Dogshit the Bitch Teaches the Gospel

This story contains elements of female domination, humiliation, degradation, corporal punishment and homosexuality. If that's not your thing go read something else.

Dogshit the Bitch teaches the gospel

Someone reading this with modern eyes might well question my sanity and the sanity of the man sucking my cock even more. They would also think that we were the same when we are very different. He is a masochist who loves being punished and abused by a sadistic woman. For him pain and humiliation are sexually stimulating, particularly at the hands of a beautiful woman. Even now being forced to harden a man's dick to enable him to rape his own ass had his dick as hard as a rock and while he wouldn't be allowed to orgasm tonight, the memory would give him orgasms for years. I on the other hand am not a masochist, I don't like pain and I don't crave punishment. I was born with an extreme case of what religious people call "a servant's heart." That's not a self-image problem, it's a self-image acceptance. If I were born in another time, I would be a Royal's chamberlain and I would be an excellent one. The fact that my Mistress punishes me severely when I make a mistake isn't what makes me want to serve her, it's what makes me feel secure in our relative positions and allows me to demonstrate my commitment to her service. If I explained this to someone and they still felt the need to rescue or repair me I would ask them one simple question, "I am proud of who I am and what I do and very happy with my life as it is, are you?"

The evening began with Mistress's friend coming over with her latest conquest, a smallish man she called Pig Shit in tow. I fixed a magnificent dinner for the ladies and ham sandwiches for Pig Shit and I to eat in the kitchen. After the meal they enjoyed a glass of wine together and chatted for a bit before they called for their slaves. We were both in chastity devices which had to be removed. Mine was mostly decorative since I would never even consider having an orgasm without permission, I had no information, but my general sense was that his was necessary. Mistress's friend wanted a show so once Mistress had ordered me to obey her, she had me lay on the floor on my left side. Once I was in place, she had Pig Shit lay on his right side with his mouth near my dick and his dick near my mouth.

"When I say go you will suck each other's dicks, the loser will be the one who cums first and you do not want to be the loser. Go!"

I had an advantage because her words had made him hard while I was still soft, but it wasn't long before I realized that he is a much more skilled cock sucker than I am. I love and hate it when Mistress has me suck a dick. It's completely repugnant to me and having a man's cum in my mouth nauseates me but at the same time Mistress knows how much I hate it so my submission when I not only do it but give it my all to please her, it pleases her, which makes me very happy. At least he had a small dick, roughly the same size as mine, so deep throating wasn't an issue. Given the angle even shallow throating wasn't an issue so I focused on twirling my tongue around the most sensitive part of his cock. Just as I was about to explode in his mouth, I felt a teaspoon of liquid squirt into mine.

I drew my head back and opened my mouth so they could see the proof of my win. Mistress giggled and clapped while her friend said, "Stop" in a voice that would scare a T-Rex then, "Spit it out on his face Dogshit." He was already getting hard again which told me that he had lost on purpose because he wanted the punishment and humiliation that would come with losing. That pissed me off, so I made sure some of it went in his mouth when I spit on his face. I wanted to slap the hell out of him while I was at it so it came as a delightful surprise when his Mistress said, "Slap the shit out of him a few times then roll him over and ass fuck him for all you are worth."

Intellectually I know that beating a masochist isn't really punishing them but emotionally, slapping him five times with just enough of a pause between slaps to be sure he really felt them, felt great. When he rolled over I intended to slam into him with no lubrication but one of the ladies tossed a tube next to me so I used the least I thought I could get away with then sunk it in hard. Other than my petite penis I am the last man you want to fuck your ass. The mechanics of his mouth had made me hard and the tightness of his ring kept me that way, but fucking a man doesn't excite me in the least. That meant that I lasted a long time and by the time I finished he had been well and truly fucked. The orgasm was nice, I'm not allowed many of those, but what really made it great was the combination of him whimpering and my Mistress clapping and giggling.

If he had been a woman I might have rested for a while but as soon as I caught my breath I got out of and off of him. As soon as I did Mistress ordered, "Stand." That is a specific position where I stand up straight with my hands crossed behind me and my head slightly lowered and remain motionless until I am ordered to move.

When I was in position Mistress's friend said, "Clean his cock with your mouth and thank him for fucking you Pig Shit."

He struggled to get up to his knees but crawled to me obediently and took me in his mouth. Ass to mouth is one of the few degradations Mistress has never subjected me to, not because she was merciful, because the idea of some trace of it remaining in my mouth when I pleasured her made her shiver. It felt nice but when I looked down and saw that he was hard again my earlier irritation came back. I lowered my head a small fraction more which signaled Mistress that I wanted permission to speak. When I got it, I said, "When he is finished may I please go pee Mistress?"

As expected, his Mistress said, "Piss in his mouth Dogshit. Pig Shit, if one single drop hits the carpet, I am going to cut your dick off and make you eat it."

I wished my bladder was fuller but making this piece of shit struggle to swallow my piss as fast as I could empty my bladder was still very satisfying. He liked messing up and being punished for it which is what kept annoying me, but apparently his Mistress's threat was convincing enough to make him swallow every drop. Just when I thought there was some hope for this loser he leaned back and said. "I drank every drop for you Mistress."

Mistress heard my quiet growl and said, "You may."

I kicked him in the balls. Not hard enough to damage them but hard enough to double him over on the floor. I gave him a few seconds to recover enough to hear me then said, "We do not boast about following an order you sack of shit. Perfect obedience is the minimum standard we live by." He struggled for a few more seconds to regain some measure of composure or at least control of his body then opened his mouth to speak. I cut him off saying, "If you say anything other than thanking me for fucking you as your Mistress ordered that is going to seem like a love tap."

He struggled theatrically to get back up on his knees then said, "Thank you for fucking me Sir."

I was considering correcting how he had addressed me when his Mistress spoke again, "Suck his cock again Pig Shit. Make sure your mouth conveys how grateful you are for him helping you serve me properly."

I couldn't remember the last time I had felt lips on my dick and here I was feeling them for the third time in one night. As the submissive man that I knew only as Pig Shit pleasured me, I knew that Mistress and her friend would order me to fuck his ass again as soon as I was hard. After I came inside him a few minutes ago I had looked at my cock and knew that I hadn't made him bleed so I didn't feel the need to warn Mistress that he was being damaged. The fact that my dick wasn't big enough to make him bleed didn't bother me in the slightest. I have exactly the dick that I should have to be the person that I am.

They had him pleasure me a bit longer than necessary, either to make sure my erection lasted or just because they were enjoying his humiliation. Finally, Mistress said, "Fuck him even harder this time Slave."

I turned towards her and said, "Yes Mistress," then lowered my head, silently letting her know that I wished to speak. She gave her permission then I continued, "May I add to his humiliation Mistress?"

It was his Mistress rather than mine who answered but she was obviously speaking for both when she said, "Oh yes Dogshit. Add all that you can." Followed by, "Pig Shit, do anything he wants."

This was an embarrassing form of service but I knew exactly how to give everyone in the room just what they wanted, "I want you bent over with your legs spread and your hands on your knees Cunt." He obeyed quickly and as soon as he was in position, I thrust inside him. He was still a bit lubricated so that wasn't overly painful, and I wasn't thrusting too hard, so he was able to keep his balance without much effort. As soon as we were stable in our positions I reached around and took both of his nipples between my thumbs and index fingers and said, "When we are done, I'm going to shit in your mouth."

When he said, "Please Sir, don't do that to me." I squeezed hard and said, "The right answer was, thank you slave." I let him experience the pain for about 10 seconds then continued, "Your Mistress is not pleased with you."

"I am so sorry I displeased her Sir."

My grip on his nipples tightened again. After another 10 seconds had passed, I said, "If you call me Sir again I am going to shift my grip to your balls and no one cares if you are sorry, your feelings are nothing but an annoyance. Now try again."

"I don't know what to say."

"Remain totally silent while you think about it." With that I began fucking him hard, knowing that it would be very difficult for him to remain silent. When he let out a small groan I slapped his face hard, after that I didn't hear anything but breathing while I gave him a full minute of hard reaming then said, "Your Mistress is displeased Turd."

"I hope she will forgive her humble piece of pig shit and allow me to keep serving her."

I slowed down so that he would know that he had done well then said, "I may cut off your nipple and hand it to her."

He said, "Please" then caught himself and said, "If it pleases Mistress, please do."

I slowed down some more then asked, "What are you?"

"A piece of pig shit Slave."

"What are you good for"

"Nothing, I am useless and worthless."

"Not a bad answer but serving Mistress in any way she desires would have been better"

I wrapped my hand around his cock, "What is this?"

"My dick Slave." I bitch slapped him and asked again.

"Mistress's dick Slave."

I turned to Mistress and said, "Do you want me to come inside his ass again Mistress?"

She thought about it for a moment then said, "Give him another hard minute then withdraw."

I rammed him just as hard as I could for more than a minute. He held his position, but I got to hear his girly little whimper again which I enjoyed. When I withdrew from his ass, I could see a little bit of blood on Mistress's dick. That was perfect, he would be sore for days but not really harmed. Mistress gave me a minute to catch my breath then said, "I feel like having a snack Slave."

I replied, "Yes Mistress," then picked up my chastity cage and asked, "May I take a moment to clean myself and replace this Mistress?"

"You may clean yourself; I will decide on the cage later."

"Yes Mistress."

When Mistress orders a snack, she rarely specifies what she wants, it's my duty to figure out what she would like and provide it. I had some home-made orange rolls in the freezer, so I popped them in the oven first then plugged in my fryer before I began cleaning myself. When every trace of loser was off my body I peeled and thin sliced a potato for homemade potato chips and made a small batch of cream cheese frosting. Roughly ten minutes after I had been sent to make a snack, I served mistress and her friend homemade orange rolls and over salted home-made potato chips. The ladies dug in with joy and complemented my cooking several times. As I had expected the sweetness of the rolls made the salty chips taste better and the saltiness of the chips made the sweetness of the orange rolls really pop. My only regret was that I didn't have a bucket of slop for Pig Shit.

After their snack I was ordered to pleasure each woman in turn. Mistress's friend was first, she hiked what little clothing she was wearing up and opened her legs, the rest was up to me. I had served her before and knew what she liked. I began by putting my tongue as deep inside her as I could and swirled it inside her to stimulate the first inch of her vagina where 90% of the nerves are. After a few minutes of that I made sure my tongue was moist and began drawing circles around her clit with it. She talked about how she liked things rough but what actually worked was to stimulate her gently at first then directly stimulate her clit slightly less gently when she got close. One was never enough for a woman like her so I used my breath and my tongue to keep her warm until the first orgasm had mostly passed then used the softest of touches with my tongue to give her another. I thought there would be a third, but mistress called me to her. She has different tastes. I began by softly spreading her with my hands and running my tongue the full length of her softness. I could feel her wetness growing and when she was fully lubricated, I put the tip of my tongue on her clit and pressed it down then began moving it in circles without abrading it. When she was close, she grabbed my head and pressed me harder into her crotch. I didn't let it increase the pressure I was exerting on her clit but we both enjoyed the sense of total control that it gave her. When her orgasm began, I continued stimulating her just as I had been, moving with the spasms of her body like a dancer following a perfect lead. The second began before the first had passed, so did the third but when it began, she pulled my head away.

The Mistresses held each other for several slow minutes then turned their attention back to their slaves. Pig Shit had been laying on his belly feeling sorry for himself the whole time, but he snapped to attention and obeyed when his Mistress said, "Crawl to me Cunt." I enjoyed watching her replace his chastity cage, knowing that he wanted to beg for mercy but didn't dare. Once he was fully locked in his Mistress said, "Crawl to me Dogshit" in a much softer voice than she had used with him. It was only a couple of feet and when I arrived, she handed me a pair of small keys and announced, "I am giving your key to Dogshit, he and only he will decide when you are worthy to be unlocked." Horror and joy battled for control of his face. On the one hand it was a perfect fantasy Mistress thing to do, on the other hand he wasn't going to have a real orgasm until I allowed it and I'm sure he could sense that I held him in contempt.

When the shock had passed, he managed to croak out, "Thank you Mistress."

My Mistress said, "You may speak to him if you like and make him do anything you wish Slave."

I turned to Pig Shit and said, "You will wait a week for forgetting to thank me for fucking you, you will wait an additional week for annoying me. When those two weeks have passed you will wait an additional month for letting me win the original contest. You wanted to lose and be punished but your Mistress ordered you to win. If you say a single word to me before the time has passed, I will add another month. Now, either find a good locksmith or lick my ass for all you are worth."

He was unskilled but gave it his best effort. I had only intended to make him do it for a minute or so but when his Mistress began putting on her street clothes, I left him licking until she had dressed and hugged my Mistress. He was allowed a pair of shorts and nothing else and if she hadn't preferred to be driven rather than drive, I'm fairly sure he would have been put in the trunk for the drive home.

When they were gone, and Mistress and I were alone again she walked into the living room and held her hand out palm up and a little below waist high. That was a signal, so I dutifully placed her testicles in her hand. She closed her fingers gently then asked, "Do I need to be concerned that you dominated someone tonight?"

"I didn't dominate anyone tonight Mistress, I was a tool of others domination and obeyed the orders I was given to the best of my ability."

That got me one of the smiles that I live for then, "What happens in six weeks?"

"He finds out that six weeks is two days short of two weeks and a month."

She laughed hard enough that I worried about her grip then asked, "What do you think of Rebecca as a dominatrix?

That was the first time I had heard her name, but I didn't care what her name was. "As a professional dominatrix I'm sure she is fabulous, but she abuses her slaves to make herself feel special. You are a goddess and I would trade ten thousand hours with her for ten minutes of worshiping you."

She loosed her grip then held her lips up and said, "Give me a gentle kiss Slave." I obeyed immediately and perhaps stretched it a few extra moments but she allowed me to get away with that then said, "You are dog shit but I still love you in my special way, now close up the house then come to my bed. I'm in the mood to have my own ass licked tonight then I will probably enjoy a nice soft orgasm from a tiny little comfort-fit dick."

It was my turn to smile, "I got my ass tongued Mistress, you will be worshiped from behind as is proper for a Goddess."