Doing the Double

Willow kneels on an easy chair, straddling a well-padded arm, left knee on the seat, right foot on the floor, bottom elevated to an ideal height. Sharing the same cushion, Carmen adopts a mirror-image stance; side by side they lean forward, bodies touching.

Slender blond Willow, the taller of the two, is almost completely naked. By inclination a free-spirited girl, her simple summer frock discarded virtually the moment she arrived. Currently wearing no more than a silver ankle chain, high heels and a cheeky expression, she wriggles her bum in anticipation and grips Carmen's hand.

In contrast, her curvaceous companion's attire will especially delight those who subsequently pay to view this encounter. Although similarly bare-bottomed, she wears a bustier, black stockings, knee boots and a charmingly eccentric hat.

The pair's erotically provocative presentation, two ripe peaches beckoning enticingly, is a glorious sight to behold for the sole other occupant of the studio. Dapper Mr Grimes, wearing his customary three-piece suit and tie, owns this rambling old building on the outskirts of a prosperous Cotswold town. Spanking, his hobby and passion, also provides a substantial income from the popular web and social media sites he owns. Which, to attract and retain paying punters, require a constant stream of newly filmed content. Hence today's session.

Willow is a professional model with an oeuvre encompassing everything from lingerie shots to hardcore. Much in demand, she always makes an exception for Mr Grimes, who called in favours to boost her fledgling career and has since been a source of advice and wise counsel. Unlike other downright creepy and manipulative photographers, Mr Grimes is quite the gentleman; rather dishy if one has (and she does) a thing about older men.

In contrast, Carmen is a real-life spanking enthusiast; happy to pose for Mr Grimes, but not reliant on the fee. From her perspective, she's being paid to role play, with dressing up all part of the fun. Long a covert admirer of Willow and avowedly bisexual, Carmen entertains high hopes of this encounter.

Mr Grimes surveys the pair appreciatively. In one hand a thin, whippy cane, in the other a remote camera control. He has a plan...

The women assume the fictional personas of a naughty wife and her friend, caught canoodling by the master of the house. They must of course be punished, hence their current bare-bottomed predicament. With skill and confidence born of long and enjoyable, experience, Mr Grimes applies the cane to Willow's taught moons. Harsh enough to sting and elicit a genuine cry, not so severe as to make her reluctant to continue.

Next, he delivers a stroke to Carmen's delightful derriere. Harder this time, her posterior more generously endowed, and she sufficiently practised to take it in her stride. A dozen cane cuts later, both are squirming animatedly and visibly aroused.

Upping the ante, Mr Grimes whips the pliant bamboo across Willow's tender sit spot, eliciting a yelp of protest. She screws up her face, turning to look reproachfully at him.

"Steady on," cautions Carmen, "the poor girl isn't as accustomed, to having her cute bottom warmed as I am." She leans in to give the girl a consoling kiss; Willow responds enthusiastically; lips part and tongues intertwine.

"Apologies," says Grimes. "I became carried away, two such entrancingly beautiful backsides to chastise. Besides," he adds with mock sternness, "I don't believe I sanctioned any kissing." In truth, he's delighted by their improvisation, the web subscribers will love it. Carmen delicately traces the crimson lines now decorating Willow's perfect posterior.

"I think we should rub it better," she says, applying a soothing caress while winking conspiratorially at Mr Grimes. Willow shudders with pleasure as the older man and woman stroke her sore bottom, fingers sliding between her thighs to seek out her desire-damp pussy.

"So good," she gasps, as Carmen delicately inserts a digit into Willow's velvety quim.

"I think this young lady is ready for something larger," the older woman observes sagely, "Perhaps you might oblige, Mr Grimes?"

"Of course, be rude not to," confirms their courteous host, freeing his straining manhood.

"Gosh," says Willow, wide-eyed, "that's..."

"Big," confirms Carmen, who has intimate prior knowledge.

Mr Grime's erection is soon sunk deep into Willow's honeypot, clenched tightly around his substantial girth. Meanwhile, Carmen fondles her young friend's bare boobs. This, Mr Grimes reflects, lunging lustily, is going splendidly.

"Hang a minute you two, don't get carried away, that caning has got me in the mood for fucking too." Carmen, looks at Willow affectionately, "You must learn to share nicely, young lady."

Willow watches in awe as Mr Grimes transfers his attentions, holding Carmen's hips and plunging vigorously into her sopping slot. Time passes in a blur, Mr Grimes alternating between the two, consummately shafting them both until, much to her surprise, Willow suddenly comes. Such sweet surrender. With considerable self-control, Mr Grimes manages to withdraw his still ramrod-stiff length without shooting over her beautiful cheeks.

"Gosh Mr Grimes, I don't know what happened there," she confesses, apologetically, a blissful expression on her face. "It usually takes me much longer to climax."

"Don't worry Sweetie, sometimes it's all too much, the naughty thrill of being exposed and taken to task. Mr Grime's lovely thick cock, and a hot, stinging bum. Oh my, now I'm on the verge of losing it too. Come on, finish me off," pleads Carmen, twisting around to sit, thighs spread wide in invitation.

Mr Grimes slowly inserts his considerable cock, while Willow wickedly applies her soft mouth; first running her tongue around his manhood where it enters Carmen's mature cunt, then seeking out the passionate woman's engorged clit. Meanwhile, he thrusts urgently in and out of her throbbing pussy until Carmen's long-deferred orgasm reaches an explosive crescendo. Truly a tipping point; with a groan of relief Mr Grimes comes copiously, and the three collapse into a happy, satiated tangle.

Carmen had always been ready for sex after a session with the cane, and Mr Grimes suspected it might have a similarly catalytic effect on Willow. However, this encounter was beyond all expectations and completely exhausting. Oh, for the stamina he'd enjoyed 20 years previously.

With some judicious editing, the scene should go down a storm online. After a few days to recover Mr Grimes plans to book these two again. Great separately, a dynamite double act. He doesn't reckon Carmen and Willow will require any persuading...