Long Awaited First Meeting

**This is my fist story for a long time, so I'd be grateful for any comments or feedback** *** Monday morning seemed like a mile away just a few days ago!... I had been so relaxed and excited to finally meet the girl I've been fantasizing for the past few weeks, a girl that seemed just too good to be true even from the further reaches of my imagination. But here I was turning the fantasy into reality.

Long Awaited Meeting

My thoughts raced a mile a minute as i drove down the roadway. Unable to believe i was finally going to meet my Master tonight. The One who had occupied my on-line life. Heading to the hotel where i would finally meet You, i remember what You had told me: "When you arrive at the hotel go to the check-in desk... tell them you are my guest and they will give you a key to My room.

Long Day

Finally getting home from work, I walk into the dimly lit apartment. I realize that things are out of place. I look up and see him standing before me, silent, powerful. I know I am in for a good session tonight. He looks at me, cocks his head to the side and says, "Strip, slut." I obey without hesitation or even a questioning glance. I know better. He guides me over to the couch and orders me to sit.

Long Day's End

It had been one of those days from hell. Demanding customers, temperamental co-workers and heavy rush hour traffic had combined to make it a very long day indeed. Turning the lock on the door and entering the cool darkened foyer, she slid off her high-heels and headed straight to the refrigerator. After pouring a glass of wine, she unbuttoned her blouse and headed for a relaxing bath. She slid off the short skirt that was just barely long enough to be acceptable for wear at work and paused to check herself out in the mirror.

London's First Time

Hi, my name is London I was named after the city I was conceived in. Let me tell a little about me. First I am 19 years old. I stand 5'5" tall and weigh 105 lbs. My measurements are 34B-22-35, my hairs is blonde and I have green eyes. Pretty good huh. This little adventure was a while in coming. You see I have always wondered why a person would let themselves be tied up, I did not fully understand.

Lonely and Horny

- Ashley was lonely and horny... She was getting ready to go to Matthew's party. They'd known each other since she used to work at the bookstore. He'd been a regular customer there getting all his professional books from them. He didn't read much else than textbooks. That's what he'd told her when she struck a conversation with him. She had kind of a crush on him since the first time he came into the store.

Lonely No More

"Hello?" "Hey there pretty kitty." "Jim! I haven't talked to you in ages...I was beginning to think you didn't care anymore." "Aw, baby, you know better than that. I just wanted to see how long I could hold out." "The fact that you held out this long is rather discouraging." He laughed on the other end. "I'm sorry hon, I know it's been awhile, truth is work has been eating me alive.

Lonely Programmer Pt. 07

Spa Day and the "Skimon" "...Because I need a boat... I live in the Gulf... Didn't you say I needed to live like a millionaire?... Well, buying a boat makes me ACT like one, doesn't it?!... I've window shopped a bit online... Yeah... There's room in the marina close by... Do millionaires do their own maintenance?... I suppose a hundred grand give or take ten?... Wait... What'd you think I was gonna spend?

Long & Hard

Authors note. This is a readers request. I hopeyou enjoy it. Long and Hard It was early afternoon and a very warm day, yet I was shivering. A slight chill went up and down my spine every time I glanced at Mike sitting as his computer. Bits and pieces of the previous night’s events and the conversation we had that morning crept into my mind over and over again. “I love you, bear,” I said as I snuggled against his chest, safe and warm amongst our pillows and blankets.

Lola's Collaring

Author's note: This is a true story. I'm writing it for my girlfriend's birthday who is into BDSM as much as I am. Enjoy. I met her on a warm day in the late fall of the pandemic. We were both masked but she drew me in for a hug anyway. It was our first date at an upscale local restaurant. I connected with her on a dating app, and though dating during CORONA is a masterclass in awkwardness, that night was smooth like her legs.

London Calling

Thank you to the many people that provided feedback and some editing. You know who you all are. ***** I had arrived in London, bleary eyed after my nonstop flight. Fortunately, I had traveled light for my conference and customs was a breeze. As I waited in the taxi line, my phone buzzed. "What will your room number be?" My face got flushed and I let out a deep sigh. I had hoped the other people in line hadn't noticed.

London Dreams

Daddy stood in front of the dresser mirror: he buttoned up his shirt cuffs and checked his tie. 'There's money in the top drawer,' he said without turning round. 'Buy yourself something nice to wear.' The toilet flushed and Sabine, the hotel concierge emerged from the bathroom in a bra and panties, her makeup fixed up and the cum, lube and pussy juice washed from her hands and face. She took her shirt and skirt from a hanger in the closet and stepped into it, then turned to Daddy.

London Pride

"So, you up for some fun tonight?" asked Heather breathily into her phone. She was twirling her blonde hair, and feeling a bit horny. "Sure," replied Carol, "I just got back from a shit day at work and could really do with a drink and some entertainment. But give me an hour to recover. How about that place in the City, the one with the glass dome, about 8?" "Great, see you there,"

Locked up for Christmas

This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially. A Christmas present for my sweetheart last year! ***** Locked up for Christmas The dappled grey stallion whistled as he stepped into the flat he shared with his partner, Amethyst, hanging the keys up on the hook behind the door.

Locksmiths Have All the Fun

I met Louise in my freshman year of college. She was the prettiest girl I had ever met, but she was special in another way. Unlike some pretty girls, who were stuck up, so to speak, Louise was charming and sweet. We dated for three months, but sexually I never got anywhere with her. We enjoyed some kissing and a little petting, but Louise was not really into it. She was uptight about sex or even anything closely related to sex.

Locktober Send-off

This story is related to the 'Roommate got my key' series, although it's not necessary to read that before this. Anywhere in the following story, if it basically says that's 'another story', then that's something you'll be seeing later... Hope you like it! _______________________________________________ "May I come in, Mistress?" I stood outside her door, patiently, waiting for her command. She was standing in her doorway in a black robe with red borders, her eyes focused on me.

Log Cabin with My Master Pt. 01

We had decided that we would both take Friday off and leave early that morning. We were only going away for the weekend but we were both looking forward to it. You always deserve time off from work since you work so hard. Not saying that I don't work hard too, but you know what I mean. We both deserve this. My bag has been packed for a week. I'm sitting on my couch waiting for you when I get the text that you are here.

Locked for Love

Tell me what you think. This one honestly got away from me because I wanted to keep it as one story but it just kept getting longer. * I stretched sleepily and looked around. The waves crashed along the shore and the sun beat down from a cloudless sky. I was stretched out in a beach chair and all my friends were likewise sleeping on various chairs and blankets. It was a warm Saturday in July and a bunch of friends from college had gotten together and we had gone to a beach my family belongs to for the day.

Locked in a Contract

"So you did the crime but I do the time" she pouted at me. "Well I did cross her but you instigated this, so she might let us off if you submit to the caning Sarah", I was sure she would decline and make me use extreme measures. "FUCK YOU, FUCK HER, FUCK yourselves!" -- I had tied her up and gagged her so when Jane entered the apartment Sarah was bent over the leather sofa chair, wrists handcuffed to the left feet of the chair and her ankles cuffed to the right side of the chair legs, leaving her nude body arched over the chair, its large arm rest leaving her bottom vulnerable to Sarah and her cane.

Locked in the Closet

I wake up in darkness. Keeping track of time has become difficult since he locked me in the closet. I can follow the light from the crack at the bottom of door but I can't tell if it's artificial or sunlight. Can't tell if it's day or night. Can't tell if I've been in here days or hours or maybe it's only been minutes. "I have something to show you upstairs.

Locked Out

thank you angel love for all your help * She was walking along the street on her way home from work, and as always she noticed him. He was quite a bit older than she was, as he was closer to forty-five or fifty years old. Not in the best of shape or even very good-looking but there was something about him that sent a wave of heat to her belly.

Locked Together

The way one expresses love for another is not always conventional; in fact, how I see it, it should rarely ever be conventional. There was a love I felt for her of which your typical forms of love-making always seemed to fall short of realizing. They always seemed so basic, too simple. The repeated thrusting and wild throwing from position to position, though fun and meaningful in and of themselves, still fell short of how I really wanted to show my affection.

Locked Away and Lovin' It

We had a nice cosy dinner one Friday night after work, at Sophie's place. We is Sophie, Camilla and Dennis, who both work at the marketing dept. of our office, and Sam and her hubby. Sam works with Sophie and me. We all get along pretty well, sometimes having dinner together or a have a drink in a pub down town. This Friday we found ourselves at Sophie's place for a pleasant time with wine and good food.

Locked Dominant and a Good Girl

„Honey, can you come here for a moment?" I shouted. I was sitting in the living room, I gave Jen some time to unpack and cool down after coming back from visiting her parents before I shouted for her. She walked in, wearing a summer dress. I leaned back, "Hello, my Slavegirl" I said. She raised an eyebrow as if she thought "oh, so we're doing this", and she knelt down, putting her hands behind her back.

Locked Dominant vs Bad Girl

„Anna! What the fuck!?" I shouted as I threw off the sheets when I woke up, surprised by the tight feeling crushing my morning wood, and seeing the metal cage locked around my tool. "What is it, "Master"?" She hopped in through the door wearing nothing else than demon's horns, and a cute, yet mischievous smile. "That!" I pointed at the cage, "What the hell is that and why... And how did you put that on me?

Locked Down in Lockdown

Lockdown had been tough. I think that like everyone, in the first few weeks, I went through the same nervous energy, the excitement, the newness that everyone did. But after the first two months, that started to fade, and the reality of being shut into a relatively small two-bed flat -- admittedly, with the state-permitted exercise and shopping permitted -- started to sink in. There's only so many local walks you can do, and I really started to crave anything different.

Lock and Key

Lock and Key: Chapter One We lay there together, sweating. Well, Tiffany much moreso than me. It was a one-night stand kind of hookup and I had figured I'd tease her for a while, bringing her to the very edge with my fingers and mouth, then backing off, making her squirm and thrash. "Shhh, you'll get your turn soon," I whispered in her ear as she desperately scratched my back, her eyes wide and begging.

Lock Down with Master

The lock down is really starting to get to Master and I, sitting in day after day looking at the same four walls. Master sets himself up at this desk and plonks himself down with a heavy sigh. I make Master a cup of hot coffee and set it beside his laptop, I lean over and kiss him on the cheek. I turn away to head back out of his office, only to have Master grab my wrist stopping me dead in my tracks as that knowing look spreads across his face.


Lockdown was getting seriously frustrating and keeping me away from the love of my life. But we were doing as instructed by the government and keeping away from each other to protect our respective parents and just keeping to chatting and videoing when time and work allowed. However, time to ourselves has led to being able to plot and plan what was going to happen when we did get together and also enable the time to do a bit of DIY and by that I don't mean self-pleasure.

Lockdown Hairdresser

Like most self-employed people Becky was struggling as a hairdresser during lockdown. No clients meant no money, but the bills didn't seem to stop. She'd already resorted to cancelling every subscription she had and had even sold her TV on eBay. But she was still short of cash. At 26 years old and living the single life she had no one to help with the bills. Out of desperation she'd texted one of her clients to see if he needed a haircut and didn't mind breaking the lockdown rules to visit her.