Dogging Fantasy
We pull into the picnic site at just after ten o'clock, after a few hours in the pubs in Edgware where Mary has been flaunting herself at the males (bending over from the waist to pick up dropped change, exposing her stocking tops and thong; allowing me to finger her in the street outside and be spotted by groups of young men). It is still relatively quiet, only a few cars with single guys, so she orders me into the back and tells me to strip.
All evening, I have been wearing red cami-knickers and a red basque under my clothes, accompanied by black hold-up stockings. Once I am down to this, she tells me to stop and get back in the front. Mary herself is wearing a black basque, skimpy transparent black thong and black fishnet stockings with suspenders under a red mini-skirt and red button jacket. She reclines her seat, wiggles her skirt up, and bids me squat in the footwell and lick her through the front of her knickers, the moisture from my tongue making them even more see-through.
I hear the flare of a match and glance up to see that she has wound down the window and lit a cigarette. She blows smoke in my face and as I blink she pulls down the top of my basque and pinches my left nipple hard between her finger and thumb. Then she blows out the match, tests the heat against her finger tips, and presses it into the exposed tip of my nipple. I gasp at the unexpected heat and jerk backwards. She slaps my cheek with the flat of her hand and sharply commands me to stay still. Then she opens her jacket, pulls down the front of her basque to just below her swelling breasts, lifts my hands to play with them and pushes my face back between her legs, where I continue to lick her long and slow through the brief material.
I hear another car pull into the car park and draw to a halt alongside ours. Mary draws her jacket over her breasts, covering my hands. A car door opens and closes, and a gruff male voice says, "Good evening." Mary returns the greeting, and some small talk follows as they size each other up. From what I can hear from between Mary's thighs, the guy is married but out on his own. I see a shadow as he leans into the car and kisses Mary full on the lips, then my hands are pulled aside as the man reaches into her jacket and gropes her breasts. "Who's he?" he asks.
"Oh, that's Julian. Tonight he's my slave," Mary responds.
"We'll have to put him to the test later, then." This statement fills me with both trepidation and excitement, as I think of what might follow. "Let's get you out in the open."
Mary winds-up the window, and then opens the door. I step out, shivering slightly, not from the cold, but from my exposure in this public place. Mary steps out behind me, locks the door and puts the keys in her jacket pocket. Then we follow the man over towards the trees, where there is a picnic table. We hear other car doors open and close behind us, and glancing back I see a handful of other men also approaching. Mary sits herself down on the table. "Hello guys," she says to the new men joining us, "I'm Mary". They form a semi-circle around the end of the table and start to reach out and stroke her through her clothes. Mary stands and slips off her jacket and skirt, putting them into the rucksack which I only now notice she brought from the car with us. As she sits back down, the men reach into the cups of her basque and pull aside the front of her thong to stick fingers into her dripping pussy.
I find myself crowded out and pushed to the back of the group, trying to watch events unfolding before me over the shoulders of Mary's new admirers. The guy next to me has opened the front of his jeans and he takes my hand and presses it over his cock and balls. Hesitantly, I stroke and rub him, feeling him swell further beneath my touch.
In front of me, I see Mary is on her hands and knees on the picnic table and has taken a thick cock into her mouth, while another man is kneeling behind her tonguing her pussy. Her thong has been removed and third man has its crotch pressed against his nose while he wanks next to her. Other men pinch her nipples and stroke her exposed flesh. She glances across at me, removes the cock from her mouth for a moment, whispers, "Enjoying yourself?" to me, and then goes back to sucking on the engorged helmet before her, obviously relishing its taste.
I have almost forgotten about the man beside me, despite holding his erection in my fingers, until he slides a hand down the back of my knickers and starts to work a greased finger into my bottom, whilst another pair of hands reaches around from behind me and pinches my nipples. I gasp, and Mary glances up again, takes her mouth off the cock once more, and says, "Here, use these."
She reaches into the rucksack and produces a pair of nipple clamps and a pair of handcuffs. The man fingering me takes them in his other hand, and then he and his friend lead me over closer to the trees, where they have me kneel next to a fallen tree. My hands are cuffed behind my back and my nipples are pinched until painfully erect, at which point the clamps are applied. At first the pain is intense, but it subsides rapidly in the face of my increasing arousal. Then a swollen cock is thrust in my face, and I open my mouth and begin to tongue the head before it is pushed deeper into my mouth and I begin to suck on it. A little way away, I hear Mary start to moan as a cock is driven into her and begins to thrust. As she nears orgasm, the organ in my mouth begins to buck, and two jets of hot, salty spunk shoot down my throat before it is pulled out, the remainder spattering on my glasses and hair.
I turn slightly to see Mary on her back squirming in ecstasy as she continues to be fucked by the stud on top of her, while two more men stand wanking over her face and trailing their cocks over her lips. Then my face is forced to the ground as the second man takes his place behind me. I feel my knickers pulled to one side and then a moment of intense pain as he forces his cockhead into me.
As I adjust to his width, he reaches under me and cups my swollen balls in his hand, squeezing them just enough to be slightly painful without seriously hurting me, making me push back to meet every thrust of his powerful cock. It fills me, stretching me more than my previous anal experience had prepared me for, and I feel as though I will split under this onslaught when the first man re-appears before me and orders me to suck his hairy balls, which taste and smell of sweat and stale urine, and then thrusts his shrinking erection back into my mouth, gruffly instructing me to clean it. I lick around the knob, and he pulls back the foreskin to allow me access under his rim and around his frenum. He begins to grow erect again as I am driven onto him by the cock which is still thrusting into my anus.
He reaches under my chest, and I notice that he is wearing black leather gloves as he pulls the clamps roughly off my nipples. I gasp around his member as the blood floods back into them, and then cry in surprise as he grabs bunches of stinging nettles and rubs them onto the swollen buds. The burning pain is exquisite, and I suck harder until his cock explodes once more into my mouth just as the other jets hot come deep inside my bottom.
"Don't swallow," commands the first, while his friend slips out of me and comes around before me. I am un-cuffed and laid on my back, then my hands are re-cuffed behind my knees so I am laying completely exposed, spunk leaking from my bottom. One of the men produces my digital camera, which Mary must have slipped to him earlier.
"Open your mouth and show me," he snaps. I part my lips to display the come coated inside of my mouth, and he starts to take snaps. I stick out my tongue and hot come drips down onto my chest and nipples. The guy who fucked me cleans his cock with some fresh-wipes, then squats over my face and trails his still leaking cock across my cheeks. Then he begins to piss on my face and into my mouth, and I swallow to prevent myself being soaked, before he lowers his spurting cock into my mouth and sprays the sweet, salty liquid straight into the back of my throat.
I hear laughter, and my abuser stands and finishes peeing on my face and in my hair as Mary walks over, her face flushed and her basque soaked with spunk, with five men whose cocks are hanging spent against their thighs. She leans over me and drips spunk from her mouth into mine. "How's my little wanker?" she demands, before removing my smeared glasses and sitting on my face, her pubes matted with fresh spunk. I lick her clean as more globs of goo drip out of her, filling my mouth with the taste of recent sex.
After a couple of minutes, my tongue starts to tire and my licking slows, and Mary reacts by leaning forward and pinching my nipples, twisting them cruelly. She signals the gloved man, and he grabs more fresh nettles and stuffs them into my knickers, rubbing them into my cock, balls and abused bottom. The stinging is intense, yet still very arousing. Mary grabs a large, ribbed vibrator from the rucksack and slips it into my gaping anus. She leans right across me, taking my balls in her mouth through the material of my knickers and nibbling them lightly. At the same time she switches on the vibrator and begins to work it in and out of me whilst rotating it in her hand. As she works me, she lifts her crotch off my face and I see another cock plunge into her sopping fanny.
A pair of heavy balls hang over my face, and I strain to lick them on each inward stroke. With each stroke he pulls out completely, and more globs of earlier spunk drop onto my mouth, then he speeds his thrusting and Mary almost rips my nipples from my chest as he sprays her insides. He pulls out and directs the second spurt directly into my eyes, sticking them closed and stinging.
"Does it hurt, baby?" mocks Mary. "We'd better rinse you clean." She shifts back directly over my face and unleashes a hot stream of piss and spunk from her well-fucked pussy over my eyes and into my nose and mouth. Then she stands and lowers one foot on my crotch, her high heel digging into my testicles painfully. "Sit up, baby," she instructs. I obey meekly, and am suddenly aware of the vibrator still in my anus, now buzzing at full speed. The penetration is incredibly deep, because I am now pressing down on the intruder. My cock spasms, but is too abused to ejaculate. My knickers are ripped from me and the gloved man stands over me again and begins to whip my cock and balls with fresh nettles. More nettles are stuffed into my corset and rubbed against my nipples, which are now very swollen and dreadfully sore, but my arousal is sufficient to distract me from this pain.
"Thank-you, gentlemen," says Mary to her lovers of the evening. "Maybe we'll see you out here again sometime." She kisses each of them farewell, as they feel-up her body once more, and then they disappear back into the darkness.
"Right, we'd better get you home and cleaned up," she says to me, as she gathers up our things in the rucksack and leads me back towards our car. "If you're very good, maybe I'll let you come."