Doctor's Orders Pt. 02

Doctor's Orders - Chapter 8 - The Weekend Arrives

The sun rose early over Lake Michigan and drenched the room in brilliant orange light. Erika was sleeping on her side, facing away from me. I put my arm around her and softly kissed the back of her neck.

"Good morning, Joe," she said through her yawn.

"Good morning, Erika. Thanks for asking me to stay over last night. I had a good time."

"Not as good as me, I'll bet," she replied. "Would you like some coffee? I don't have to go to work for a couple of hours."

"I sure would, if that is my only option this morning."

Erika rolled over and put her arm around me, grabbed my butt and squeezed tightly. "I think you'd better stick with the coffee. Your friends could use some more rest. Who knows what Beverly intends to do to you this weekend."

I then got the pleasure of seeing Erika's exquisite naked body as she climbed out of bed. She went into the kitchen for a few minutes then went into the bathroom. I heard her turn on the shower.

"Will you hurry up and come wash my back?" she shouted from the other room.

Those football coaches that thought I was too slow may have changed their minds if they saw how fast I moved from the bed to the bathroom. I stepped into the shower where Erika was already washing her hair. She had her hands in her hair and was facing me. Her beautiful smooth skin, hairless as the day she'd been born, was covered with droplets of water. I couldn't have stopped from getting an erection if I'd already been dead a week. I just stood there admiring the view as Erika rinsed out her hair.

"Okay, Stud. Wash my back," she said as she turned her backside toward me.

"I'm sure I can do a much better job this way," I said as I took her arms and gently turned her toward me. I put a dab of her bath gel on my hand and reached around her and started washing her back.

"You see, this way your body doesn't move away from the pressure of my hands. My body blocks your forward progress. This is much more efficient."

"It seems you are right, Joe. Please proceed," said Erika.

I kissed her neck and shoulders as I washed the back of her neck and shoulders. Whatever I was washing in the back, I kissed the corresponding area in the front. Of course I enjoyed kissing her splendid tits again. Erika's flat stomach was a sexy sight to behold as well. Just below that, her hips, her smooth mons veneris, and then down her legs to her toes.

I was still on one knee when I said, "If you'll turn around I'll wash your front side too."

Erika said nothing but did turn around. That was all the permission I needed to start washing up the front and sides of her legs, kissing my way up her backside of course. It was extremely arousing to me feeling my hands slide up her legs to the warmth I found at their junction. Erika didn't seem to be complaining about it either. I worked my way up to her incredibly nice breasts, which I'd found out were actually 36C, not D as I guessed. The letter of the alphabet didn't deprive me of a bit of pleasure when I cupped her breasts and washed them. Her nipples were already standing up erect and proud when I reached them.

When I'd washed up to her neck she turned around, put her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"That was the most wonderful shower I've ever taken, Joe. Let me wash you now," she said.

I just stood and smiled. I really didn't want to let go of her firm buns, but eventually I had to as she worked her hands down my backside. She returned the favor of kissing me down the front as she washed. She started giggling when she reached my pubic area.

"I'm sorry. I just can't kiss that awful stubble. It is like kissing a stiff brush! I'll just give you some extra kisses where there is no hair."

Then she kissed her way up and down the shaft of my cock, using her tongue a great deal in the process. I didn't feel cheated that she skipped my balls and the rest of my pubic region. My cock was hard as iron and felt like it was on fire. I was thankful that this teasing was going to end in a day or two. It would be embarrassing if I got an erection every time I saw a pretty woman in public. I'm sure it was coming to that soon.

Erika washed me down to me feet then turned me around and washed the front of me, kissing her way up my back. When her hands reached my genitals, she washed them thoroughly and carefully. The stubble didn't seen to bother her hands as much as it did her mouth. She washed my cock with long, slow strokes until it started to throb in her hand. Then she moved up to my belly, my chest and even washed my face and hair for me. I smelled like lavender since she used her bath gel on me, but I was clean, the shower was quite exciting and I'd be able to take another shower with a more masculine scented soap before my meeting this afternoon.

"Um, Erika," I said. "I don't think I'm quite clean."

"I'm not falling for that. If I got you any cleaner I'd have to rinse the shower for ten minutes to clean up the mess you made! Now turn around and thank me for washing you. I'll take one long wet kiss as payment."

I did as she asked with my cock pressed up against her belly and my hands on her face just below her ears. One kiss turned into two and then two to three. Our hands were all over each other's backsides.

Erika finally broke the kiss and said, "We should stop this before we run out of hot water. A little cold water may do us both some good, but I'd rather try to cool down more slowly. We know you aren't going to get any relief right now and I won't ask you to give me any. You did more than enough last night."

Erika's eyes were twinkling. I guess I'd done better than okay last night.

"Let's go get some coffee then," I said.

Erika turned off the water and we dried ourselves. Erika got dressed in a very professional looking gray suit wit a knee length skirt. I had nothing else to wear so I put on the same clothes I wore last night. I thought that if I were going to be "dating" the girls, I'd better start carrying a change of clothes and a shaving kit in my car.

The coffee was ready when we got to the kitchen. We sat at the table and sipped coffee, ate bagels and made small talk until Erika had to go to work. I went home to get ready for my afternoon appointments.

I did shower and change my clothes before I left the house. I felt much more comfortable smelling like "Irish Spring" than I did lavender, but it sure wasn't as much fun washing myself as it was having Erika do it. She was everything a man could want in a woman. She was beautiful, witty, and intelligent and she didn't require being dominant or submissive to get turned on. She could do either or neither. Sexually she was a man's dream come true.

I had my afternoon meeting at 1:00 and set up three more days of shooting catalog shots next week. They were going to have me shoot men. I'd photographed men before and while that wasn't my specialty, they provided the clothes, the models and the makeup artists. If the models were experienced my job was simply technical and the technical side of photography was a breeze for me. Shooting men's fashion was going to be a relief. I hardly needed any more titillation!

I was home by 2:30. Bonnie, the model that needed new résumé shots, was coming by at 3:00. I'd known Bonnie for a couple of years, but only professionally. She was a little different than a high fashion model. She was shorter and had more curves. Her build was similar to that of Erika's, but Bonnie wasn't as fit and lean looking. Still, Bonnie was a beautiful young woman and worked regularly.

Bonnie arrived right on time and alone. Some aspiring models like to bring a chaperone when they visit a photographer they don't know. I didn't mind at all as long as the chaperone kept their mouth shut and didn't tell me what to do or the model how to pose. That was my job and I was damned good at it. That is why I was making a six figure income working on average three days a week. Bonnie was a pro and knew me personally and by reputation.

I didn't come on to clients or models working for my clients. That was a hard and fast rule. My mentor in the business learned that the hard way as a very young man and he pounded into my head every chance he got.

"You have to choose, Joe," he used to say. "Do you want to eat or get laid? Once you try to seduce one model that isn't interested, she'll tell everyone in town. You will end up working at a department store portrait studio. I didn't want to move from New York to Chicago, but I was going to either starve or find a new line of work. I love photography so I had to move. Then I learned a secret about models. If you act like you aren't interested, they'll get interested in you! Just be patient, my boy, and you'll eat well and get laid too!"

I started out working in Chicago and I was quite happy here. I didn't make the mistake old Gus did, so I didn't have to move. He was absolutely right. I ate well and got laid plenty. He was nearly 70 when he retired and he was still getting laid. Gus was my idol!

"Bonnie! You look ravishing as usual! Let's get that beautiful face on film," I said to her with a big smile.

No, I wasn't coming on to her. Complimenting a model was often required to get them comfortable enough to pose well. It was important NOT to say something like "Bonnie, your tits look great!" You kept the compliments generic or talked about their eyes or smile. Keep sex out of it and stay four feet away from her. Gus taught me that too. Don't get within four feet of a model when you are working alone with her. If you need to get closer to move her hair or make another adjustment, you ask permission. The model must not feel unthreatened.

"Thanks, Joe. You're looking pretty good yourself. I heard you and Karen broke up. I heard you took it pretty hard but it looks like you're doing okay now."

"I did take it hard, but that is behind me now. I'm feeling pretty darned good to tell you the truth."

Of course I didn't tell her that my good mood was because I'd had incredible sex with four beautiful women just last weekend. Four beautiful women? She'd never believe it anyway. I hardly believed it myself.

"Do you need anything, Bonnie? Maybe something to eat or drink? Or you could freshen up first if you like. I'm ready to get started whenever you are."

"I don't need anything, Joe. I'd just like to touch up my makeup a bit, but I can do that in the changing room."

I had the formal dining room converted into a studio. It was great for portraits. There was a guest bedroom just outside the studio and I had that outfitted with clothes racks, a small refrigerator stocked with only diet soft drinks and a couple of makeup tables with lighted mirrors. I called that the changing room. Bonnie had been here before, so she was familiar with it. There was a bathroom attached to the changing room so a model had everything she needed if she decided to have a hissy fit and stay in there all day. Fortunately this didn't happen often.

When Bonnie emerged from the changing room she looked stunning. She was wearing a glittery blue evening gown. It showed some of Bonnie's ample cleavage and had a low scoop back. The dress clung to her every curve and Bonnie had plenty of them. Her blonde hair and deep blue eyes went perfectly with the dress.

"You look stunning in that gown, Bonnie. How about starting with your back towards me. Good. Now turn about 30 degrees to the right, put your hands on your hips and look over your shoulder at me. Beautiful! Now give me a sexy pout. Great! Now smile again. Big smile! Good job! Okay, now turn sideways. Got it. Now put your hands behind your head. That's fantastic. You're a gem, Bonnie. I love working with you."

Bonnie was truly a pro. She was as easy to pose as any model I'd ever worked with. She could even understand me when I told her to turn 30 degrees. Any model would understand quarter-turn but a lot of them got lost if you used any fraction smaller than that. She was too short to do the high fashion shots, and too curvy to do petite or junior fashions, but when you needed curvaceous and sexy, well, Bonnie was the one I'd call.

Next she changed in to a pair of short shorts and a skimpy blouse. Bonnie was tanned nicely and it contrasted with well with her hair too. She changed into at least six different outfits and all was going well. She was very sexy and of course I'd been horny all week, but I was working now and only thinking about my work. Then Bonnie came into the studio with her last outfit on.

It was a shiny black string bikini. Now that was distracting even if I was a professional. I was still a man and a man that had been teased all week. I did my best to maintain my composure and I'm sure I did except below the waist. I started to stiffen. I don't think Bonnie could see what was happening in my jeans, but somehow she knew that she'd gotten to me. She gave me a look that told me in no uncertain way that she knew I was aroused and she was enjoying it.

"Great suit, Bonnie. Let's do some standing shots first."

Oh God! It was a thong. Like this wasn't hard enough already.

We went through about 20 poses in the bikini and then she said, "Just one more thing, Joe."

Then she removed the top.

"I'd like to get some bare breasted shots. After all, they are what distinguish me from a lot of other models in this town. They are nice aren't they?" she asked as she held them up and together with her hands.

Damn! I was wishing she'd brought her boyfriend with her. That would make this a lot easier.

"They sure are, Bonnie. They're very nice. Okay, just hold that pose. Now turn your head away just a little and look up. That was a nice pose, Bonnie. Turn one quarter towards me, cross your arms under your breasts and hold that. Good! Okay, now shrug your shoulders and hold. Now put your chin down a little and look up at me with those beautiful eyes. Great shot! Let me get that one again."

It wasn't like I'd never photographed a bare-breasted woman before. Shooting nudes was nothing new to me. I'd just never photographed one as attractive as Bonnie, alone in my house, after five days of teasing and denial. My cock was getting uncomfortably hard in my jeans.

"I'm about out of ideas, Bonnie. Anything else you want to do?" I asked.

"I think we've got enough photos. When will the proofs be ready?" she asked.

"I can have them for you by noon Monday if you are in a hurry. I've got a three day job after that, so I won't be able to see you until Friday if Monday isn't good for you. I could send them by courier if you like."

"Why don't you give me a call on Friday. I'm not in any hurry."

"Sure, no problem." It looked like I was going to get through this day without cumming in my pants after all.

"Damn!" exclaimed Bonnie. "I need some help, Joe."

"What is it?"

"My bikini is snagged on this wicker bench. I'm either going to need some help getting free or I'll need to leave the bikini here. I'd just leave it but I paid $200 for this tiny bit of fabric."

"Do you want me to get you a robe?" I asked.

"Don't bother. You've been looking at my tits for the last twenty minutes, just come over here and help me."

Well, I'd stayed away from her like Gus told me to. But now she was asking me to come over and help her. I really didn't have much choice. I walked over to her, kind of stiffly because of the discomfort in my jeans, but I made it.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked. Gus' golden rule, NEVER touch the model unless she gives you permission.

"Just see if you can pull the fabric away from the wicker. This suit is expensive so try not to put a snag in it, please! Here, give me your hand and I'll put it where I feel the snag."

Bonnie took my right hand, looked me right in the eye, put my hand on her voluptuous breast and held it there. I didn't pull away. It just felt to damn nice to.

"Do you feel it, Joe?" she asked in a sultry voice and with and equally sultry face. Bonnie did sultry as well as any woman on the face of the planet.

"Uh, Bonnie, uh thank you, but we shouldn't..." I stammered.

"Relax, Joe. It's okay. I broke up with Ian two months ago," she explained as she took her other hand and found my erection through my jeans. "Karen is history for you and I know you want me. This can't lie," she said as she stroked my erection.

"God, Bonnie. Every straight man on the face of the Earth wants you. You are incredibly sexy. I do want you, but I can't. I'm sorry," I said reluctantly.

She continued stroking my erection as she asked, "Why not? Professional ethics? How about taking this big boy out and I'll see if I can change your mind."

"Bonnie, you can't possibly know how bad I want to do that, but I have to say no." I pulled my hand from her breast and carefully sat down straddling the bench. Bonnie looked stunned that I'd turned her down, but as fine as she looked, it was probably the first time she'd ever had that happen. Shit! She could probably convert some gay men!

"Well, I'm not going to beg you, Joe. That big erection you've got has allowed me to keep my self esteem, but I'd sure like to know why you aren't interested."

"There is someone else, Bonnie. Someone that isn't in the business. I've made a commitment not to have sex with anyone else. Please believe me, if there was anyone that could tempt me to break my promise, it is you. You are one of the most beautiful, sexy women I've ever seen and I'm in the business of photographing beautiful, sexy women. I'm sorry, but I'm really serious about this relationship and not even you could get me to break my word."

"I wouldn't want to, Joe. You're a sweet man and I'm sorry I didn't get to you before your new love did. She's a lucky girl," said Bonnie. She followed her statement with a kiss. It was a friendly kiss, not a sexy wet one.

"Thanks, Bonnie. I'm glad you understand."

"I do understand, Joe. Some models do. We aren't all stuck up bitches that just use men. I just want you to know that if things don't work out with your new love, I want you to give me a chance. I certainly won't promise to wait for you, but if we are both free at the same time, I think we could make some fireworks together."

"I'm sure we could. I'm really flattered that a woman like you, who can wrap any man in Chicago around her little finger, is interested in me."

"Since you turned me down, I'm going to have to make some more demands on you professionally. I expect you to deliver the proofs personally on Friday. I'll meet you at Chinn's Crabhouse at noon and I expect you to buy me lunch. I'll probably have to pay you a couple thousand for the new portfolio, so you can afford it. You can even write it off as a business expense."

"It would be my pleasure to buy you lunch. See you Friday. Now are you still snagged or are you going to get dressed and leave?"

"My heart was snagged but you've cut the line. I'll just hope that if you don't go fishing again soon, I meet some nice guy that is. My suit was never snagged. I lied to get you over here."

Bonnie got dressed, packed up her stuff and left. I was glad there were no hard feelings. If Beverly hadn't cured my sexual depression last weekend, Bonnie probably could have today. I was feeling pretty cocky that Bonnie wanted me. As if it wasn't enough that Beverly, Erika, Julie and Meredith did.

I looked at that clock. It was 5:20. I had to be at Beverly's in 10 minutes. Since I was going to be naked in front of Beverly and some strangers shortly, I ran through the shower and put on some clean clothes. I ran through the gate to Beverly's back door. I was there at precisely 5:30. Thank goodness for Army basic training.

Beverly met me at the back door and gave me a hug. She was dressed casually in jeans and a blouse.

"Right on time, Joe. Your hair is wet, but it is short and will dry quickly. You must have rushed."