Leaving the Men's Chastity Support Group, Spalding Tyll started as he saw a familiar face exiting the Pain café's famous Tea Lounge.
Following Spal's cousin, the brilliant scholar, Siddons Tyll were two pretty twenty something girls, giggling and pointing at him.
And with them was an older woman in a somewhat unfashionable mink stole.
"You see, girls, I became concerned about Sid because he was neglecting his paleontology studies.
Yes, and wearing those concert tee shirts and the black jeans, and going to so many of your mixers.
Elizabeth crossed the airport parking lot, unlocked the door to her car, and opened it. She tossed her briefcase and overnight bag on the passenger seat and stood up straight, stretching her arms high in the air over her head. She twisted her body trying to loosen up the kinks from a nine hour flight.
"What I need is a stiff drink and good long roll in a bed with something equally as stiff,"
Debbie never expected the suburban life to last. When she was 23 and knocked up by the bass player of her favourite indie metal band, the idea of giving up her hard partying life seemed so distant that she baulked at the idea. However when Isaac put down his bass, left "the Needlesnakes", and got a job at the nearby supermarket it all fell into focus for her. Since then Isaac had become a regional manager, Debbie worked as a primary school teacher and their daughter Megan, was well into being a teenager.
Raj came out of the kitchen sweating profusely. It was about noon. Food was ready for him and his mother-in-law. His wife had already left for work. As Raj sank in the chair, wiping his face with an apron, he thought of how his life had changed in the last few months. In a way, he was more fulfilled than ever. However, he also asked himself if this was the life he wanted.
This was just after fifty shades came out. My mother-in-law was living with us because she left her husband and the divorce wasn't settled. My wife's a nurse and had a late shift. Mom started asking about fifty shades, she hadn't read it. She had a couple of chardonnays in her, and I guess that loosened her tongue a little.
Well, I let on to know a little about b&d and she wouldn't let it drop.
"Are we there yet?" yelled a boisterous 18-year-old as he tugged on the seatbelt that was starting to leave marks on his neck.
"Soon," replied a boy, merely a year older, as his impatient fingers rattled along the steering wheel. His entire body was clammy as he fidgeted around in his seat, trying to brush off his mild frustration. "Any minute now, honestly."
The younger boy let out the biggest sigh.
That evening, the older boys had been very quickly adjusted. Due to bringing nearly nothing besides for comic books, the third-hand Chevrolet that would probably sink to Hell any day now, and two trash bags of clothes they'd been hiding from their money-hungry father, they were pretty satisfied with their new small space that consisted of two beds, a 15 inch 90's television set, and a fine elm dresser below the tele and an alarm clock that would awake them for breakfast and chores that Tina stated would pay them respect.
Donna Harris had a dull life: a single mother to a pre-teen daughter, trapped in a dead end office job, which paid minimum wage. She and afore mentioned daughter lived in a low rent apartment in a block that was as big as the Titanic and the iceberg that sunk it.
Over the few months that they had lived there, she had developed a sort of friendship with a bloke living on the other side of the block to her who only called himself 'Mickey'.
Holly needs encouragement to meet her target, and be rewarded...
"Well, what's the answer?" enquires her husband, managing a convincing impression of someone who doesn't care one way or another.
"According to the bathroom scales, 140lbs," Holly replies crossly.
"Almost the same as when you started, maybe two pounds difference, what's your target?"
"Around 125lbs," Holly definitely sounds fed up, and possibly rather guilty.
"I see - well you're certainly sticking to this ridiculous diet at home, so I can only assuming the backsliding occurs somewhere else,"
First let me tell you how about us. I love my husband Harry, and outside the bedroom I want him to have control and to provide for me. In the bedroom he WILL do as I say. I am not looking to dominate every part of his life only to motivate him to do what I want. (he he)
This has worked extremely well and I do this with sex.
When I was an 18-year old senior in high school, my girlfriend Anne Marie who was also eighteen, was struggling to get her math credits so she could graduate from high school and go on to college. Numbers came easy to me so it was hard for me to understand what she was struggling with and help her. It just seemed like she got easily frustrated and gave up.
One afternoon after her latest non-passing grade, we were hanging out and talking.
If you haven't read part one, I recommend you do so.
Recap - in Part 1, I spent most of the day using sexual frustration and teasing as a motivation to get some housework done. My husband caught on around lunchtime and added a few things to my day, including the order to show up at his home office door at 3:30, when he has a break between meetings.
Note: I split the story into two halves because at this point, things shift from a primarily solo adventure to one involving two people, and light BDSM.
I had a big smile on my face as I drove to the beach because my mistress finally paid some nasty attention to me. I tried to reminisce in my dirty mind the magic moments that just transpired. First I watched Mistress Sandra finish her wine kneeling patiently before her. Handing me the empty glass Sandra bent down, reached into my crotch grabbing my cock with one hand and my hair with the other, and yanked me to my feet.
Moulding my Slave
Chapter 1
I lounged back on my sofa, mind split between the show I was watching on the TV, and the efforts of the girl between my legs. I looked down at my slave as she gently sucked my cock, sliding her mouth slowly up and down the shaft. I took a minute to take in the vision kneeling on the floor of my living room and reflect on how I got here.
Pulling into the parking lot, the gravel crunching under the weight of the tires. He smiles at finally arriving. It had been a long journey, well, it seemed to him as though it had been. The clock inching forward earlier when he was snared in city traffic. But, as he inched forward, slowly the snare was released and he soon cruised easily along the county road. Victory at long last, arriving at the finish line.
This is my first story here of a fantasy I've had of late at a mountain lodge whilst being on a hike. It takes place on a mountain lodge in the open field with a wide open view over the mountains tops. I just visited the place.
All participants in this fictional story are of legal age. In my mind at least around 35 to 40.
The hut and the place is real, the story pure fiction.
Their Trip To His Mountain Retreat
I encourage you to vote on each part and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S.
The bright sun was shinning through the bedroom windows as Angel started to stir. As the light shinned into her eyes Angel moaned her objection to getting out of bed, but she had to.
The alarm woke her from her sleep, stretching she smiles and thinks to herself that she loves the sound of the alarm in a morning. Looking Him over as He sleeps she thinks it a shame to awaken Him but knows that it has to be done, knows that He has to go to work.
Moulding her body against His she slides a finger over His sleeping cock, feeling it twitch under her touch.
It was a casual comment that led to one of the best nights of my life.
Andi and I had developed a casual friendship, five minutes here and there, catching up as we went about our work. Andi is a quite a lot younger than me, and engaged. I was single. Even if I wanted something to happen I knew there was no future possible.
On one occasion I learned she liked to run to relieve tension, another time it was that her engagement was in a sort of limbo, her intended living on the other side of the world.
Sensation overload while trying to focus on something is extremely difficult.
My master has been edging me since I misbehaved the other day. I pushed master thinking I was being cute, but I pushed too far. Still in need of training, this I know. My punishment was no orgasm for a week. At the time I was like bring it (I know, I know).
Now my mouth is watering. Edging is great, but I am losing my mind.
We were sitting in a Spanish restaurant in Soho when the waiter approached. I could see from the look in Tarantina's eye that she was going to toy with him. It wouldn't matter what he said or did. He could be the best, most attentive waiter in West End, but she was going to find some way to wind him up.
'Can I bring you the dessert menu?' he said.
Abi's sister Liz was home for the weekend from her job and life in the city, it was a very rare event, no one can remember the last time.
She was actually her step sister and some 10 years or more older than Abi.
Abi's father was separated from Liz's mother Abi was never told the details so accepted it had nothing to do with her.
Abi knocked on Liz's and waited, she had taken Lee to meet her.
Its been some 3 months since Abi's evil sister Liz abused her and her friend Lee, who was beaten harshly with her and then subject to sexual abuse.
Liz kept her prisoner over night and used a lesbian strap on contraction to remove all signs of Lee's virginity.
Lee had come the day before from a type of agency but primarily Calder House where she was trained for over 2 years to be a good all round domestic.
Traveling home from the movies, Master and I were discussing the movie just seen and the parts not seen as I had been instructed to service him during the movie and missing a good portion of it, he was filling me in.
We were traveling on a well used two lane highway to get back home. The passing headlights intermittently lighting up our faces.
Master asked if I had prepared anything for dinner after the movie, and I flippantly respond; "
We all have sexual fantasies. Some are tame, others extreme. My favorite fantasy was the type that was almost in the realm of science fiction and therefore would probably never come true. Even if it could become reality it was a bit extreme, so would I even want it to come true? Often reality does not live up to our fantasies. Little did I know that in 5 months my dream would come true and it would haunt me for years to come?
I shifted beneath you and heard you moan. You were on my lap, my cock inside you as we watched a movie. I'd told you I'd let you sit on my cock as long as you didn't move or touch yourself until the movie was over. What I didn't tell you was that I was going to keep "accidentally" starting the movie all over from the beginning. Your panties were soaked, and I could feel my pants getting soaked as well just from being inside you.
I've been a bit nervous about our date tonight, even though I've also been nearly equal parts excited. Given the fun we've had in public, I know even a movie-night in at your place should be a lot of fun. I'm pretty relieved to not have to worry about nosy strangers in the park, although I suppose I do still have your roommates to consider.
I've decided to dress easily for tonight, just to be prepared.
Author's note: although this story is published under BDSM, it describes a DD/lg roleplay with heavy infantilization and mere undertones of D/s. This is my first story, I hope you enjoy.
Emma peeled herself from Steven's body and turned to stare at him, unsure of what to make of his question. He paused their movie just as the male lead pushed his female counterpart into a wall. The actors had been kissing feverishly, pressing their bodies into each other and moaning, and the now stilled screen denied an insistent hand from finding its destination between a pair of long, spread legs.
"Don't move," she said.
"That's it?" I said.
"That's it. That's it, exactly. Don't move."
"Right now?" Smiling.
She returned my smile. "Right now. But get comfortable first."
"Isn't that sort of counterproductive?"
She tapped the tip of my nose. "Comedian. Don't worry, you'll get an experience."
"But not a moving one, eh?"
The smile stayed, but her words were serious: "Great experiences are always moving -- but not vice versa.
Lee rang the doorbell and shifted the hefty weight of the box in her hands to her other hip. When Edward opened the door he had dust in his hair and a streak of white paint like a screaming slash across his forehead. He filled up the doorway, blocking Lee's entrance. "Um," she said, trying to peer around him into the apartment. Finally, the weight of the box propelled her forward and she stumbled inside, tripping over his feet and brushing up against him.