled mightily not wanting to give up the ecstasy that was rushing towards her, but he said not to cum. Normally, she wouldn't have cared, but she wanted to feel his hands on her again. She definitely wanted to feel his meaty cock stretching and filling her pussy.

Her hand pulled away, but only barely and she kept her orgasm hanging over the abyss. She teased herself bringing the vibrator back then pulling it away. It was an agonizing tease and one that seemed to mimic what Steve did to her. In frustration, she finally pulled both vibrators from between her legs and threw them to the other side of the bed.

She lay quivering on the bed, so frustratingly close to the bliss she craved. She looked over at the vibrators and thought, "How could he know?" April picked up the wand vibrator and turned it on centering it between her legs and with a jolt; she was rushing towards her orgasm. She was on a runaway train to paradise. Then she remembered, he had known about every lie she had ever told him and he would know about this one.

April yanked the vibrator away from her clit and just in time jumped off the runaway train. She was lying on the bed gasping, trying to catch her breath after suffering a heart stopping orgasmic abortion. She stared at the ceiling with all of her skin tingling yet unfulfilled. She gritted her teeth and muttered to herself, "Steve you're going to be the death of me."

April crawled naked under the covers for a torturous, erotic dream filled night of writhing under the covers. The more she squirmed in her erotic dreams the more her highly sensitized skin rubbed against the ultra soft, high thread count sheets. Four times during the night, she woke up with the intention of using her vibrators and ending her rapturous fever. Each time, Steve's words rang in her head and she stopped short of her euphoric chasm.

As the dawn broke, April put on her shorty satin robe and went to sit outside on her bedroom's balcony. The cool morning mountain air helped cool her body's fever, but her every thought was of Steve. She had no idea how he invaded her thoughts like this, but she had become obsessed with him making love to her. She was desperate for him to take her, drive her insane with lust, and 1000 orgasms wouldn't be enough.

She couldn't believe these thoughts. She had always been able to control men with a smile, a wink or even a glimpse of her magnificent body, but not Steve. She could tell by the lump in his pants that he was not immune to her charms, but somehow he resisted her. Had she lost her beauty or her charm? She was the queen of Brewster County and she had commanded him to fuck her. He spurned her demands and gave her orders in return. What had happened?

She had only known him for two days so she couldn't be in love with him, but, oh God, she wanted him. Like no one else she'd ever met, she needed to feel him inside her. She needed to feel his kisses with his strong arms holding her tight and never letting her go. She wanted to wake up next to him with her body sore and aching from their incessant lovemaking the night before.

The shoe was on the other foot now. She had always used her beautiful face and succulent body to manipulate people and make them do her bidding. Sex had just been a tool she had to use to get whatever she wanted, and it was meaningless to her. If she had to show some cleavage, wear a short skirt and show any thigh or even an ass cheek, it didn't matter because it was just a game.

Once she had even had to sleep with someone to get a certain contract signed. He had been a disgusting pig, but she got the contract and the sex had been abysmal. She had to dream of the scene in one of her romance books to even get wet and make it through the sex. That had been her life, until Steve came along.

April had always been a hopeless romantic, thinking that someday a man would come along and sweep her off her feet. She dreamt that someday a man would kiss her and her knees would go weak and tremble. However, she always dominated them and no man was ever strong enough to tame her, until Steve came along.

The only real orgasm she ever had was using her own hands and no partner of hers had ever made her cum. She had men try, but whether it was her beauty, or power, she was too much for them and none had lasted more than a minute. She was used to pushing men around and no one had ever resisted her seductions like Steve had. She knew she had to fight him, but oh God, she hoped he was strong enough to discipline her and show her what a real man is like.

Everything about Steve seemed to make her forget that she was April Hunt, queen of Brewster County. Men were supposed to bow and scrape at her feet, not the other way around. April felt like a love-struck teenager around him, klutzy and tongue-tied. All of her regal grace seemed to disappear under his penetrating gaze. Steve seemed to make her forget the rules and made her long for a real man, one that would make her feel like a real woman.

She shook her head trying to rid her thoughts of Steve's blistering kisses and perpetually stimulating hands. Tonight she would stack everything in her favor. He's coming to her house so everything will be on her terms. It was her domain and hopefully that will give her the edge. She was the queen here, and tonight she was finally going to make him understand who really runs this place. This was her turf and if he wanted her, he would have to fight for her.

Another part of her wanted him to fight for her, conquer her heart and enslave her body. However, she wouldn't make it easy for him and it would be a love bout for all eternity. If he wanted her the way he said, he had to earn it.

In her romance books, a man would spend time finding her sensitive spots and use them to bend the heroine to his will, teasing her until she was ready to explode. In the books he would then take her, heaping piles of orgasms on her until her eyes crossed and she couldn't see straight. Steve was definitely the closest any man had come to her romantic ideal, but he had barely even touched her. That would definitely happen tonight, and then she would see who the real winner would be. If she put him back in his place, she would win, but if he did all the things he promised, she still won.

All of that was Steve's promise. The first time he kissed her, he stole her breath away, and her knees went weak. Every time after that when he touched her, it was like micro orgasms running through her body. Why didn't her carefully constructed armor work against him? It was as if he had some kind of magic, which ripped through all her protective layers of armor

Nothing in her life had ever felt the way she did when he touched her. She wanted more of what he did for her, all of the wild emotions and he hadn't even made love to her yet. She hoped she wouldn't be disappointed, but she wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come through. Every other man in her life had been a wretched disappointment when it came to love. Nevertheless, April was hopeful, because whatever it was, he had some kind of magic over her. Whether it was his rugged masculine looks, his smell or the way his hands touched her, she couldn't resist him. Her mind just seemed to disappear whenever he was around.

She looked at her cell phone and saw it was 7:30. She figured this was late enough to call him so she dialed The Holland Hotel. On the third ring it was picked up and the person answered, "Thank you for calling The Holland Hotel. This is Consuelo, how may I help you?"

April knew Consuelo to be an unbelievable flirt, but she was a nice enough girl, "Consuelo, this is April Hunt and I would like to speak to Steve McKinny, please."

In a lilting voice Consuelo said, "I'm sorry, Ms. Hunt. Mr. McKinny left early this morning to take some pictures. Would you like to leave a message or for me to call his cell phone and conference you to the phone?"

April thought for second then replied, "No, Consuelo, you don't need to bother him, but please give him the following message. Steve, regarding our conversation last night, I would love for you to come to my ranch house for dinner at 5:30."

April was about to hang up when she realized Steve had no idea where her ranch house was. So she asked Consuelo, "Consuelo, do you know where my ranch house is and can you provide directions to Mr. McKinny?"

"I think I do Ms. Hunt, but to be on the safe side, why don't you send the directions to the Holland Hotel in an email and I will make sure that he gets them."

April thought that was a good compromise and hung up. Next, she left an order for barbecue to be delivered from Texas Fusion, sent the email directions and crawled in bed for a couple more hours sleep. Hopefully, if tonight goes the way she dreamed she will need the rest.

After her nap, the rest of April's day was spent getting ready for Steve. The family's cleaning staff kept the house spotless. However, April had strewn her clothes on the staircase and down the hall in her haste to get undressed last night, so she had those things to pick up. She also changed the sheets on her bed and sprayed a little of her perfume on the sheets and pillow.

Now came the hard part: her ensemble for the evening. April didn't quite empty everything in her closet, but she came very close. She narrowed all of her choices down to about eight outfits and one by one tried them on. Each one was sensual and seductive, but some were more elegant than others. As she tried on her different dresses, "The Steve Fever," as she was calling it now, came back.

With each outfit, she imagined Steve's reaction and each imagined reaction made "The Steve Fever" blossom anew. Her stomach had butterflies and her skin tingled with each new outfit. All day her nipples stayed hard and her pussy was red, swollen and slick. She was nervous, excited, titillated and horny as the afternoon wore on and nothing seemed to dissipate her nervous excitement. The anticipation was killing her, but unbeknownst to her that was exactly the way Steve wanted it.

Chapter 10

Steve set his alarm for 3 AM and when he woke up, he was groggy. April's show last night had more of an impact on him than he let on. Damn, she was one of the most gorgeous women he'd ever seen and the outfit last night was pure sex. The only reason he was able to walk away was because of his ex-wife.

She had used her body and sex as a weapon to control or manipulate him. Anytime he tried to rein in her extravagant spending, she would use her body to make him forget all about it. In their years together, he had learned how to turn the tables and he had even studied under a local BDSM master.

By the time the divorce was finished he had mastered the arts of restraint, teasing and even pain to control her, leaving her passionately begging for release. He had become one of the most widely respected Masters in the South Texas area. He had finally turned the tables on his ex-wife. When he finally revealed who she was, he found an ugly, self-indulgent woman inside. Dealing with April was almost like dealing with his ex-wife, but there was one huge difference.

People in town had told him of the good deeds that she had done. She volunteered to take care of children at the hospital and conversely took care of the elderly in their homes. April was giving and generous with both her time and money. She was the sole support for many of the charitable institutions in Alpine. All of her false bravado, spoiled pride and slutty attempts at seduction hid a very kind, honorable and selfless woman.

She was used to getting everything she wanted and was horrifically self-indulgent. Relationships seem to be almost nonexistent for her. None of the men dared ask her out and the women didn't like being around her much either. He would almost be willing to bet there was a very lonely girl inside that beautiful womanly shell begging to get out. There was a noble, altruistic and benevolent woman inside; he just had to find a way to let her deepest passions out.

April intruded into his dreams all night long and if she called back tomorrow, he was determined to give her the full court press. He would almost be willing to bet that few men, if any, had ever really made love to her or given her an orgasm. Well, that was going to change tomorrow night. He was determined to tease her until she turned into a dazzling and quivering mass of womanly flesh. No matter what it took, he was determined to find the real April before he showed her what paradise could really look like.

It was not as if he wanted to punish her or hurt her in any way, but he wanted to see the real April, not the one she shows to the public. He might have to break her down some, just to make sure she's open enough to feel the passion she should be living. While her outward appearance was much like his ex-wife, there was something very beautiful inside her aching to get out. Before the night was over, he wanted to see that giving heart and generous soul that he knew was her private self.

As the alarm went off in the morning, he didn't bother to take a shower or do anything else because he knew he would do that when he got back. The objective was to get down to the mountains and the Rio Grande River before sunrise. Then he would spend at least 2 to 3 hours taking as many pictures as he could in the soft morning light. He should be back to the hotel by early afternoon.

Steve quickly jumped into his jeans and a shirt, grabbed all of his camera equipment and headed out the door. He stopped at the front desk to see if they might possibly have some coffee. The night auditor was there and they even had a thermos they could offer him. He gratefully added that stuff to his pile of equipment and went out to his car where he loaded everything into the Cobra. He was now ready to search for the sunrise.

Just before he left he flipped through his CD case and pulled out another one of his driving compilations. As he backed out of his parking spot Mike and the Mechanics', "All I Need is a Miracle" started pumping through his car speakers. As he passed the Alpine city limits sign, the song faded out and INXS' "Suicide Blonde" took its place with his foot starting to press on the gas feeling heavy. Stevie Ray Vaughn came on next with "Love Struck Baby" and his foot only got heavier. The Cobra's heavy throated growl mellowed into a contented purr as it was allowed to stretch its legs.

With the windows down and the night air blowing in his face, Steve felt free and exhilarated. With the tachometer only at 3000 RPM and the speedometer at 90 miles an hour, the Cobra still had much more to give. However, all the night critters were out roaming the roads as well and he didn't want to hit anything tonight.

As Highway 118 started entering the Big Bend area Steve took a right hand turn onto Highway 170. He decided to start his morning at the Big Bend Ranch State Park instead of the National Park. The state park parallels the Rio Grande River and would provide him with more opportunities for gorgeous sunrise pictures.

Steve had made good time and as Highway 170 veered towards the river, the sky was starting to lighten behind the mountains. He saw several good opportunities, but then found the perfect spot. He had passed about five other photographers doing the same thing, getting set up for their sunrise shots, but he had this spot all to himself.

Steve had his camera set on his tripod and everything framed exactly the way he wanted it when the first rays of golden sunlight streamed from the horizon. Steve knew he had a few minutes and so he took advantage of the time and polished off the thermos of coffee.

The rays of sunlight turned into brilliant oranges, yellows and pinks. For the next half hour as sunrise progressed Steve got busy taking pictures with various exposures and shutter speeds. He framed different pictures and even tried some black and white shots. Before the sunrise was completely gone, he jumped in the car and drove to another location where he took a few shots of the remaining sunrise.

With the short sunrise already gone, Steve slowly wandered up and down Highway 170. He was taking photo after photo until he had almost reached the town of Presidio. He turned around and at a rapid clip headed back Highway 170 until he intersected with Highway 118 again. Here he finally entered the Big Bend National Park. He stopped at the entrance and got a map of the area that included many of the farm roads, dirt roads and even cattle trails.