Nick was waiting at the theatre. Those people that knew him would not be surprised. As a director Nick seemed to spend half (if not more) of his life in the theatre. His friends joked that half the time he slept there and probably ate and had sex there. If only they knew the truth.
However tonight was different. He was working on a new production, something a little bit more risqué than his previous works but it was good to branch out.
Hello lovelies, hope you enjoy this one. As always, everyone in this story is 18+ and it should go without saying that some of the actions depicted in this story would be dangerous in real life. Use common sense.
If you want to get straight to the 'fun' stuff, look out for the three asterisks (***). Enjoy!
Outside of an old playhouse, a queue that stretched back nearly half a block shivered in the cold winter air.
After a long week culminating with a longer-than-usual day in the office, I was definitely ready to go home and start the weekend. As I shut down the laptop, an idea came to mind.
I first took a quick stroll around the office to ensure that I was indeed alone. My colleagues had already left for the weekend, and the cleaning staff had already come and gone, so I was indeed truly alone in the office.
Victoria didn't know why she bothered. If she had known, she wouldn't have spent so much time on her outfit.
She arrived at Simon's place a little after sunset, so she wasn't too worried the neighbors would spot her in her slutty clothes. But... just to be safe, she put on a long skirt and overcoat as camouflage. She used the key Simon gave her last night and stepped inside the duplex.
"Are you sure you can't see around that thing?"
I strain to peek but the velour blindfold from our brand new 'Bondage Starter Kit' is doing it's job well. We'd ducked into the funky little sex shop on a whim. Rows and rows of dildos, vibrators, and cock rings but when you saw that little square box sitting amongst the handcuffs and whips your face lit up with an evil grin.
Inspired by the power midget...
You come home from work looking a hot mess. Your hair is unkempt, your clothes have a nice ring of sweat, and your shoes are dirty as can be. I see that you have had a bad night indeed.
I draw you a nice hot bath ensuring the right temperature. You begin to undress in the bedroom, but I bring you to the bathroom so that I can watch you as your body becomes free.
I curl my toes up, pulling them from the cold floor beneath me, my knees ache pressed against the hardness of the wood. Tiny goosebumps raise over my arms. I want badly to whisk the hair from my face as I stare down at the floor, but don't want to risk you seeing me fidget. I'm still deciding what to do when I hear the door creak open. I hear a faint rustling noise and wonder if you are undressing.
I had not heard from Barb since we broke up 5 years ago. I had moved, she decided not to move with me, and the long distance relationship didn't work for either of us. Barb called a few weeks before a trip that I had planned back in town. We agreed to meet for lunch while I was in town.
At lunch, we talked about what we had been up to; family, work, and friends.
Hmmm...where do I start? This is only the very beginning.
A night out with friends, seeing Black Crows live. I had a few drinks, a great time, some harmless flirting. Exhausted and content I climbed into the passenger seat for the hour-long ride back home. That's when it began - this journey into duality.
I never saw it coming. I wasn't even sure what was happening. I had no idea how this experience would shape my perspective on life and sex in so many ways.
Dan stood silently in the corner. He was naked, and his bottom was bright red from his recent across-the-lap hairbrush paddling from his girlfriend Stasia.
His punishment would be finished if it weren't for the fact that he had ejaculated when he was being spanked. He squirted his spunk on Stasia's legs and ankles, as well as on the carpet beneath him. The way he twisted and squirmed when he spurted embarrassed him now, although he felt no shame at the time when the intense feeling of his orgasm overcame him.
I pulled my car into the quick lube and inspection place hoping for an uneventful morning. It was my first day off in several months and the last thing I needed was car problems. I parked the car in the designated customer parking area, set my parking brake, killed the engine and stepped out into the bright, humid day. It was just nine in the morning, but the temperature had to be creeping into the nineties already.
It's only 6 p.m. and the Hart building is quiet as church. The summer recess doesn't start for another day but it seems like the whole place decided to take an early weekend. Senator Aldridge is the last name on my list. I want to go home too.
I knock three times on the door to his suite. It's open but there's no one to be found. I tentatively peek my head inside.
That was all the text said and as she caught sight of it, her body gave a small, delicious jolt. She blushed gently and various delicate body parts seemed to smile and hum. She stood.
"I'm so sorry," she began, interrupting the end of the meeting. "I'm afraid I have to duck out. But I'll get those numbers to you before the end of the day. Do let me know if I miss anything during the wrap up.
The piece of paper he held in his hand was beginning to look as creased as his shirt had become over the course of the day, as he pulled the slip out of his pocket for the umpteenth time. The very ink itself was threatening to rub off each time he ran his eyes across the words that he himself had scribbled down a few short hours earlier.
A voice from the front seat jolted him from his anxious gazing.
A story for my peach
Wind wound its way through the woods, shaking the trees and sending their delicate leaves cascading to the forest floor. The crisp spirit of fall was taking hold, cooling the forest and yet warming its colors into a swirl of chocolate, honey, and pumpkin hues. The people of the wood were settling in for the season, harvesting what they had grown and storing it away to see them through lonely, haunted nights or merry visits from friends.
Tuesday is the only afternoon when I don’t mind at all staying after school. I had been trying to grade some papers but wasn’t getting much done. It was hard to concentrate on points of American History with Susan waiting for me. And she was indeed waiting. She was waiting where I left her tied up in the unused guidance office.
I couldn’t think of anything but her. She is my colleague and lover.
I'm blindfolded and can hear you doing something in the other room - some rustling. Some shuffling around - is that a bag you've opened? I discreetly test my bonds. They're tight. My hands tied carefully to my knees - I could feel you slowly tying them. Meticulous as always. Checking to make sure they didn't hurt me or cut off circulation. Then tying rope around each ankle, again, slowly, carefully so I wouldn't feel pain from the bondage you've added to me.
"I told you last time if I saw you around here again, I would take you in. Now up against the car, spread your legs and put your hands behind your back. Looks like you have done this a few times. I need to cuff you and frisk you, understood?...Understood?"
"Yes Sir."
"Good girl, that's more like it." I cuff you and proceed to pat you down making sure to run my hands slowly over your body making sure not to miss a spot.
Alice fell for him in the graveyard silence when the lights had faded and the songs were sung, and that was no small thing.
She rationed her affections. Men had to wear her down to get a taste. That's just how it had always worked; attraction came only with familiarity. And yet, there she stood in the audience, enchanted by a musician whom she had never met.
But why not this man whose voice seduced and words inspired?
She watched him. He moved with a brutal grace that bespoke of speed and savagery and surety, and his body- slender and tall and razor-sharp- seemed to hiss and crackle through the air, like static, like branches in storm.
She wanted to go to him. Too bad about the leather cuffs that bound her ankles together.
She watched from her place by the table, watched him moving back and forth in the kitchen, whistling, cooking.
This story was written in collaboration with Sam Vimes, who had read my previous Ms Kissme stories, Summoned by the Headmaster and Taken by the Headmaster, and wondered what would happen if this naughty teacher were to get drunk and steal the Headmaster's cane. We alternated the writing, bringing in his equally willful character of woman police constable Lindsay Laweles, who, it is fair to say, opened sweet little Kate's eyes in many ways!
They had in their relationship the stuff writers try to describe. To put it simply, they had a secure and timeless love, a mutual respect, an unwavering and unconditional trust, patience...and of course, obsession. Their hours were many, long, and unpredictable; so the lover's time together was often short and littered with exhaustion. Once a month on every third Saturday morning, they found a way to steal time.
Layla had found an Adderall connection a year ago.
It was already the last days of July but it didn't feel like summer at all. She hadn't been in London for much more than a month and she was still not used to the constantly overcast, drizzly weather and all that suffocating humidity that makes you feel hot and cold at the same time. But no matter how this city beat her down the last few weeks, she still liked it here.
He needed the hand on his shoulder, the kiss to his temple and the hot, ragged breath of his Master over his face.
Instinct took over. Silas Oswald dropped to his knees, taking cover behind the waist high bar that extended along the length of the Tesla-Coil Tavern. The movement was futile; Mistress Lavinia had already seen him and wasn't likely to forgive his disobedience anytime in the near future.
There is not one word of falsity in my story. I feel lucky to have had such experiences in my life and hope one day my husband will desire to partake in such erotic play.
One of my best friends was trying to set up another very close friend of mine. The guy (I’ll call him Jack) was a friend of my best friend’s boyfriend’s. He was coming from northern California to San Francisco to meet her.
Chapter 1.01 The Way it Was
In the early days of the twentieth century, scientists debated whether environmental factors or genes dominated in the growth and thought of human beings, plants and animals. A primitive tribe of humans called Russians hypothesized that mere thought or need could select for better genes. Others such as Mendelev argued that survival of the fittest selected for the best genes and so the best body and lifestyle that resulted.
You stepped out of the shower, drying your hair. You had a towel wrapped around you and a smile on your face. I was waiting for you in the bedroom. I kissed you deeply, enjoying the way your body felt against mine.
You dropped the towel in your hands and the towel wrapped around you soon followed, leaving you naked and excited. You recognized the look in his eyes. I had something planned, but you had no idea what.
I stood in the shower, allowing the hot water to caress my body in an attempt to wake myself up. The thought of another long day at work wasn't helping the situation, but at least it was Friday. "Get through today and enjoy the weekend," I thought.
I stepped out of the shower and immediately realized I had forgotten to bring a towel into the bathroom from the bedroom in my morning fog.
As I come home, in the spur of the moment, I pick the cardboard box from the closet. As I hear the familiar metal sound from the content inside, I can already feel something stirring in me.
It has been a while since my last adventure, and all this time a long string of jobs and commitments did take me away from my favourite pastime: self bondage.
On top of that, I'm a metal restraint enthusiast, I really like to be enclosed in metal.
Still wondering if I have told too much to a complete stranger, I leave the phone on the couch and decide to take a walk, just pacing my basement. My predicament allows me really tiny steps, so it takes a lot of time to get on the other side of the room. There I lean on the wall under one of the windows, listening to the world outside. There is the sound of a lawnmower trimming some bushes, cars passing on the street.