Don't Be Late...

I'm soooo late... Looking at the dashboard clock, 6:27pm. Yep, I'm running late. I pull on to my street and the kids are having their usual street hockey game against their parents. I pull into my driveway and His car is there already. Oh this is not good. I turn off my car and take a deep breath. I open my car door and step out into my driveway. I smile and wave to the kids and their parents having a good time out in the street.

Don't Bet On It!

This is my first submission to Literotica, so I hope you enjoy it. Much thanks to TRCIII for help with editing. You were great to work with. Having lived in northern Indiana all my life, most everyone I know has developed a love/hate relationship with Notre Dame Football. As for me, I hate them. My wife loves them. A couple times during the year we spice up the games and put a little wager on them.

Don't Bite

Aven lay on the bed with her legs spread wide, face turned to the side on the pillow. She awaited her master's arrival home, hoping that for the first time she would get some attention from him and be able to cum in a week. What seemed like hours, but were only minutes, passed. She heard the key in the lock turn. The sound made her wet, and her juices began to flow.

Don't Bother Me!

Frank Fletcher was pissed. His boss ordered him to drive from St. Louis to Cheyenne, Wyoming on one hour's notice, with no time to research flights. With no options, he set out with a change of clothes, a bag of toiletries and his laptop in the middle of the day with a Google directions to his destination. He swore at his asshole boss as he drove through Kansas City rush hour traffic, up the Missouri River and into a Nebraska night.

Don't Break Her Rules

Walking in the rain by the embankment in London at Christmas, when the city's commuters have all gone home and deserted their glass and steel office buildings, they leave the square mile feeling like a ghost town. The only thing to comfort the passing traveler is the occasional homeless "Big issue" magazine seller braving the cold as unlike the many strangers who walk by you in silence, those magazine sellers by the Thames river have a reason to be nice, as they breathe warm air into their cupped hands to warm their gloved fingers in the biting cold.

Don't Breath, Don't Swallow

-Dedicated to the guy at work that has resisted my every effort at seduction for over a year. To 'Jack,' the dude whose cock I fantazied about obsessively but never got. The torture is finally over. I got a new job- Ginnette positioned the patient for the CTA intracranial/carotid scan as Jack brought the patients information up on the computer. The two had worked this exam so many times together they flowed together as a team flawlessly without having to talk.

Don't Cheat On Me

Kate West was worried. It was late, later than she had planned, and she hoped her new boyfriend was already asleep. They had only been together several months and this was the first time she even though about cheating on him. In fact, cheating wasn't even the right word to describe what had happened. But Kate hoped he was asleep because she didn't want to go through a lengthy explanation.

Don't Cum, It's Dirty!

This is my first story, I hope you enjoy it! *** He feels her breath on his neck, her naked body soft and warm against his. She kisses him just below the ear and whispers, "I want you inside me." Her weight shifts onto him, and she looks down at him with soft eyes, her hair falling around his face. He tries to kiss her. "Don't!" she giggles, putting a single finger on his lips.

Don't Cum, It's Dirty! Pt. 02

// This story is a continuation of my first story, which was originally intended as a standalone. I would like to thank everyone who commented with kind and encouraging words on the first one. I am keeping with my slightly unusual style as many people seemed to enjoy it, but I welcome constructive criticism! I now have lots of ideas for this couple, so I plan to write more, hope you enjoy part 2!

More Problems for Philip

The slave walked barefoot down the quiet, shadowy corridor in the evening cool, on his way to call – and service - on a guest of the house. He was sent frequently on such errands, for not only was he finely featured, with soft curls, girlish skin, and large grey eyes, but he was skilled in his work; which was to provide maximum pleasure and satisfaction, through all available means, to his master's guests.

More Spanking Pictures

Second instalment of Spanking Pictures, hope you like it. Recently I completed a long distance walk in Scotland. I carried everything I needed and Free Camped along the way, the route I was taking was very remote following paths miles from anywhere. My first day had been a hard one, very steep climbs with a heavy pack in unusually hot weather, 'Ping' I heard my phone signal that it had received a message.

More Stress Release

She spends all day with people looking at her. Their eyes running her body up and down. Some look at the scant clothing she wears. Many more leer at the flesh she is showing. They all watch as she moves. The way her hips sway, the swing of her legs, the firm brace of her shoulders. On her face she wears a stony countenance. She is being judged by thousands, possibly millions, of pairs of eyes from all over the world.

More Surprises

Her sight taken from her by the black scarf allows her other senses to be heightened. Almost a whole new world is opened to her. her ears detecting even the softness of a single breath that He breaths. Her skin feels electrified and anticipating even the slightest touch. Even the fabric of her short skirt sends waves of tingling sensations through her body. She anticipates His touch, knowing that it will almost be too much to handle.

More than a Necklace

I felt the gentle touch of your hand on the inside of my elbow, and instantly smiled. It was our signal, and it always pleases me to see you remember your training so very well. you were telling me in the most nondescript of ways that you were there at your master's side. Standing just behind me, and waiting for the answering gesture of me pulling you into the small group of friends .

More than a Poisoned Hand

In prior years, Tsatsi hadn't thought about him much. Banmai had been a boy, and that had been cause enough to ignore him. Nonetheless, there were a few things she remembered. She remembered that little boy who'd been sent out for a bucket of water who had somehow managed to fall and twist his ankle. Banmai had been the first to show up, and he'd carried the boy into the house of Grandma Two-Sticks, where she could tend to the injury.

More than a Touch of Silk

The next morning I woke at first light, still keyed up from our adventure last night. I lay there naked, gently caressing my thighs and stomach as I replayed the events in my mind. The light touches, skin to skin, made my whole body tingle as I thought about the blindfold. The gentle restraints. Being the center of attention. The sting of the spanking. I felt a big smile stretch my face at it all.

More than an Eyeful

Frank Van Olden was depressed. Once again his perpetual shaky financial circumstances dictated that he had to spend another long year as a Resident Assistant in the dorms at Concordia College. He was not looking forward to it. His experiences over the past three years on this duty had been a never ending parade of dealing with vomiting drunks, three am fist fights and combating the perpetual stink that only young men can create when living away from home for the first time and having no concept of what a trash can is used for.

More Than Bargined For

You've come home from work again, it's been another long day and I'm feeling antsy. I need to be spanked tenderly tonight; I need to feel the sharp sting of Your palm against the tender flesh of my bottom. I run up to You, very happy that You're home. "Vinco!" I shout, using the Latin term for 'Master'. I look up at You, my eyes full of hope. "Master, I'm so glad You're home!

More Than Expected

When I first arrived at his house, I was a bit nervous. I always feel funny arriving at someone's house for the first time. My heart always beats faster as I walk up to the door and either knock or ring the bell. I don't know why, but it happens every time I first visit someone, even when the person has been a friend for years. I suppose it is the fear that somehow I will get the wrong house or someone strange will answer the door.

More Than Friends

I've always thought that I was totally in control of my life. And that any plan I made would come through, no matter who it involved. What I didn't count on was the fact that Andy was bigger and stronger than me. He was wearing jeans, a white t-shirt and trainers that evening after the game, and I don't think I'd seen him look hotter. Didn't stop us arguing…"Ok, ok! I owe you one!

More than Full Toilet Training

I had decided he was finally going to do it. I was going to visit a dominatrix and have my fantasy of hardsports finally fulfilled. I had been researching it online and had found Mistress Jenny, who was supposed to be one of the cruelest pro dommes in the scene. It wouldn't be cheap, as I would need to travel to New York city for the session, a four-hour drive plus a hotel room.

More than Just Coffee

The alarm went off but there was no point, Allie was already awake. She had been awake for an hour anticipating today. She slid her hand down under the sheets caressing her hard nipples. She caressed her round, full breasts thinking about the interview. She still couldn't believe she had landed this interview. Rachel was a not only a strong business owner in their area, but also predominant Dom in the BDSM world.

More than Just Coffee Pt. 02-03

Chapter 2 "Beep, Beep," Allie's phone chirped. She knew who the text was from without even looking at it. It was Mistress. Allie and Rachel had been playing together on and off now for about a week. She looked up from the article she was writing about Rachel's place and grabbed her phone. 'Looking forward to tonight. 7:00. Come around to the back of the building and let yourself in. I'll leave further instructions on the table by the door.

More Than OK

This story not to be reproduced for profit. Comments welcome. She watched the clock, waiting for his arrival home. He'd told her that morning that he had something special planned for this evening but wouldn't divulge any more than that. All day she'd wondered what he'd meant but it could be anything and all she could do was wait impatiently. Finally, she heard his key turn in the door and rose to greet him with a kiss.

More Than She Bargained For

As the handcuff closed around her wrist, she knew she had made a mistake. Her day had been normal, feed the cat, watch a movie, tease her dom. Normally she pulled back when she could tell she started to go too far, but she was pent up. Schedules and life had ensured there was no chance for a proper session and her need was starting to get distracting. She was expecting a spanking, some light choking, and some rough sex to give her what she needed.

More with Brookie

Just a quick note before I pass out from exhaustion--- Hi, kiddies, how's tricks? Things are going splendidly, here... I just said goodbye to my friend, brookie. You remember her, right? She's my good friend from the local University who I'm training to be a submissive. Well, her "training" is coming along wonderfully, I must tell you. This past weekend, starting last Thursday night, she came over to my place to spend a few days and catch up on some much needed sex on both our parts.

More with Mrs. Grunewald

This is a sequel to The Kinky Mrs. Grunewald. I decided to post it in two parts. In this part: After his abrupt, strange, and highly-charged BDSM encounter with his mature history teacher, high school senior Tom D'Amato has a leisurely conversation with her over drinks. He is one of a handful of scholarship students at an expensive private school, and he has never felt comfortable there. He is too naïve to realize how common older-women/younger men matches are, even if many of them don't last very long.


and now, something different... Her fist in his hair... the long dark strands griped tightly in her fingers as he pumps above her, fucking her into oblivion. The light from outside is difused by the black out curtains, she can see the edges of him, as if he's highlighted in a Sin City comic. She shudders as her legs tighten around his waist, her fingers score his back. She wants more.

Morgana's Painful Lesson

Morgana stood outside the Headmaster's office, nervously holding the note in her hand. She didn't know the contents of the note, only that it was about her and that she was in some sort of trouble. At 18 years old she already had a woman's figure and somehow looked out of place wearing the compulsory school uniform. She was short with blonde hair and blue eyes. Her full firm breasts left the buttons of her white shirt straining.

Moriah Teaches Sex Ed

The alarm clock went off and James reached across the bed in exhaustion from last night's exploits. Moriah twitched and moaned in her sleep, her body begging her not to get up. James shook Moriah awake after waiting five minutes. "Honey, it's time to get up. Today's the big day, and you are going to be late if you wait any longer." Moriah growled and lifted her head up to see the neon green numbers on the clock that read 7:05AM.