Domina Katarina and the Gentleman
Smiling, Domina Katarina set aside her laptop computer. She had just finished reading her e-mail. The last e-mail she read had confirmed the time of a party later on that day, to which she had been invited. A party! Such fun! Now, what would she wear tonight? She had to give it some thought...
She looked down. On 'her' knees before her was her maid "Josephine", a man about forty years old. Josephine was busy licking Domina Katarina's boots clean, making sure not to miss a bit of the dirt that was on them. Cleaning her boots was Domina Katarina's latest instruction. Josephine would keep licking Domina Katarina's boots until given another instruction!
Katarina smiled. Josephine had been her latest conquest. How long ago had it been? Why, just two short months ago! That was when Katarina met John (now Josephine). And, now that she thought about it, the meeting had taken place at another party...
Two months earlier:
John was at the party. It was the usual noisy affair. He was standing talking to someone, who happened to be boring. John was looking around the room for some means of escape. There was a break in the crowd and then he saw... her! A woman standing by herself across the room, looking around in a disinterested sort of way. Then her head turned and their eyes met! Her eyes locked onto his and did not turn away! He felt himself moving toward her through the crowd, bumping into people as he moved. He found himself by her side. She was still gazing deeply into his eyes.
"Oh... oh hi!" John managed to stumble out. "How are you? My name is John... uh..."
"Well hello!" said the woman, "my name is Katarina! So very nice to meet you, John!"
Katarina extended her gloved hand to John, and John bent and kissed it.
John could not take his eyes off her! So beautiful! And so sophisticated looking! Dressed conservatively (for a party) in a mid-length black dress, black high heels, blonde hair done up in a bun, dark red lipstick around two pouty lips and eyes darkened beautifully that accented her strong eyes that John felt he could fall into!
There was the usual small talk of course. John told her about his work as a successful investment dealer. Katarina told him she was self employed, running a kind of school dealing with social skills and etiquette. But, by now it was getting late, and Katarina told him she had to leave. John offered to drive her home but she declined. Not willing to let her escape, John asked for her phone number. Smiling, Katarina handed him one of her business cards. It read "Katarina's School for Gentlemen". On it was the usual contact information. Katarina produced a pen and wrote her home cell phone number on the back. She said goodbye and extended her hand to him. John bent and kissed it, raising his eyes to meet hers. She was smiling in a mysterious sort of way! John was intrigued! A woman of mystery!
Several days passed before John phoned Katarina. He invited her out for dinner the following Saturday. Katarina accepted, asking him to pick her up at exactly 7 PM.
Due to traffic, John was a few minutes late. He rang her condo from the lobby of her building.
"Yes?" Katarina answered, "who is it?"
"Uh.. it's me, John! I'm in the lobby. Are you ready?"
"But... it's after 7! I thought I asked you to be here at 7! Oh my! Well, I'll be down in a minute!"
John paced the lobby for what seemed like ten minutes. Finally, the elevator came, and out strode Katarina! Gorgeous! White blouse... pearls... knee high black skirt... black laced boots... long black leather gloves... a black leather jacket... long blonde hair lying elegantly on the jacket... crimson lipstick! A picture of beauty itself!
Katarina looked a bit serious. She extended her gloved hand and John bent and kissed it.
Katarina looked at her watch. "Oh dear, we're running a few minutes late, John! Please be on time in future, would you? Well let's go!"
John opened the lobby door and walked outside, holding the door for her. Katarina shook her head. "Oh dear! That's not the way... I mean, John, there is a certain way a gentleman opens the door for a lady, and that is not it! You must open the door for me, and allow me to pass by first, don't you see? Now. let's try it again, shall we?"
John came back inside, face red! He had just been scolded (ever mildly) by Katarina! John opened the door again and held it open from the inside. Katarina smiled and nodded. Holding her head high, she passed by him, closely, so he could smell her perfume and almost touch her hair as she walked out! Once out, she stopped.
"Well?" she asked.
"Well what?" asked John.
Katarina sighed. "Perhaps our customs are different, John... that must be it! I believe the correct etiquette is, in the case where a man performs a service for a lady, he must thank her for being allowed the privilege! Aren't you going to thank me for letting me have you open the door for me? Well?"
John looked puzzled. "Uh... thank you, Katarina!"
Katarina smiled. She walked up to him, close, and holding his eyes with hers, patted him twice on the cheek with her gloved hand.
"Better!' she said, "much better! Now, I'm starving! Let's go for dinner!"
Katarina walked to the car. John rushed ahead of her and began opening the front passenger door. Katarina shook her head. "No, I would prefer the back seat while you drive us to the restaurant! We will have lots of time to talk later- for now I have to phone a girlfriend of mine!"
John opened the right rear door of the car for Katarina. To show that he had not forgotten, he said "Thank you, Katarina!" as she got into the car.
Katarina said, "No, from now on, say "Thank you, Miss!". It's more respectful, and you can say it to any woman who allows you to do something for her! Now, say it for me! Say "Thank you, Miss!""
John's face reddened a bit. "Th... Thank you, Miss!"
"Very good!" said Katarina, "now drive us to the restaurant!"
John assumed the role of chauffeur and drove to the restaurant. There was no talking between him and Katarina. As he drove, Katarina chatted happily with her girlfriend. John caught a bit of Katarina's conversation: "No... this one's new! Yes, I think so! Probably a few weeks... hard to say! Always hard to say at the beginning! But I'm usually pretty close with my estimate... well, gotta go! Here's the restaurant!"
John pulled up to the restaurant entrance, turned off the car and went around to the passenger door. He opened it and offered Katarina his hand. She got out of the car and looked at him. She arched her eyebrow expectantly. "Thank you Miss!" John said. Katarina smiled and walked into the restaurant with John trailing behind. A valet parked the car.
They entered the restaurant and were greeted by the owner, who evidently knew Katarina. "Oh! Hello D... Miss!" he cried, and bent and kissed Katarina's outstretched hand. "I had no idea you were coming here tonight! Let me see... yes! I will seat you at our very best table!" He led the way, not even looking at John. The owner seated Katarina, and said "Thank you very much, Miss!" He departed, leaving Katarina and John alone.
John asked "How do you know the owner, Katarina? He seemed delighted to see you."
Katarina replied "Oh, him? Well, you see, he came to me about a year ago for some... etiquette lessons! So very important to have proper etiquette in the restaurant business, don't you agree? Now, I know this restaurant very well! Why don't you let me order, John?"
John had never been to the restaurant before, and nodded his assent.
The waiter came by and Katarina ordered the meal and the wine. "You know," she said, "they have rather large portions here... why don't we... share the meal... hmmm?"
John agreed.
Presently the waiter came by with the wine. Katarina tasted it and approved it. The waiter poured glasses for the two of them. They conversed, with John asking questions about the classes she gave. "Oh," she said, "I realized a couple of years ago how many people, mostly men, had not been properly trained in proper social skills. Most of my students have been very successful businessmen, but were lacking the skills that make a man a true gentleman! Now, take you for example. I have already noticed a certain roughness about you, which may have a certain charm for some, but not for me! You know John, I have been thinking. If we are going to be seeing each other... socially... I could give you some small lessons at the same time! Would you like that, John? Hmmm? Would you like Katarina to teach you?"
John stammered "Why... why yes!"
Katarina looked at him, sternly, and tilted her head up, suggestively.
"I mean, thank you Miss!" John exclaimed.
Katarina smiled. "Better! Much better!"
The waiter arrived with the meal. Katarina looked at it and said to the waiter "Yes, I was right, the portions are rather large here!" Nodding her head toward John she said to the waiter "Take away his plate and cutlery! All he needs is a small plate and a small spoon!" The waiter did as he was told, and John found himself facing a small empty plate with a small spoon beside it.
Katarina smiled "Oh this is much better! Now, I will cut up the meal for you and put it on your plate! And you will show me how you eat properly with that spoon!"
Katarina cut a portion of the meal up into very small pieces and put them on the small plate. She placed the plate in front of John. "Eat!" she said, "and be careful not to make a mess!"
Embarrassed, John began to eat, his cheeks getting red. He thought he heard several people laughing at him, but not wishing to look, he kept his head down. From time to time Katarina would correct the way he was holding the spoon, or scold him for putting too much food on the spoon.
Finally, John finished his small plate of food. Katarina smiled. "Good!" she said, "now, I must finish my meal! Oh, dear! My wine glass is empty! Would you... be a gentleman?"
As the bottle of wine was beside Katarina, John had to get up and pour a glass for her. She said "Well, since you are up, why don't you stay there? You can watch me and see proper dining room manners! Watch me carefully and learn!" So, for the remainder of the meal, John stood beside Katarina, watching her eat. From time to time she would hold up her wine glass and he would dutifully fill it. He looked around and could see a number of people, mostly women, smiling and laughing at him!
Finally, the meal was over. The waiter brought the bill, which John paid. He held Katarina's chair for her and thanked her, of course, for the privilege! They left the restaurant, the car was brought around, and once more Katarina chose to sit in the back seat. As John drove, he heard Katarina talking on her cell phone, to one of her girlfriends. He heard her saying "Oh yes Ingrid... just leaving the restaurant... went very well... did I say a few weeks? no... much sooner than that I would say... much, much sooner!"
He drove Katarina home. She invited him to her condo. It was a beautiful luxurious place with a stunning view of the city lights! Very classy indeed, just like Katarina!
Katarina said, "Oh dear! I'm afraid the place is a little messy! I've been so busy! John, a lady cannot do all of the housework- she needs a gentleman to help her! Could you please wash up those dishes in the sink for me! And here, here is an apron for you!"
Having said this, Katarina tied the apron around John's waist, pulling the apron strings rather tight, he thought.
"But before you begin," she said, "pour me a glass of wine! I must phone a few of my girlfriends!"
John dutifully poured her a glass of wine, thanking her of course, then turned to his domestic duty of washing her dishes. As he worked, Katarina sat on the sofa, talking on her cell phone and giggling!
After he had finished, Katarina said he should leave, as she had a busy day tomorrow. But she had so enjoyed the evening! Perhaps they could do the same thing tomorrow night? Pick her up at 7 PM?
John agreed immediately. As he was about to leave, Katarina looked him in the eyes and patted his cheek. "Oh, I think you're going to be a very good boy! Yes, a very good boy!"
Driving home, John was puzzled but very intrigued by what had happened during their date! He was so glad to be with Katarina- such refinement, charm and beauty! Such poise! He found himself glad to be able to provide service to her, as a gentleman, and he promised himself he would do much much better the following night!
The next evening arrived. John rang at precisely 7 PM, as instructed. Katarina appeared, and smiling slightly, nodded at him She did not speak, but walked to the door. John ran over and held it for her, thanking her. She spoke not a word, and walked to the car. John opened the rear door for her, saying "Thank you, Miss!" Katarina got in and John drove them to the restaurant. The rest of the evening passed the same way. Katarina only had to nod her head or raise an eyebrow and John would do what was expected of him, showing his gratitude as he did so! He was very pleased with the way he was able to anticipate her wishes, and fulfill them quickly!
He drove her home. They went upstairs to her condo. When they entered John saw a bottle of wine on the counter. In the living room there was a vacuum cleaner with an apron lying on it. Katarina sat down and opened her cell phone. John poured her a glass of wine and then put on the apron. While she chatted on her phone, he vacuumed the condo. It was spotless when he finished!
As he was leaving, Katarina suggested that since it was the weekend coming up, they should take a long walk in the park together. Saturday afternoon John arrived and picked her up. She was wearing a top of the line jogging outfit, black, that highlighted her long blonde flowing hair. They began their walk. Being in great shape, Katarina walked briskly, and John found it hard keeping up with her. Soon he found that he was trailing her by a couple of steps, and was walking behind her on the left side, like a dog being taken for a stroll! Katarina turned and faced him.
Katarina sighed, "Just look at your posture. Totally unacceptable! You need to improve on it! It is time for a lesson! Now let me see! Oh, yes! Just the thing!"
Katarina bent down. On the ground by the edge of the walking trail was a short willow branch, perhaps half a metre in length. Katarina picked it up. "Yes, this will do!" she said.
Katarina swung the willow branch back and forth in the air. It made a whistling sound, like a whip! She flexed the stick and patted it on the palm of her hand a few times. "Yes," she said, "this will do very nicely indeed! Now, stand at attention!"
John stood at attention and Katarina walked around him, inspecting him. She used the willow branch to correct his posture. "Head up! Eyes front"- she put the willow branch under his chin and pushed his head up. "Shoulders straight!"- she tapped his shoulders with the branch. "Now, you are going to walk in place, and I want to see you raise your legs properly!"
John began walking in place, raising his legs. "Get those legs higher! Higher!"- Katarina smacked John's thighs with the branch. "Better! Much better! Now, follow this!"
Katarina placed the willow branch in front of John's eyes and began moving it forward. Keeping his eyes on it he followed it as Katarina moved it. Soon he found he was walking in a circle around her, all the while walking with his legs up, almost to his chest level.
John heard some laughter! He saw three women joggers nearby. They had stopped to watch his 'posture lesson'. They were laughing and pointing at him! He realized that his walking in a circle around Katarina must have made him look like a trained animal! The women clapped their hands and whistled! Finally they ran on.
Katarina shook her head. "It is obvious you are in poor shape, John! This will never do! You are going to sign up at a gym I know. It is called "Ingrid's Workout School for Men". It is run by a friend of mine. She leads the lessons, and will soon have you whipped into shape! Now, it is getting late and I want to go home! I was planning to go shopping tomorrow- would you like to take me shopping? Hmmm?
John replied, "Thank you, Miss! I would love to take you shopping!"
"Good! Then pick me up exactly at 1 o'clock!"
That evening, Katarina pondered the progress she was making with John, her latest... project. He was coming along nicely, but she sensed that there was still some... hesitation... some resistance there. She had to find a weakness, for she knew that all men have a weakness, something that would allow her to push him... over the edge! What could it be for this man, she wondered.
The following afternoon John followed her around the mall. Katarina did not waste her time with the usual stores- she went to two or three of the upscale women's clothing stores. At the first one she said she was in need of shoes. She tried on several pairs and settled on three pairs of sexy high heels! They went to the counter to pay for them. The sales girl rang up the total. Katarina stood there, looking off in the distance. John realized that he was expected to buy the shoes for Katarina, and he found he had the need to buy them for her! He paid for the shoes, and in front of the sales girl he said to Katarina, "Thank you, Miss!"
Katarina and the sales girl looked at each other giggled, and winked at each other. "Come!" said Katarina to John, "and bring my packages!"
The sales girl laughed as John stammered his thanks and dutifully followed Katarina out of the store, carrying the shoes he had just paid for! He heard more laughter behind him!
Next, they went to a high end women's clothing store. Katarina took her time trying on several dresses while John patiently waited for her, holding her packages. Finally she chose two sexy low cut party dresses, one red and one black. They went to the sales counter. John knew what to do- he produced his charge card and paid for them, thanking Katarina for the privilege! More knowing looks and giggles from the sales girl! John obediently followed Katarina out of the store!
"John," said Katarina, "I have to to the ladies room! Wait for me here!"
John murmured his thanks and watched as Katarina walked away. He looked around. He found that he was standing in front of a famous lingerie store! In the window were several items of lingerie: bras, corsets, garter belts, and panties! Directly in front of him were dozens of panties! John could not take his eyes off them! Panties... panties... panties...
Katarina returned from the ladies room to find John staring at the panties! His eyes were glazed over, his jaw was slack- he seemed to be in a trance!
Katarina smiled knowingly! So that was his weakness- panties! John had a panty fetish! Katarina knew exactly what to do now!
She snapped her fingers and John came out of his trance. "Come!" Katarina said with authority, "you will drive me home now!" John mumbled something like 'thank you' and shuffled behind Katarina, in a daze!
They arrived at her condo. Katarina told John to put the parcels down and follow her. He did as he was told. Katarina led John to her bedroom! John's mind whirled with many possibilities! What was happening?
Katarina led John to a chest of drawers. She pointed to the top drawer.
"Open it!" she ordered.
John opened the drawer and looked in it. It was full of panties! He stared and stared, transfixed!
Katarina stood close to John, so close he could feel the warmth of her face, could smell her perfume, could feel her beautiful blonde hair caress his cheek ever so slightly!
Katarina leaned forward a bit and whispered in his ear, "Panties! Paaaaanties! Yeeesssss! You like paaanties!"
John could only nod his head! He could not speak!