
You come home late after an evening out with the girls. Still a little tipsy, you open the door and are almost to the blinking answering machine when I speak.

"I've been waiting for you,"

You turn and see me sitting in my chair, the leather one that I bought just to have at your apartment. The one that reminds you so much of the evenings we share. The one you are not permitted to sit in. Ever.

"I was out with some friends," you tell me, voice hesitant. You probably aren't lying to me and weren't out fucking some stud, but it's more fun if I don't believe you.

"You're lying,"

"I am not," Defiance!

I measure my words to you carefully, "You do not ever contradict me. Ever. Now come here,"

I point to a spot in front of me and hesitantly you obey, starting to kneel when I stop you.

"Spread your legs,"

They part, your body language still defiant. Inwardly, I'm smiling because I love these little 'fights' we have where you try and wriggle free; attempting to carve out a tiny bit of space to gain control over me and losing every time.

You stand, feet spread widely apart, making you look even more defiant though your hands are at your side. Crossing them probably came to your mind, but was discarded. Slowly I run my hand down the inside of your bare thigh to your calf. I love your legs. Your calves are perfect, tapering down to dainty ankles and quite lovely feet. I can be particular what you put on them, especially if we are to go out, and tonight you are wearing a strappy Mary Jane heel that I particularly like.

Shiny from a recent shave, soft skin slides under my hand as I run it up your leg and under your dress making you shiver. I stop at your panties, moist warmth radiating through them. You're not wet. Not yet. You haven't been out fucking after all. I say so.

"I told you I was-"Yanking your arm hard, you fall to your knees finally forced to look up at me.

"And I told you to not contradict me you little cunt," I hiss at you, "Obviously, you need correction,"

I stand, still holding your wrist and point at my chair, "Kneel in front with your head down," You hesitate again, "NOW!" I yell.

You haven't seen me like this before and fear finally comes to your eyes. You do as instructed and I slip a blindfold over your eyes, and then flip your skirt up. Black, lacy panties; the good ones. You said didn't get laid, but your underwear says that you would have if you could. I yank them down over those perfect ankles of yours.

I pause a moment to look at you; with the lights low, your head is in shadow but I can hear you trying to calm yourself by measuring your breath. Your beautiful ass is in a perfect position. I unbuckle my belt, and then pull it off in one motion; the hissing sound makes you tense. You know what is next.

SNAP. My belt cracks against your ass and you cry out.

SNAP. A red welt appears as another stroke comes home.

SNAP. You bury your face in the seat of the chair, hands gripping the edge of the cushion tightly.

SNAP. Now your ass retreats away, but the chair stops it.



Red lines crisscross your buttocks and your cries are muffled by the leather of the chair. But you don't move, you don't evade even though your hands and legs are free. I am very pleased by this and I stop. You jump as my hand slides between your thighs to your dripping pussy. I am very pleased.

"This didn't have to happen," I tell you as I put my belt on again, "If your mouth hadn't gotten the better of you, punishment wouldn't have been as severe,"

"Now, I must go," I say putting on my coat. You bolt upright, wincing from the pain.

"You're leaving?"

"Yes. I waited for two hours for you to get home and when you did, you talked back to me. I had to punish you,"

"I am sorry. What can I do?"


"Please," you beg, "There must be something, I'll do anything,"


"Anything," you tell me, making a bargain with the devil.

"Kneel," I say, taking off my coat. You move aside to let me sit down again; the leather creaking pleasantly under my weight.

"Strip," I instruct, "Everything but your shoes,"

Slowly you unbutton your blouse, revealing a matching black bra. I am quite sure now that you would be somewhere else by now, getting your brains fucked out if the circumstances allowed. I wonder what happened?

You unclasp your bra and let it join your blouse. A red flush covers your chest telling me that you are extremely aroused and I cannot resist taking one of your breasts in my hand. You flinch, expecting something else but relax when it appears that I only plan to cup it.

It moves up out of my hand as you unzip and push your skirt and panties down. I raise an eyebrow, flicking my eyes down to hand and you lower yourself until my hand holds your breast again.

Naked, you kneel in front of me, bobbing slightly as you try to keep your ass from touching your heels. I lower my hand slightly, indicating with my eyes that you must move with me. Your flesh is warm soft in my hand and I stroke the soft skin gently. Your eyes close in the simple pleasure of it, then I lower my hand again and you follow it down.

Suddenly your eyes snap open as you jump up; your ass just made contact with your shoes. All I have to do is widen my eyes and you lower your breast back into my hand. I lean my head slightly to see the heels pressing against you. I lower my hand again and another inch disappears making you whimper; once more and you screw your eyes up against the pain. Before with my belt, it was intense, but brief. Now it is agonizing, both physically and that you are doing it to yourself. And you love it, every stroke, pinch, or bite; you come back for more and more.

I keep you there for what must seem like hours, but actually only minutes have passed. I slowly squeeze your breast in my hand, pinching the nipple and making you moan in pleasure and pain.

"I can smell your cunt," I whisper, "It must be very, very wet. Put your hand there to see,"

Quickly your hand slides between your legs, making a delicious wet noise as you gasp from the contact.

"Now give your hand to me,"

You whimper in frustration, but raise your hand and I guide it with my free one to my face. It is covered with your juices and drips from where your middle finger slid inside. I lick it, savoring the flavor as I feel my cock twitch and demand my attention.


Gasping as relief floods your being, you unsteadily get to your feet.

"Bend over the arm of the chair,"

You obey as I unzip my pants and then moan as my cock pushes against your cunt. Slick warmth surrounds me as I enter and I slide easily in until I am pressing you down against the chair. I close my eyes to savor the feeling of my cock in you as the cool air touches it when I withdraw and the warmth that covers it when I enter. Moaning as I fuck you slow and deep; tiny gasps foretelling your building orgasm. I take a fistful of hair, pulling back on it hard, as if reining you in. Crying out, your cunt clenches at me and you cum bucking against the twin holds I have on you. I let go of your hair as I suddenly thrust myself forward and feel my hot cum shoot into you. Gasping I push against your red, welt covered ass until it feels as if there is no more. A wet sucking noise and my cock draws out of you, covered in our sex.

This is a favorite part of yours when we fuck and painfully you move off the chair so I can sit down. Quickly, you swallow me and suck off our mingled cum, sending exhilarating echoes of my orgasm through me. Finally, you are done and gently tuck it back into my pants and zip me up.

I rest a moment, gently caressing your head in my lap and enjoying the feeling of your hair sliding through my fingers.

"Up," I tell you and we stand. You start toward the bedroom and I catch your arm, "No, we're going out. That's why I came over,"

"Oh," you sound disappointed.

"You don't want to?"

"Oh no," you reply, "I would have enjoyed going out with you much more than with my girlfriends,"

"Good," I smile as I open your hall closet, take out your Burberry trench coat, and hold it open for you. Your next question is obvious, "It's all you need except your shoes and handbag,"

I slide it over your naked shoulders and you button it and knot the belt. I love a trench coat on a woman; especially a naked woman.

Opening the door, you exit and I lock the door behind us.

"Where are we going?"

"For a drink," I reply, "And who knows, maybe we will run into some friends of mine that want to meet you,"