Doing It Her Way

Steve opened his eyes, quickly realising it had not been a dream – he really was tied up. His arms were pulled over his head, making his shoulders ache fiercely. Scrabbling, he managed to get his feet under him to take his weight, reducing the strain on his arms and shoulders. His wrists weren't tied, they were chained, the links running up to a beam in the ceiling. His jacket and shirt were gone – he was bare-chested, barefoot and, judging by the blood, he'd been in a fight.

The last thing he remembered was leaving a bar after successfully hustling enough to keep him for the next few days. How the hell had he ended up in this predicament?

He looked around. He was in a dark, windowless room; the one light bulb struggling to make an impact in the large area. It was damp and cool, probably a basement. He thought he could see a staircase in the gloom off to one side. The room appeared empty, apart from a straight back chair just far enough away to be hard to see, and the female straddling it.

Amber was leaning over the back of the chair, her arms crossed, watching him. When she noticed he'd seen her, she stood up and moved toward him.

His attention on her was now total. She was tall, with long flowing hair, cascading over her bare shoulders and contrasting vividly with the emerald green brocade corset. Below that was a short black skirt and it was all topped off with impossibly high spiked heels. As a package she was stunning, and Steve found his eyes roaming across her amazing cleavage to her nipped in waist as she approached and wondering if maybe he really was dreaming.

She smiled as she crossed the room, just watching this one was almost good enough. He sure was handsome, and strong. She watched the hard muscle in his shoulders, arms and chest flex as he tried to ease the strain on them.

He was also too cocky, she decided as she watched the smirk grow as his eyes roamed her body, the bulge in his jeans matching the size of the grin.

Stopping inches from him, Amber reached out and grabbed the bulge with one hand. When he gasped, she used her other hand to stuff a leather ball gag in his mouth, then quickly reached around and buckled it up at the back of his head. That should take care of the smirk, and any unnecessary chatter.

His eyes had taken on a decidedly wary expression. She ran her fingernails lightly across his chest. "It's all right, baby. I won't hurt you..." her eyes followed the track of her nails, "...much. I just prefer silence. Now let's do something about that blood, before it spreads."

She moved behind Steve and he could hear water running. She marvelled at how her hands shook just at the thought of touching him. Oh, my, this one really was intoxicating. A rare find and well worth the effort.

When she next came into view she had a small basin of water with a cloth floating in it. She quickly wiped clean his chest, neck and face, paying particular attention to one eyebrow, trying to hide her growing excitement from him. It would never do to give it away just yet.

There must have been some sort of antiseptic in the water, because it stung like a bastard, making Steve flinch away. Amber ignored him, with an effort, she wanted to soothe him and enfold him. But it would be much more fun this way. She efficiently completed her task, moving behind him again, reappearing reappear empty handed.

"That's better, but there's still room for improvement."

She undid his belt and jeans and lowered them and his underwear to the floor. With lightning speed, she jabbed him in the belly, making him grunt and try to double over. His feet left the floor and she whipped the clothing off and tossed it aside. He groaned at the added pressure on his arms and shoulders and stumbled to get his feet under himself again.

She stood back and analysed her prey, slowly walking around him. The view from the back was almost as good as the front. Strong, broad muscular back tapering down to small firm butt, but no, not quite as good as the front – those eyes, the chest ... pity she'd had to cover that marvellous mouth, but there were other, erhm, compensations.

Her chest tightened at the mere thought that he was all hers, to do with as she would.

She turned and strode across the room, her arse swinging as she balanced on those impossible heels, to study him from a distance.

"Lovely as this picture is, it will never do."

Swinging back across the room, she moved behind Steve again. He heard something being moved. Suddenly he felt the weight of the chains increase above him, and his arms became slack. Unaware he hadn't been balanced, he stumbled, his knees hooked on something directly behind him and he sat heavily. His arms were now stretched high above and behind him. He was sitting on an iron bed frame, covered with a thin mattress.


She loomed behind him and passed a heavy leather strap around the chains at his wrists and pulled him backward into a lying position, feeding the strap through the bars at the top of the bed and buckling it at the back.

Steve closed his eyes, his shoulders and chest screaming their relief. His arms were still chained over his head, but he had some free movement and was no longer supporting most of his weight that way.

Amber watched as his chest and shoulders twitched at the release of tension, running her fingers through his spiky hair, around his ears and down onto his collarbones.

When he opened his eyes, she was bending forward and Steve had a marvellous view of her cleavage, he could've kissed it if only he wasn't gagged. He couldn't reach out and fondle it either.

Climbing onto the bed, she ran her fingernails across his chest again. Steve jumped and gasped around the gag as her nails found his nipples, the sensation going straight to his crotch. Her hands slowly worked their way down his beautiful torso, down his thighs and stopped, curving inwards and up the inside of his thighs to his sac.

He jerked at the feel of her fingers at work, tugging furiously at the bonds on his wrists, his head thrown back. She could hear him gasping around the gag.

"If you promise to be a good boy, I'll take off that nasty gag," her eyes sparkled as her lids lowered and she bit her bottom lip lightly.

He nearly broke his neck nodding, eagerly raising his head so she could reach the buckle at the back of his head.

Amber rose up on her knees, kicked off her shoes and straddled his body, leaning forward to undo the gag. She bent stiffly from the hips, the tight corset preventing any movement from the waist. The hem of her skirt brushed the end of his hard erection, driving another shudder through him.

Freed of the gag, Steve flexed his jaw several times to ease the ache and looked up into her face, his green eyes questioning. But wisely he didn't speak.

She leaned further, bracing herself on his shoulder, her mouth seeking his and engulfing it. He eagerly met her, his tongue twining with hers, sending little sparks of pleasure and need through her. Her chest was heaving against the restraint of the corset, the snug comfort now confining.

His hips bucked beneath her, his need obvious. She sat on his belly, his erection hard against her buttocks. She wore no underwear and the delicious feel of his hot skin, the muscles of his stomach twitching against her, set her hips in needy motion.

"We do this my way, do you understand?" she said sternly.

He forced himself to remain still under her. "I understand." This might be great, but it was going to be torture at the same time.

Again she rose up on her knees, one hand on his torso for balance, the other guiding her motion. Looking hard into his eyes, she slowly lowered herself, impaling her body on Steve's hot, hard cock.

His eyes rolled and he gasped as she slowly, so slowly enfolded him in her soaking warmth. He wanted to thrust hard into her, get inside her, but he maintained control and lay still, watching her, knowing he'd be in big trouble if he did anything against her wishes. His hips twitched in protest.

Her breath came in little moaning gasps. It felt so good – this rock hard heat spreading her further, inching deeper until she had it all. She rested, full, stretched wide, feeling his heat spread deeper through her body.

Never breaking eye contact, she began rocking her hips, forward and backward, making him move inside her, rubbing across that special place and sending shocks jerking through her. Her clit was rubbing his pubic bone, the hair brushing across it causing little shocks of its own.

Steve began moving his hips, side to side, working with her motion to help her on. The corset held her rigid, kept her breathing shallower than she wanted, making her light headed. She could feel the tension building to a crescendo, her movements now more rapid as she ground her clit across him, little cries and yelps forced from her as the rainbow grew brighter and brighter before exploding across her vision.

Now Steve took a chance. His motion changed, he was using the chains as leverage, forcing his hips up into her - hard long strokes. She hooked her feet under his legs, leaning backwards a little, using both hands to balance on his thighs and rode him hard, their bodies slapping together, sweat streaming off them.

Again she could feel his cock sliding across her pleasure spot, again the sparks were building and the tension rising rapidly to breaking point. He was watching her face, varying the tempo to keep her on the edge. Amber was moaning, clenching his thighs with her hands as he pounded in and out of her. He'd bring her right to the point of climax and then back down, just a little, holding her on the very brink. He was keeping himself rigidly under control, the concentration and strain evident on his face.

She couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't see. Her entire being was wrapped around his shaft, all she knew was its movement, the fullness, the sparking pleasure, the screaming tension, the overwhelming need for release. She threw her body forward, using precious air to beg, "Please, oh god, please!"

The feel of her hair on his chest and her plea pushed Steve beyond control. His hips jerked out of control as he shouted his release. She screamed with him, sparks and white brilliance shattering across the inside of her head, her body bursting with white hot molten fire.

Amber was lying on top of him, her muscles, all of her muscles, twitching, her head resting on his shoulder. She could feel him breathing heavily beneath her. She was tempted to untie his arms, so she could feel them wrapped around her, but that meant moving, and she didn't think she could do that just yet.

And there was still that chance he'd escape, and after that little workout, she definitely didn't want that.

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