Dominant Returns for a Visit

Note: Thanks to a comment I have put together a second part to the first story. Please vote and leave feedback it is all helpful in further developements.

Months have passed since we met that first time in the hotel an hours drive from your home. The few hours we spent together leaving its mark on both of us fight it as two people can only to realize the pull of the force is stronger than the link holding us aground. Yes, we have continued to chat as often as possible the moments being both informative and solidifying. The inner desire to touch the flesh of one another, bubbling and growing, like the sunflowers reaching to capture the warmth of the blazing sun.

Having arrived in the city with the most sunshine in all of North America booked into a hotel at the base of the mountains. Settling in and sitting wondering if He will be able to see his precious girl this time seeing He had not warned her of His intentions. Early afternoon she would be slaving away at her work trying to find solutions to the problems that occur day in day out. Checking His phone to make sure He had cell service dialing her number His thumbs begin the text, backspaces and starts over again.

Perusing the 145 character limit of the text making sure that it is worded just so. "Dear precious one, am at the Tucson El Conquistador would be honoured to have you join Me for dinner either tonight or tommorrow," pressing send the first step was completed. Knowing that the answer might take awhile He sheds his travel wearing clothes and hops into the shower. The luxurious body lotion provided, lathers up, and instinctively as His hands wash over, the hardness begins to spring erect with the thoughts of his precious dark gemmed lady. Slowly with a deliberation the out and in strokes of his hand over the length of his manhood bringing about a deep tingling sensation, a filling of seed into his heavy sac, his eyes closing shut as the memories of the last time over at the Holiday Inn and the numerous scenes shared weekly online was enough for the eruption and shooting of semen out and onto the walls of the shower or the edge of the tub, a wobbly sensation coursing through his legs making him grip the walls for support oh how she thrills him.

Toweling dry he hears the phone alert him to an incoming text message. Reaching the phone the message is from her accepting the dinner invitation for that night. Calling downstairs to the dinning room making reservations, his mind is at a comfortable place the trip is now more than worth the effort, the hours ahead will cement the journey that these two will embark on together, and the physical possibilities are only limited by their imagination. Life brought together by the, World Wide Web, does have its advantages.

Arriving straight from work dressed in a casual pair of slacks, a loose fitting blouse, and a pair of heeled sandals, she looked radiant, the sun drenched skin glowing with a healthy sheen, the dark gems twinkling like night stars guiding the path, and the warmest smile that cut right through to the inner core. He led her into the dinning room and to the window seats where their table for two was set up so that the mountains loomed like protective giants guarding them. Placing their order not giving her the chance to flex but the opportunity to easily fall under His control and to let all the troubles and frustrations of the daily grind dissipate and are swallowed into the world she just left.

She told him of her day as his ears were all tuned to every syllable that spewed from her lips. He put her at ease and together they shared many laughs and moments of tenderness. Looking across the table deep into her eyes taking her hand into His asks her if she would like to join him for a nightcap in his room upstairs. Meekly she just shakes her head up and down so signing the bill adding it to his room charges they raise as the sun is setting over the mountains and head to the bank of elevators in silence.

Safely behind the door as if an exterior force was directing their every move her arms wrapped around Him as he pulled her in tight their lips sealed upon each other, the tongues dancing as the pit of her stomach felt that familiar feeling of lust, his mind committing every taste touch and moan to everlasting memory. His hands roaming up and down her spine trying to pull her tighter and at the same time influence the heat to spread along her spinal cord. Moving her to a place beside an armchair he suddenly stops breaks the kiss and whispers "strip my dear precious one!"

Stepping back watching as she slowly undoes the buttons of her blouse and seductively slides it over her shoulders and brings it in front covering up the lacey bra holding her magnificent breasts. Folding the fabric into a neat square and then placing it on the dresser his eyes following her every movement. The delicate hands slowly undoing the belt and the button as she shimmies the slacks over her hips letting them slide down to her ankles slowly revealing her well toned and tanned legs, his breathing changing as she stood and twirled before him in the black lace panties and bra. The tease having its affect, as He knew the tenting taking place in His trousers was very noticeable to her. Reaching behind her to unclasp her bra slightly leaning forward letting her ample breasts with the already erect nipples coming into view for His pleasure then hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties letting them slide to the floor where she caught them with her toe kicking her leg up to give him a quick glance at the already heated pussy.

Moving into her naked torso guiding her to the seat of the armchair he quickly binds her wrists with nylon ties, dropping to his knees he fastens her ankles to the legs of the chair, immobilized now he just steps back and admires the beauty sitting and secured to the chair. Pulling the night table to beside the chair lighting the candle giving off a nice vanilla cinnamon aroma, walking over to the alcove and retrieving the bucket of ice cubes. His devilish grin sending shivers through her body for she has now idea what is the next move of this man that has found a way to dominate her thoughts and bring her countless moments of pleasure over the past few months.

Picking up the candle and tipping it the hot wax splashing over the side and down over her left breast instantly hardening upon touching her flesh, doing the same to her right breast the wax like a small river finding its way around the breast and down the ribs. Taking an ice cube into his hand and slowly rubbing it over her hardened nipples right beside the hot wax that has hardened. This combination of extreme sensations causing her hips to rise and fall on the chair, her eyes fluttering shut almost passing out from the abundant flow of erotic feelings reeling through her body. The melting ice trickling like a dripping faucet down her stomach and through her pubic region the ice cold drips of water lightly caressing her pulsating clit.

The cubes almost melted now as he gently inserts them into her hot pussy the heat almost melting them to water instantly. Placing four shrunken cubes into the folds and depths of her pussy he slowly pulls her to the edge of the chair and enter her with His hardness, the initial shock of the frozen ice, revolting the tip of his throbbing cock until he using mind over matter finally inserts driving the sloshing melted cubes back deep inside her walls, the hot friction of the thrusting and retracting of his steel member combined with the ice coldness of the cubes creating sensations that both shared.

"Oh yes, give it to me hard!" she screamed as her orgasm started from the top of her head, the mind loosing all composure as the thrills of release flowed like a mighty river down and out trying to sweep everything in its current.

"Yes, cum for Me now!" He rasped as the muscles of inner walls gripped and milked him at the same time her nectar was flowing over and around his cock mixing like the ingredients of a delicate desert.

The room seemed to spin and drop off as the explosion of their ecstasy was shared and the nerves, muscles and fibers of their physical bodies shuddered in the release of this awesome moment. Gaining back his control untying the restraints while still joined together, taking a deep breath picking her up from the chair and taking the few steps to the bed collapsing together in an embrace of exhaustion and sweet emotion the two began kissing soft butterfly type kisses rekindling the flames that had just burst into open fires.

She kissed every inch of his body as she slowly slid down the rippling chest, past the flattened stomach to take and clean the instrument that had just brought her the release that she had so dreamed of since their last time together. Licking and sucking away the mixture of their juices and swallowing all that she could, brining him back to the hardness that she knew would make her crest and peak again. With the agility of an Olympic athlete sliding on top of him she began to ride him like, Lady Godiva her golden locks flowing with the movements of her bobbing head as she went up and down like a silent elevator not missing a stop but drawing every ounce of seed from his core into his sac so that he would be drained into her. Her breasts bouncing and flaunting just inches away from his drooling mouth, the hardened nubs so thrusting towards him but this was her gift back to him and with a sudden stop and then the shuddering like the thunder of a summer storm she felt his squirt hit her deepest inner wall and then her muscles brought the rest of the squirts just as powerful as she let go a torrent of her honey falling onto his chest passed out from the rush of pleasure.

Together they rested and slept in each others arms on top of the bedding just the warmth and heat of their bodies keeping the cool night air from separating them.