Doctoral Discipline Pt. 01
Co-Authors: subbie1982 and tom6432
This is a fantasy written by subbie1982 and myself for fun. All errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar are my responsibility. It contains spanking, humiliation and fetish, if this bothers you please seek other authors. All characters are 25 year old or older.
Chapter 1:
"Miss McLean... Miss Mclean... Miss Mclean!"
"Huh, what... oh sorry Professor Matthews."
"Did you enjoy your nap Miss McLean?" asked Professor Matthews with a smirk on his face?
"I'm really sorry Sir, it won't happen again," I said as I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock.
Ugh, still 30 minutes of class left.
The bell rang and I leaned over to pack up my books. As I was placing my books in my bag I felt a hand rest firmly on my shoulder. "Miss McLean, I would like to see you in my office at the end of the day, say 4pm." I looked up at Professor Matthews, noticing his well muscled, firm body as my eyes worked their way up to his face. "Yes Professor, I will be there," I replied meekly.
Today was the second time in the last week and a half that I had fallen asleep in Professor Matthews graduate level lipid biochemistry course. To top it off, I was pretty sure that I had failed, or almost failed, the last surprise quiz he had given us. My name is Madison McLean. I am a 28 year old graduate student, usually I get straight A's, but recently my marks have been slipping and my concentration waning slightly. Not much, but enough that I'm slightly worried I might not be able to retain my full scholarship if I don't shape up and get back on track. I had a pretty good feeling this meeting was not going to be very enjoyable for me.
Professor Matthews, although young for a graduate level professor, was extremely demanding of what he expected from his students. He was always pushing his students to learn far beyond their own expectations of themselves. Professor Matthews was fully aware that I am typically a straight A student, so the proposal of this meeting had me quite worried. I had a couple of hours to kill before having to be at his office, so I spent the afternoon working on my research project, trying not to worry what the outcome might be. Before long 4pm had rolled around, so I left my desk and headed up one floor to Professor Matthew's office.
"Come in Miss McLean," said Professor Matthews as I knocked on the door. I entered his office and looked around. It was fairly small, filled with textbooks and papers, but everything was in order. He kept his office tidy and his desk was probably the neatest I had ever seen for a professor. He motioned for me to close the door, but did not invite me to sit. I stood in the middle of his office and waited as he appeared to be finishing something. After a few minutes he looked at me, it was a long, nerve racking stare. It was like he was looking straight through me. "What time were we supposed to meet Miss McLean?" he asked? I told him 4pm, to which his response was to point to his clock which now read 4:15. "You were late Madison."
I began to open my mouth but he continued immediately "you seem to be falling behind with things right now Miss McLean. You have been falling asleep or daydreaming while in my lectures, you failed your last pop quiz and now you can't even show up to my office on time. You are typically an excellent student, and for whatever reason you have been falling behind. There is only one month left in the semester, and if you don't drastically pull up your mark in my class you may no longer be able to hold that scholarship of yours. This is a very serious situation Miss McLean."
I could do nothing but nod and say "yes Sir," when he had finished. My eyes had fallen to the floor; I was unable to even look into the eyes of my superior. I did not know what to do. I didn't know if I should try to explain myself, or if I should try to suggest some way of possibly fixing things. I figured there wasn't much point in explaining, there really wasn't much to say. I had no real excuse for my behavior. Instead, I just stood with my head lowered, eyes looking at my feet while I waited for him to speak again. I felt like a child being scolded by her Daddy not a 28 year old Ph.D. candidate.
"Miss McLean, I have been thinking all day of a way to deal with your behavior. As you know, I do not accept mediocrity from my students, especially from students that typically receive straight A's. I have come up with a way that I believe we can solve this problem. It is a 2 part solution. First, you will be required to come to my office 3 times a week for supervised study sessions. These sessions will last an hour and a half, during which I will monitor you to ensure that you are spending time on my course material. Do you think this is reasonable Madison?"
I nodded.
"Good, then for the second part, you will be given specific assignments in order to gain extra credit. If you do these assignments without question or hesitation you will be awarded extra credit to help compensate for the credit you have already lost out on in the course. These assignments may not have anything to do with my class, and may involve doing jobs such as marking, editing, being my personal assistant to use as I see fit. If you decide not to go ahead with this second part for extra credit, the best mark you will be able to obtain in my class is a 70%, and that is only if you get 100% on all of the next assignments, tests and exams. If you agree to do what I ask of you, whatever that may be, without question or hesitation, you may even earn a mark in the 90th percentile. What do you think Miss McLean? Will you agree to this two part solution which will last the length of the rest of the semester?"
I couldn't see any way around this. It didn't seem that bad really, extra study sessions which weren't really extra sessions, they were just going to be in a different location with my professor watching. I could deal with that no problem. As for the other part, I could stoop to being his assistant for a month. Professors are always swamped with marking, writing papers, editing, research, etc. How bad could it be to help him out for a month? I thought about it all for a minute or two as he stared at me, that same stare as earlier that seemed to look right through me. There really wasn't much I could do to get out of it. I figured this was going to be a fairly easy way to make up for my mistakes and if it would allow me to keep my scholarship and GPA, then it was worth it.
After a minute I looked up at Professor Matthews and said "Yes Professor Matthews, I will agree to supervised study sessions three times a week and to being your personal assistant for whatever you may need if there is a chance I won't end up in a huge mess in terms of my grades and financial status at the end of the semester. Thank you for allowing me a chance to make up for my recent behavior."
He smiled. "Good, I want you here for your first study session at 3:30 sharp tomorrow. I suggest you be on time tomorrow Miss McLean."
I nodded, and thanked him as I left. After I got out of his office I took a deep breath and sighed, thankful that all I needed to do to make up for things was study and help him out a bit.
Chapter 2:
The following day arrived, and after my classes were complete I prepared to see Professor Matthews. Arriving 5 minutes early I knocked on the door and heard the Professor say: "enter Miss McLean." I entered and stood in the center of the room about 3 feet from his desk as he continued to grade papers. In one corner of the room was a school desk similar to one often seen in high school. On top of the desk was a wooden hairbrush, which seemed odd, as well as a school girl's uniform.
After some 5 minutes the Professor finally looked up at me, and slowly came around to the front of his desk and leaned against it. "Now young lady lets go over a few of the rules. First, you will refer to me as Sir at all times when we are together. Second, I expect you here on time and ready to study. Third, you will use that desk to study and you will wear that school girl uniform including the school girl panties." I felt myself start to blush as I heard my Professor use the word panties, but I was also starting to get the feeling that there are more embarrassing things coming my way. "You may have a 10 minute study break half way through your study period. Lastly, any questions you may have you will raise your hand and I will acknowledge you. If you have to go to the rest room you will ask as follows: 'Sir may I go potty.' Is this clear young lady?"
I was in shock. He had to be kidding. He couldn't seriously think that I would agree to school girl uniforms and being treated like a little girl. I looked up at him, took a deep breath, and began to speak: "Professor Matthews, I don't think this is appropriate. You can't treat me like this. I am a doctoral student, not a school girl. I agreed to supervised study sessions, not to being the subject of some fantasy that you have." Immediately I had a feeling I had said something wrong, he looked furious.
"Miss McLean, you agreed to do whatever I ask of you for the rest of the semester. That means that you have no say in anything and you will do exactly as you are told, without hesitation. If you disagree and renege on our little arrangement, you will not pass my class with a mark good enough to keep your scholarship. I suggest you very quickly accept the predicament you are in and do exactly as I tell you to do."
With that he said no more but continued to stare at me. After a few minutes he asked "do we still have an agreement Miss McLean?" He watched me nod my head yes, my eyes fixated on the floor to avoid his stare. "Very good young lady, but when you are asked a question I expect you to answer properly, so let us try this again. "Do we still have an agreement Miss McLean?" This time I did not hesitate, looked up at him and quietly but firmly answered "yes Sir."
As he walked back around to his desk chair he ordered me to get changed. I walked towards what was now to be my desk, placed my book bag on the floor and picked up the pile of clothes. I began to walk towards the office door and froze in my tracks when I heard him say "where do you think you are going Missy?" I stumbled over my words for a minute and eventually managed to say "to get changed Professor, the bathroom is just across the hall." He laughed and said "you will not leave this office without permission young lady. I have already made it clear that you need permission to go to the potty. However, you do not have permission to leave my office at the current time, so I suggest you hurry up and get changed."
I couldn't see any way around this situation, so I placed the outfit back on the desk in the corner of the room, turned so my back was to him, and began to get changed. I tried to do it as quick as possible, hoping he wasn't able to see much other than my bare bottom as I changed into the horrible white cotton school girl panties. I pulled on the plaid skirt, which was way shorter than would have been allowed in any school. It barely covered my backside and I was sure he would be able to see the panties easily. Next I changed out of my t-shirt and into the white button-up blouse. It also was small, pressing firmly against my breasts leaving nothing to the imagination. I slipped on the white knee-high socks and the black Mary Jane heeled shoes. I looked ridiculous, standing in front of my professor in a school girl uniform, my bottom peaking out of the back of the skirt and my breasts pushing hard against the buttons of the shirt. He smiled, told me to sit at my desk and get to work. "Pull up your skirt and sit on your undies Missy."
As I sat at the desk on my panties, I noticed again that a wooden hairbrush was there. He must have seen me look at it because he said at almost the same time "naughty little girls get spanked with that." He had an evil looking grin on his face as he said it. I felt my face flush and moved it to the corner of the desk so I could spread out my books. I tried so hard to focus on my books, but I could see him looking at me every once in a while, and I was sure he was getting a fairly good view of me from underneath the desk. I tried several times to pull the skirt hem down, trying to cover myself up as much as possible, but it just wouldn't work. I was fidgeting a fair amount because I was uncomfortable not only with the outfit but also with the situation in general. About half way through the study session I heard him clear his throat and say "Would you like a 10 minute study break young lady?"
Remembering that I was not allowed to simply nod my head I replied "Yes Professor". He grinned again, it was that evil looking grin and it made my stomach tie up into knots. "Very well, stand in front of my desk and bring your hairbrush with you." I complied and did exactly as I was told, although I could feel how red my face was turning, both in embarrassment and anger. "Now young lady, you have been a very bad girl these last few weeks and its time we did something to fix that. I am a firm believer that a good backside tanning is key to an attitude adjustment. You have also broken rules since you came into my office today by calling me professor instead of Sir as you were ordered to do. For that you are going to get an additional 10 swats to your backside. I think we will do those first and then I will decide how many you deserve for your overall bad behavior."
"When was the last time you were spanked for your bad behavior, young lady?" he asked me. I could feel my face blush from embarrassment, as I never have been asked such a question. "Never Sir, as far as I can remember." I answered slowly. "Hmmm no wonder you are having this problem." He stated as if it was as clear as day. "Clearly, you have trouble with authority figures and because you have such a brilliant mind you have been allowed to get away with things for a long time. My solution is to treat you as a child until I see an improvement in your attitude and then we may move on to more adult things but for right now I intend to spank your bare bum, Missy."
I could feel my face flush at the scolding and I noticed the slightest tear forming in my eye. I was determined not to cry and to remain stoic when I heard the next command. "Hand me the hairbrush young lady and get the straight-backed chair in front of the desk." I did as I was told; handing him the hairbrush and placing the chair in the center of the room, hoping that my compliance would earn me points for good behavior.
I watched Professor Matthews sit down on the chair and he begin to roll up the right sleeve of his white dress shirt revealing a strong right forearm. I remembered something about him playing golf a lot. He pointed to his right side and indicated that I should stand next to the chair. I slowly obeyed, but I quickly got the surprise of my 28 year old life, as he immediately pulled me down over his lap. My nose nearly touched the floor to his left side and my long legs were spread out behind me on his right side. I could feel my bottom perched high over his lap with my short skirt rising up my thighs, giving him an excellent view of my school girl panties. I reached back behind me with my right hand and tried to push down my skirt from its embarrassing position. Just as quickly Professor Matthews trapped my right arm behind me.
I could feel the Professor guiding the hem of my short plaid school girl skirt up my legs and over my hips revealing my full cut white cotton panties. Now I was both angry and mortified, kicking my legs and yelling "HOW DARE YOU - YOU YOU... BAST... " Before I could say the full word I felt two of the hardest swats SWAT! SWAT! I have ever felt on my panty covered cheeks. They sounded like gun shots and felt like a swarm of bees had attacked my cheeks.
I quieted down and stopped kicking. "If you don't behave and take your spanking like a big girl I will wash your mouth out with soap and spank you so you won't sit for a week. Is that clear Miss McLean?" "Yes Sir," I answered still feeling the awful sting through my panties.
The Professor tucked the hem of my skirt into the waist band of my panties, leaving him nothing but a view of my hideous school girl panties and bare thighs. "Now young lady I intend to use my hand on your cute little girl panties as a warm up."
I could feel his hand rise over his head and once again his palm landed squarely on my right undie cheek, then the left with no time in between. SWAT! SWAT! My bottom felt like it was on fire as he continued to swat my fanny over and over. I could feel my eyes start to well up, but I was beyond determined not to cry.
Finally he stopped, but quickly he took the waist band of my undies and yanked them down to my knees turning them inside out. My perky, rounded, slightly pink cheeks were now completely exposed to a stranger only 6 years my senior. A slight sob formed in my throat as I realized I was totally exposed. I could feel the goose bumps forming on my bottom from the chilly air-conditioning, although I was sure my bottom would be heated up shortly.
I heard him say: "After I am through tanning your behind I want you facing the wall panties down for the remainder of the hour." My cheeks clenched as he took the hairbrush off of my back where it has resting during the last 10 minutes of my panty spanking. "Okay Missy prepare for the tanning of your life. From now on you will listen and obey me no matter what I ask or you will be in this exact position again and again," Lifting the hairbrush it landed with full force on my right cheek causing me to cry out in pain, then the next on my left cheek and so on one after another over and over. Starting high on my backside and coming to the center and finally the crease at my upper thigh. I couldn't help but start to sob as my buttocks turned a cherry red. Finally, after what felt like 30 minutes he stopped and said "Corner time young lady and don't move an inch or you will be back over my lap."
I climbed off of his lap and shuffled my way over to the corner as it was hard to walk with my panties around my knees. I was mortified that I not only had been spanked but that he was making me stand in the corner for the rest of the time; however, at least if I was in the corner with my back to him he couldn't see the tears running down my face. I was furious about this whole situation but had no clue what I could do about it. If only I had been good during the semester and hadn't let my marks drop. I could have avoided this entire thing.
The entire time I stood in the corner I could feel his eyes staring at me, making sure I was obeying his orders not to move an inch. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he told me to come and stand in front of his desk. I did as I was told, determined to not get myself into any more trouble.
"Young lady, do you understand why you have been spanked and put into the corner like a little girl?" I felt my face flush again, but nodded yes, my eyes focused on a single spot on the floor so I could avoid looking at him. "Like I said before, until I see an improvement in your attitude and in your behavior, you will be treated like a little girl. I will speak to you as if you are a little girl, I will punish you as if would a little girl and only when you realize that you need to show respect for your superiors will I consider treating you as the 28 year old that you are. Understood Missy?" Again, I nodded my eyes still on the floor. "Good, now pull up your panties, pack up your books and head straight home. You are to be in bed by 8 pm tonight, is that clear young lady?" Again, I nodded.
I began to pull up my panties when I realized that he had not given me permission to change back into my regular clothes. "Sir," I said, and waited for permission to speak any further. He nodded his ok and I continued "may I please have permission to change back into my regular clothes before leaving your office Sir?"