Owning Jamie Pt. 01

Jamie was almost finished in the gym. Since starting his new job, he had been coming to the company gym nearly every day. He was beginning to notice the benefit of it. His shoulders had broadened, and his tummy had flattened. He smiled at himself as he passed the mirror. It was a small gym, but it had free weights and a few machines. Usually, no more than eight people were in at one time, but this morning it was just him and a woman.

Owning Jamie Pt. 02

Sarah drifted lazily to her big office. What a great morning. Her first meeting wasn't until 11 am. Her assistant had brought her a coffee and porridge from a café, and she told him not to let anyone disturb her for the next 30 minutes. She sipped the coffee and sat on her desk chair and spun around to look out the massive windows. She looked over London and felt powerful.

Owning Lin

Hello!! So this is a second attempt at me being an erotica writer. It's a short story again but I'm working on something a little longer than this. Please I would definitely use the criticisms and feedback from y'all. T Thank you!! ************************************** I couldn't stand anymore. As soon as it was decent but before she'd even stopped twitching I untied her wrists from the door. I picked her up in my arms and carried her over to the dresser.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 01

Professor Ballard took another sip of Chardonnay as she continued to survey the crowd. These faculty receptions were so predictable. The usual suspects were all present and accounted for. She nodded at her fellow faculty members politely. There was the stodgy department chair. God, was he actually wearing a tweed jacket? What a dolt. Over there was the cluster of teaching assistants and new instructors, always anxious to impress. All smiles and handshakes.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 02

***AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm addicted to your comments and feedback, good and bad. More. Please. *** ***** Professor Ballard allowed the lithe, young blond to lead her by the hand down the dim hallway. When they reached her office, she fished her key out of her clutch and silently opened the door. She motioned for Kendra to go in first. Ballard followed her and locked the door behind her, then turned to face her student.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 03

***AUTHOR'S NOTE: If you like, please rate and comment.*** ***** The three of them arrived at Jennifer and Kendra's off campus apartment at around 10:00 p.m. It was a sprawling two-bedroom loft in a renovated furniture factory not far from the university. There were tall windows and high ceilings and a lot of exposed brick. Upon entering the apartment, Kendra immediately began removing her clothing. Jennifer and the professor stood in the entryway watching the young slave.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 04

"Not good enough, you dumb cow. Try again," said the young mistress sternly. Kathleen Ballard took a moment to compose herself. She was an English professor. She should be able to string together a few coherent sentences and come up with a compelling and convincing argument that would satisfy her new mistress. Professor Ballard was a 44 year-old divorcee who had discovered lesbianism relatively late in life. She liked her girls young.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 05

Professor Ballard woke up on her stomach on her bedroom floor. She was naked and collared. She ached all over. Her hands were cuffed behind her back. She lay still in the coolness of the morning. It had been a rough three days. She heard Kendra snoring lightly in the bed above her. She craned her neck and looked up at the clock on the nightstand. It was time to wake up her mistress.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 06

AUTHOR'S NOTE: My apologies for the delay. I was stuck for quite some time, but now I think I have things straightened out. Expect more installments more quickly. ***** Kendra sat on the edge of the bed, basking in the glow of her second orgasm of the morning, courtesy of Professor Ballard. The slave remained on her knees between the student's legs. She continued to nuzzle Kendra's pussy eagerly after she finished cleaning her with her tongue.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 07

Creating Quite a Buzz: A Temporary Trap AUTHOR'S NOTE: Welcome to my world, where all women are lesbians, all lesbians are squirters and absolutely everyone is in to heavy BDSM. This is the continuing saga of Kathleen Ballard, a mild mannered, middle-aged English professor who has suddenly decided to surrender to her deepest, darkest carnal lesbian desires. Her rapid descent into slavery has been marked by extreme humiliation, degradation and abuse, all of it quite consensual and deeply satisfying to all parties involved.

Owning Professor Ballard Pt. 09

***WARNING: NON-CONSENSUAL FUCKERY AHEAD*** This story contains elements of coercion, blackmail and body modification in the context of heavy BDSM. Daphne is hereby acknowledged to be a narcissistic sociopath at best or a functional psychotic at worst. I want to portray her as a monster, so don't be surprised when she does monstrous things. Nobody should do any of this stuff to anybody in real life. Now, let the depravity begin.

Owning Serenity

This is the first in what will be series of stories about the times my Master and i spend together. After speaking online by webcam and over the phone for about 3 years, everything finally fell into place where W/we could meet, not long after a rather long string of serious tragedies in my life. That should explain a couple of things...read on... her hands shook as she flipped on her blinker and took the last turn into the Stone Creek Park; her lips mouthed the words as she read it silently.

Owning the Birthday Girl

Sometimes when you wake up and realize ... this is my life ...you sort of smile. One of those days for me was March 24, 2009. I looked over at her sleeping form as she was softly breathing. I relaxed for a bit and caught a bit of laughter as it formed in my throat. I licked my lips and thought about what a nice birthday she was gonna have today.

Owning The Calligrapher

Among the perks of wealth is the contacts you make and control, especially in a small town. My contracting and waste disposal and recycling firm holds a stranglehold on the local economy. I control the roads, the trash, and the building construction. Through my significant campaign donations I own the local District Attorney, all the judges, the sheriff and a majority of town councilmen. My parents died when I was 12 and gave me a nice nest egg to start with.

Oyster Cart

I tell you we're going out to dinner. You ask where but I refuse to answer, instead telling you to take off your clothes. I watch you wriggle out of your jeans, unbutton your blouse and shrug out of it, remove your bra and slide your panties off. I make you wait, naked, while I choose your clothes for the evening. I pay special attention to your lingerie, selecting a tasteful combination of your best items -- panties, stockings, garters, bra.

P Tease

Thirty minutes and any number of bumps later, the car pulls into a driveway and you hear the engine turn off. Blindfolded, you're a mess. Bound behind you, your arms yearn to move and stretch. Your breasts ache from the clips on your nipples, your anus feels stretched from the buttplug you've been sitting on, and your pussy throbs without fulfillment from the vibrator that hums rhythmically between your legs. Your juices have flowed and soaked your skirt and the towel on the seat.


————————1———————— Paityn arrived at the studio early. The slim young woman stepped out of the cab and pulled her hood up and looked up at the building. Zak had contacted her about the job as a way to apologize for their bad breakup the week before. She had almost not taken the call, but now she was glad that she had. She went into the lobby and took the elevator up to the seventh floor, the top level of the building.

Packard's Plunder

From all around her the sounds of a ship coming alive began. Hoarse shouts of bosun and petty officers rousing the crew from their slumber, water sloshing the decks and gun trucks squeaking as they were drawn forward to the readiness of dawn. She sat huddled in the corner of the tiny room she slept in. She had long ago lost track of just how many times she had heard this chorus.

Packing for the Weekend

I am packing for our weekend together, and having difficulty deciding how much of our toybox to take. It's a short weekend break, I'm travelling light and I simply haven't got that much space after putting all the clothes, shoes & other things I need. Ours is, right now, a long distance relationship, and every second we spend together needs to be used well, so I'm packing light and trying to keep things simple.

Paddle Poker

She squirmed; I loved it when they wriggled, and their smile, so often plastered to their faces throughout the evening, disappeared as the reality of their situation dawned upon them. She gasped and bit her lip, writhing on the soft, plush carpet of my expensive apartment. I put the King of Hearts onto the shagpile, causing her to give a sudden, sharp intake of breath. Her cute face framed her desperate worrying perfectly, her long blonde hair covering her bare breasts as she leant forward and looked up at me putting my third King onto the cream carpet.

Paddle Punishment!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am new at this, and constructive criticism is more than welcome! I hope you enjoy! I try to be a good slave. My Master takes care of me and treats me well, using cruelty only as a means of getting off. When we go out together he has only one rule: do NOT flirt with other men. Master believes that as his slave, I am meant for him alone, and will not flirt or fuck anyone else unless he directly orders me too.

Paddled for Pleasure

I heard that familiar knock and immediately fell to my knees in front of the door, opening it hurriedly, wantonly, hungrily! I was so hungry, in fact, I almost attacked him as soon as I opened it. He grabbed me by the hair gently, and pulled my face up to look at him and laughingly asked if I could at least wait until he sat down. On my knees, naked and starving, I smiled and said "

Paddled in the Boondocks

Copyright 2011 Christopher D.B. Driving for a while east of the city on a two lane state highway, I easily found the turnoff I was looking for onto a secondary road. Several miles later and just past a cluster of grain silos, I found the next turn which led down a narrow winding road. I had no GPS system in my old car and hadn't bothered to look up the location on any internet map before I left my apartment, as the directions she had given me were quite clear.

Paddling and Fucking

Geraldine Wade is a young woman I know who has some unusual sexual needs; she likes to get spanked with a special paddle she has and she likes to have her pussy eaten and to fuck. None of those is unusual in itself; all my lady friends love having their pussies eaten, and fucking, except those who are preserving their cherries, and a few of them like getting spanked, but Gerry likes being eaten or fucked and spanked simultaneously.

Paddling Party

Cassie had some trepidation about what she was going to be doing that night but was determined to find out about it. She had never been spanked, not even by a disciplining parent, but she had heard some of her friends and college dormitory mates talking about being spanked or paddled by their boyfriends. Most of them had liked that part alright and had raved about the great sex that ensued, the best ever, according to them.

Paddling Stacy

Story two of the Ms. Saba Spanking Series POV work of fiction So I just finished up a phone call with the principal who just informed me that a student who just got kicked out of her science class was being sent to me for discipline. I quickly finished off my cup and tea and waited patiently for this naughty girl to arrive. Four minutes later my door opened and in she came.


Special THANKS to Mandy Marie who took the time and patience to edit this work. It is SO helpful to have someone else read the work before having it published. Thanks again. To the readers, I would appreciate your comments and votes. Enjoy! Ann Marie and I had been at a party and we decided to call it an early night to go home and be alone. It was a warm summer night and as we walked to the car I asked her if she wanted to "

Pageant Queening

Tiffany Stein knew she was born for the pageant stage, but never had her chance when she was younger. Both her parents were academics and thought pageants were silly, forcing Tiffany to focus on her studies; as an only child they were able to devote a lot of attention to her. They had passed while she was in her early twenties, and she thought it would be best to honor them by fulfilling their wishes.

Paid and Punished

The barbaric highlander enters the brothel and hands the madam a large sum of money. He was known for his sexual depravity and would not be allowed in without extra coin. He was large and muscular and intimidating and the whores cowered at the sight of him. He carried a bag of sex toys he had purchased on a trip to France. None of these farm girls would know what they were but that didn't matter he would teach them soon enough.

Paid in Full

Hazy patches of light begin to coalesce as I gradually come back to my senses. The room taking its own sweet time swimming into view. My confusion is not helped by the way my body is positioned, or by the way it feels. Sensations of silken confinement weave and caress my legs from thigh to foot, wrapped all around as I shift slightly. More confinement around my abdomen and chest, tighter and constrictive, the feeling is both restraining and soft.